An ethics issue based on cross-cultural contradictions is best illustrated by which example?

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A conception of right and wrong is:

The definition of ethics.

People’s ethical beliefs come from:

Their religious background, family, and education.

People everywhere depend on ethical systems to tell them whether their actions are:

Right or wrong.

Businesses are expected to be ethical in their relationships with:

Stockholders, Customers and Competitors.

*Why should business be ethical?

Most people want to act in ways that are consistent with their own sense of right and wrong., Ethical behavior protects business firms from abuse by unethical employees and competitors.and Society’s stakeholders expect it from businesses.

Business executives are finding that a trusting, ethical relationship with a business partner is:

Often essential in conducting business.

Under the U.S. Corporate Sentencing Guidelines, if a firm has developed a strong ethics program, corporate executives found guilty of criminal activity may have their sentence:


Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, corporations are required to:

Have executives vouch for the accuracy of a firm’s financial reports.

* The Sarbanes-Oxley Act:

Requires executives to pay back bonuses based on earnings that are later proved fraudulen

In a 2010 study of 400 companies, what percentage of firms said the benefits of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act outweighed its costs?


A bottom-line mentality in business is reflected in which statement?

"We have to beat the others at all costs."

purchasing agent directing her company’s orders to a firm which she received a valuable gift, is an example of:

Conflict of interest.

Cross-cultural contradictions arise due to:

Differences between home and host countries’ ethical standards.

Which of the following examples best illustrate an ethics issue based on cross-cultural contradictions?

Legally marketing a pesticide abroad that has been banned in the U.S.

As business becomes increasingly global:

Cross-cultural contradictions will increase.

31. According to a 2009 opinion poll, Americans hold a dim view of:

Wall Street executives.

* Scholars found that spirituality:

Positively affects employee and organizational performance.

As an additional employee benefit to promote spirituality, companies have begun to provide employees with the services of:


Which statement characterizes the moral reasoning typically found in a child?

"I’ll let you play with my toy if I play with yours."

* Mature adults typically base their ethical reasoning on broad principles and relationships such as:

Human rights and constitutional guarantees of human dignity. and Universal principles of justice.

All of the following values are present in most ethical decisions except:

Be respectful.

* Business managers need a set of ethical guidelines to help them:

Identify and analyze the nature of ethical problem.

* Aristotle argued:

Moral virtue is a mean between two virtues.

When the benefits of an action outweigh its costs, the action is considered ethically preferred according to:

Utilitarian reasoning.

* Utilitarian reasoning primarily considers:

The end results of an action.

The main drawback to utilitarian reasoning is that:

It is difficulty to accurately measure both costs and benefits.

At the core of rights reasoning is the belief that:

Respecting others is the essence of human rights.

* Which of the following is not true about justice reasoning?

The reasoner is interested in the net value of benefits.

A just or fair ethical decision occurs when:

Benefits and burdens are distributed equally.

* The reason(s) behind the uncertainty of an ethical or unethical decision is (are) that different people and groups:

May honestly and genuinely use different sources of information, May rank various rights in different ways and May not share the same meaning of justice.

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A conception of right and wrong is

the definition of ethics

People’s ethical beliefs come from

their religious background, family, and education

People everywhere depend on ethical systems to tell them whether their actions are

right or wrong

Businesses are expected to be ethical in their relationships with

stockholders, customers, competitors

Business executives are finding that a trusting, ethical relationship with a business partner is

often essential in conduction business

Under the U.S. Corporate Sentencing Guidelines, if a firm has developed a strong ethics program, corporate executives found guilty of criminal activity may have their sentence


Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, corporations are required to

have executives vouch for the accuracy of the firm’s financial statements

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

requires executives to pay back bonuses based on earning that are later proved fraudulent

In a 2010 study of 400 companies, what percentage of firms said the benefits of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act outweighed its costs?


A bottom-line mentality in business is reflected in which statement

we have to beat the others at all costs

A purchasing agent directing her company’s orders to a firm which she received a valuable gift, is an example of

conflict of interest

Cross-cultural contradictions arise due to

differences between home and host’s countries ethical standards

Which of the following examples best illustrate an ethics issue based on cross-cultural contradictions

legally selling a pesticide abroad that is banned in the U.S.

As business becomes increasingly global

Cross-cultural contradictions will increase

According to a 2009 opinion poll, Americans hold a dim view of

Wall street executives

Scholars found that spirituality

positively affects employee and organizational performance

As an additional employee benefit to promote spirituality, companies have begun to provide employees with the services of


Which statement characterizes the moral reasoning typically found in a child?

I’ll let you play with my toy if you play with mine

All of the following values are present in most ethical decisions except

be respectful

Business managers need a set of ethical guidelines to help them

identify and analyze the nature of an ethical problem

When the benefits of an action outweigh its costs, the action is considered ethically preferred according to

Utilitarian Reasoning

The main drawback to utilitarian reasoning is that

it is difficult to accurately measure both costs and benefits

At the core of rights reasoning is the belief that

respecting others is the essence of human rights

Which of the following is not true about justice reasoning?

the reasoner is interested in the net value of the benefits

A just or fair ethical decision occurs when

the benefits and burdens are distributed equally