Why should estheticians study and have a thorough understanding of disorders and diseases of the skin?

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Acne is inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne but there are many other types. Acne often manifests as red dots or comedones. Acne has many causes and can rarely be chronic. Acne affects 16% of people in the United States, those between puberty and age 25 experience the greatest incidence and severity. Females have a slightly higher incidence rate.

Acne occurs when p. acne bacteria causes inflammation. The underlying reasons for this can include: hyperkeratosis, hormones, diet, stress, mood, genetic factors, infections and hygiene. The skin becomes a battlefield and the results can be scarring and discoloration which is sometimes permanent.

It is often helpful to examine aggravating factors. Special attention should be paid to what comes in contact with the affected area. Your: hands, pillowcase, phone, towels and linens should be kept clean and, if you use cosmetics, don't share and don't keep them too long and keep clean applicators as p. acne bacteria can flourish on or off the skin and return in plenty on next contact.

Self care options include: benzoyl peroxide, antiseptics, AHA/BHA products and astringents. A Doctor can prescribe antibiotics, hormones, anti-inflammatories and oral or topical retinoids. Procedures used to treat acne include: comedone extraction, chemical peel, dermabrasion, phototherapy, laser light and rarely surgery.

Treatment in spa begins with a skin analysis where sensitivities and aggravating factors are identified. A personal care plan suitable to your skin type and condition is developed. Facials, especially those formulated for acne, provide thorough cleansing yet are gentle and soothe irritation. Facials will clear existing comedones and open pores. Chemical peels or microdermabrasion can remove impacted material and provide deeper cleansing, opening more pores. Opening pores is important because oxygen kills p. acne and other bacteria and because it restores a natural flow of oil in the skin.

Clients who suffer from chronic or severe acne may require medical attention. We will refer you to someone who can help in these cases.

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This premalignant condition effects up to half the world population and is especially prevalent in fair skinned people. Also known as solar keratosis, it is often linked to sun exposure and an estimated 1 in 5 cases where untreated lesions are present progress to carcinoma. Taking immunosuppressive drugs increases your risk of this condition. Lesions appear as thick, crusty, tough, wart-like, scaly patches of skin, especially in areas of frequent unprotected sun exposure such as the head, face, neck, ears, lips, back of hands and forearms. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, the consistent use of sun protection is important to minimizing your risk. Treatments seek to kill off or excise the damaged tissue while leaving the healthiest behind.

Fortunately, there are many treatments that make this possible including: topical or drug injections, cryosurgery, laser resurfacing, chemical resurfacing, electrocautery and various forms of surgeries.

A Doctor should be consulted when Actinic Keratosis is present due to its high malignancy rate. A Doctor can diagnose carcinoma if present and early diagnosis is key in effective treatment.

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Skin is the body's largest organ and changes in its condition are often visible to the naked eye. As we age skin becomes more prone to damage and heals more slowly. Some changes are cosmetic, like the loss of elasticity and increased dehydration that results in wrinkles. Not to mention increased risk of skin tags, warts and dark spots. Some have far reaching health consequences, like the thinning of the skin's fat layer which changes the way some medications are absorbed, or the increased risk of bruises, cuts and infections. Aging decreases the activity of sebaceous glands so skin tends to become drier over time. The loss of moisture does more than aggravate wrinkles, it effects the immune system as well. The skin is the body's first barrier to infection and when its health is compromised, infections become more frequent. At the same time the body's ability to heal decreases with age and so infections are not only more frequent but last longer and so can do more damage. Much of the damage associated with aging is tied to sun exposure. Everyone ages but how the skin ages is usually in large up to you. Clients who participate in their care receive the most impressive results. Become aware of your skin's condition and needs, treat it right and it will keep you healthier longer. Self care involves consistent lifelong use of sun protection and drinking enough water. All treatments should be especially gentle.

Treatment at the spa begins with a skin analysis and development of a personal care plan. Microdermabrasion and facial massage can both increase sebaceous activity and leave skin naturally hydrated longer. The right products, designed for long term deep hydration, can help maintain the skin's moisture balance and pH. Regular facials keep skin in a clean refreshed state and keeps the skin's acid mantle balanced.

Aging effects in skin at the National Institute of Health

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Skin cancer, malignant and rampant, 3 in 10 Caucasian people may develop a basal cell carcinoma. It's rarely fatal but can do a lot of destruction. This cancer is highly treatable and the outcome is usually positive so long as it's detected early. The overwhelming majority of cases have a sun exposure link, if you know your sun habits put you at risk, take precautions.

Avoid sun exposure, wear a hat, use a parasol, products with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) are a wonderful tool but they can aggravate some skin conditions, including: acne, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema and rosacea. Find the right sunblock for your skin type and apply to everything that's going to see the sun.

Cancer can be diagnosed with a Doctor's visit. There are many effective treatments for destroying the cancer while preserving the skin.

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Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids. When it involves the outside front of the eyelid, where the eyelashes are attached, it is called anterior blepharitis. Anterior blepharitis may be caused by: bacteria, scalp dandruff, allergies or psoriasis. If blepharitis involves the inner eyelid, it is called posterior blepharitis. Posterior blepharitis may be caused by: dysfunction of the oil glands in the eyelid, acne rosacea, scalp dandruff or allergies. It is not contagious in any form.

Although blepharitis is very common, people who have scalp dandruff, dry skin, acne, rosacea, contact allergies, diabetes, poor hygiene, or those sensitive to chemical irritants or cosmetic makeup are much more likely to suffer from blepharitis.

Typically, the eyelids are reddened ("red rims" as it is often called), swollen, and slightly warm, often with crusty debris (in the lashes, in the corner of the eyes, or on the lid edges). Burning, tearing, sensitivity to light, the feeling of a foreign body in the eye(s), sticking together of the lids, watery or mucous discharge, pain, blurry vision, and eye redness may all occur with blepharitis. Eye lashes may fall out or become twisted and possibly irritate the eye. Blepharitis may affect only one eye but usually, both eyes are involved.

Clients seeking to self care should: apply frequent warm moist compresses, clean the eyelids with a very mild cleanser and a wet cotton ball, practice good hygiene of the face and scalp including use of an anti-dandruff shampoo, make sure all makeup is removed daily and keep underlying conditions such as diabetes and rosacea under control.

A Client who has tried self care but is experiencing: pain, vision changes, swelling, hot eyelids, blistering or rash on the eyelid, eyelid lesion or who is just not improving with self-care should consult a physician. There is no accepted medical drug treatment for blepharitis. Typically blepharitis is a chronic condition but careful attention to daily hygiene and other preventative measures will reduce the recurrence rate.

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Eczema is a dermatitis characterized by red, itchy, dry, crusted skin. Skin may be cracked, swollen, oozing or bleeding. There may be blisters or pustules or crusted buildup. Eczema is a blanket term that covers many types of dermatitis.

Treatment begins with a skin analysis where aggravating factors are identified. A personal care plan suitable to your skin type and condition is developed. Facials, especially those formulated for sensitive skin, can soothe and remove buildup, leaving skin clean and calm.

Eczema skin is not only sensitive but already irritated, choose mild and soothing products appropriate for your skin type. Eczema skin is often chapped and dry, regular moisturizing can help. If you have eczema, tell your Doctor.

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Hyperpigmentation is darkening of the skin, it can be caused by many things, including: acne scarring, sun damage, skin inflammation, chloasma, laser treatments and some diseases.

A short list of treatments include: products containing hydroquinone, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, even laser treatments and prescription drugs. Corrective makeup is an option for some.

Sunlight exposure should be avoided as this will worsen the condition. If you have unexplained hyperpigmentation, tell your Doctor, as it can indicate an underlying medical condition.

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Rosacea, sometimes called adult acne, is a chronic inflammation of the face of unknown cause and without a permanent cure. Four different types of rosacea have been described:

  • "Red face" rosacea, with a tendency to face flushing (or blushing), which can progress to a persistent redness of the nose or central face
  • "Acne"-like bumps and/or pus-filled lesions (papulopustular rosacea), with or without a red face or flushing
  • Rhinophyma – slow enlargement of oil glands and skin thickening of the nose and sometimes other face areas, usually in men
  • Eye problems (ocular rosacea), which may occur before skin changes – a burning or gritty feeling may be present as well as reddening of the eyes and lids

Adults between 30 and 60 are most often affected by rosacea; it is more common in women and in fairskinned individuals, although dark-skinned people may also be affected. About 4% of the population have rosacea. In most people rosacea comes and goes periodically; in some it gets worse with time. Frequent triggers (things that increase face blood flow) of rosacea include sunlight, hot drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, exercise, hot baths or saunas, temperature extremes, and emotional stress. Prolonged use of cortisone creams on the face can also lead to rosacea. Some drugs may worsen flushing (nasal steroids, high doses of some B vitamins, tamoxifen, and rifampin among others). Symptoms include: recurrent redness or swelling with a ruddy color, red bumps on face but no blackheads or whiteheads, bulbous red nose, visible veins on the face, burning or gritty feeling eyes sometimes accompanied by red eyelids. Symptoms can be mild to severe. Self care involves managing or minimizing triggers. Management techniques include: sun protection with SPF, avoidance of: hot liquids, alcohol and spicy foods, protecting against thermal extremes of heat or cold, avoiding facial products with alcohol or skin irritants and use of the mildest effective product instead.

Camouflage makeup with a yellow or green tint is sometimes used by fair skinned individuals to mask the redness though care should be taken as makeup may aggravate the condition. Treatment with cool compresses or gel masks may be of benefit to some. Benzoyl peroxide may help some but may also aggravate the condition in others.

Professional treatments include: lasers, electrocautery, anibiotics and some drug therapies. A Dermatologist should be consulted for these treatments.

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Rosacea.org's frequently asked questions
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Sebaceous hyperplasia is a disorder of the sebaceous glands in which they become enlarged. The enlarged glands appear as papules which are often visibly discolored from whitish-yellow to pink and tend to be shiny in appearance. The condition is most common in newborns, middle aged adults and the elderly and is relatively rare, affecting about 1% of the population. Some medications, such as cyclosporin A, can lead to the condition. Papules are typically 1-9mm in size and appear in sebarrhoeic facial skin, mainly the forehead, nose and cheeks though areas rich in oil glands such as the chest, upper arms, mouth lining, vulvar area, and nipples can also develop the condition. This condition is usually not painful though occasionally the sites may be irritated, especially by shaving or other frictions. Cosmetic concerns are the most common reason for seeking treatment. Various treatments are considered efficacious, including: topical chemical treatments effective against acne, laser treatments and light activated drugs (photo-dynamic therapy), as well as removal via burning (cautery), freezing (cryosurgery) or simple excision. Oral drug therapies for acne treatment are sometimes used though there is little evidence of their effectiveness. The least invasive remedy that proves effective is best so it is recommended that sufferers begin with topical chemical treatments and proceed to the more invasive treatments only if the desired result is not met. In these cases a Dermatologist is the best option for care and can advise on the contraindications for each treatment and details of treatment side effects such as scarring. All treatments are typically ongoing as new papules will often continue to form even in areas that have previously responded to treatment.

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Also called an acrochordon or fibroepithelial polyp, a skin tag is a benign tumor that typically forms where skin rubs together, such as underarms, neck, inner thigh, and other creases such as breast and stomach folds, they also occur on the face, usually the eyelid. Skin tags are very common and seen in 46% of the U.S. population. They are slightly more prevalent in females. They are usually small as a grain of rice but they can grow to half an inch long in rare cases. There is no self treatment for skin tags, don't cut or tear tags off yourself, the risk of infection is not worth it. If skin tags bother you, remember they are common and benign, if you want to treat them, a Doctor can remove them in various ways.

Skin tags resemble water warts and a skin analysis will reveal the difference. Water warts are a different thing entirely, they're caused by a virus that is highly transmissible from skin to skin contact making the difference an important one to know. If you have questions about your skin type or condition, we can help.

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Telangiectasias are wide open (dilated) blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin, they are sometimes called spider veins when they appear on the legs. Telangiectasias can be seen anywhere on the body. They are common on the face (nose, cheeks, and chin) and legs (particularly the thighs, just below the knees and the ankles). When seen on the legs, they do not necessarily indicate a vein disorder, such as varicose veins or underlying deep vein problems. Telangiectasias are very common in healthy people and are usually caused by sun damage or aging. However, they are seen with a number of diseases, including acne rosacea, birthmarks such as port-wine stains, scleroderma, several types of inherited disorders (ataxia-telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, xeroderma pigmentosum, and others), or with prolonged use of oral or topical corticosteroids. Telangiectasias are red, blue, or purple linear marks measuring less than 1–3 mm in width and several millimeters to centimeters in length, and they can disappear temporarily if you press on them with your finger. Treatment is usually sought for cosmetic reasons alone though they can also indicate an underlying condition that should be treated. A family history of telangiectasias, or bleeding from the G.I. Tract, or lesions of mouth or eye lining or any repeated bleeding from a lesion, are all reasons to consult with a physician before seeking treatment. Self care options include: cover makeup, sun protection and discontinuing use of corticosteroid creams if applicable. Professional care options include: oral antibiotics (if rosacea is present), laser treatments, electrocautery and sclerotherapy (chemical injection, often preferred for spider veins). Studies from (2010-11) suggest that sclerotherapy treatment may increase your risk of stroke as the chemical agents continue to travel throughout the body for a period and may therefore damage the heart or brain. As always, the care provider should be certain to educate the Client on contraindications and potential side effects before beginning treatment.

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