Why is technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sides of the same coin?

1.   Define a project.  What are five characteristics which help differentiate projects from other functions carried out in the daily operations of the organization?

1). A project is a complex, non routine, one-time effort limited by time, budget, resource, and specifications. 

2). Differentiating characteristics of projects from routine, repetitive daily work are below:

              a). A defined life span

      b). A well-defined objective

      c). Typically involves people from several disciplines

      d). A project life cycle

   e). Specific time, cost, and performance requirements.

4 stages of Project Life Cycle:

1.  Defining:       (GSTR)

          a). Goals.

         b). Specifications.

         c). Tasks.

         d). Responsibilities,

2.  Planning:      (SBRRS)

         a). Schedules.

         b). Budgets.

         c), Resources.

        d).  Risks.

        e),  Staffing.

3.  Executing: A major portion of the project work take place – both physical and mental.


         a).  Status Reports

         b).  Changes.

         c).  Quality.

         d).  Forecasts.

4.  Closing:     (TTREL)

         a).  Train Customer.

         b). Transfer documents.

         c).  Release Resources.

         d).  Evaluation.

         e).  Lessons learned.

2.   What are some of the key environmental forces that have changed the way projects are managed?  What has been the effect of these forces on the management of projects?

1). Some key environmental forces that have changed the way we manage projects are 

          a). the product life cycle,

          b). knowledge growth,

          c). global competition,

          d). organization downsizing,

          e). technology changes,

          f). time-to-market. 

2). The impact of these forces :

       a). more projects per organization,

       b). project teams responsible for implementing projects,

       c). accountability,

      d). changing organization structures,

      e). need for rapid completion of projects,

      f). linking projects to organization strategy and customers,

      g). prioritizing projects to conserve organization resources,

      h). alliances with external organizations, etc.

3.   Why is the implementation of projects important to strategic planning and the project manager?

Strategic plans are implemented primarily through projects—e.g.,

        a). a new product,

        b). a new information system,

        c). a new plant for a new product. 

The project manager is the key person responsible for completing the project

   -) on time,

   -) on budget, and

   -) within specifications so the project’s customer is satisfied. 

If the project is not linked to the strategic plan of the organization, resources devoted to the project are wasted and a customer need is not met.  This lack of connectivity occurs more in practice than most would believe.

4.   The technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sides to the same coin.  Explain.

The system and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sides of the same coin because successful project managers are skillful in both areas. 

The point is successful project managers need to be very comfortable and skillful in both areas.

5.   What is meant by an integrative approach to project management?  Why is this approach important in today’s environment?

An integrative approach to project management is one in which all the parts are interrelated.  This approach is important because it can give an organization a competitive edge in today’s environment. 

An integrative approach includes two parts. 

1). projects must have a strong link to the organization’s strategic plan, which is directed toward meeting the customer’s needs. 

A project priority system reinforces this linkage by prioritizing projects according to their contribution to the strategic plan and allocates resources by the priorities set.  

2). an integrative approach provides an integrated system for the actual implementation of the projects. 

This includes an information system which supports decision making and a sociocultural environment which creates a positive, active contribution from team members responsible for completing the project.

4.The technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sidesto the same coin.Explain.

The technical and sociocultural dimensions are both very crucial components of the project management processes and project management relies on both of these two dimensions. Technical dimension represents the “science” of project management while the sociocultural dimension represents the “art” of managing a project.

What are the technical dimensions of project management?

Projects should be measured on five specific dimensions: efficiency, customer, business-now, business-future, and team success. From these dimensions, business measures, customer measures, and process measures should form the basis for creating various metrics to measure the project manager.

What are the two main dimensions of project management?

The technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sides to the same coin. Explain. The successful implementation of projects requires both technical and social skills.

What are sociocultural dimensions?

This dimension will continue introductions of theories and perspectives and exploration of how our environment teaches, influences, and changes (or reinforces) our behaviors and responses. Sociocultural Perspective states that much of your behavior and feelings are dictated by the culture you live in.

What is project management meaning?

Definition. Project management is the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge and experience to achieve specific project objectives according to the project acceptance criteria within agreed parameters. Project management has final deliverables that are constrained to a finite timescale and budget.

Which of the following are certification’s PMI provides for project management specialists?

Our Certifications

  • Project Management Professional (PMP)®
  • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
  • PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®
  • Program Management Professional (PgMP)®
  • Portfolio Management (PfMP)®
  • PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)®
  • PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP)®

What is the technical side of project management?

Technical project management is the process of managing IT or IT-related projects. Technical project managers are critical to the conception, development, and execution of these projects.

What is a technical dimension?

Technological dimension. The dimension of the general environment that includes scientific and technological advancements in the industry and society at large. The technological dimension included scientific and technological advancements in a specific industry as well as in society at large.

What are project dimensions?

The Key Project Dimensions: Time, Scope, Budget, and Team Efficiency. Every project is constrained by three dimensions: time, budget, and scope. This is what we’ve known from our project management books and training. These three dictate the direction of any project and are used to measure project success.

What are the two components of project management?

The core components of project management are:

  • defining the reason why a project is necessary;
  • capturing project requirements, specifying quality of the deliverables, estimating resources and timescales;
  • preparing a business case to justify the investment;
  • securing corporate agreement and funding;

What is the technological dimension?

What are the technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management?

The technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sides to the same coin. Explain. Project are temporary and unique in nature. It is totally different from the day to day operations. It requires the different expertise to plan and execute the task. Chapter 1, Problem 4RQ is solved.

What are the two dimensions of the socio-cultural approach?

•Failure to prioritize projects results in the waste of resources on non-value-added activities/projects. What are the two dimensions of the Socio-cultural approach? -Consists of the formal, disciplined, purely logical parts of the process. -Includes planning, scheduling, and controlling projects.

Which is the technical side of the management process?

The technical side of the management process is the formal, disciplined and purely logical part and includes defining the scope, schedule, and resource allocation, status report, planning and controlling the projects.

What are the cultural dimensions of two countries?

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries According to Geert Hofstede there five dimensions of culture. The five dimensions are Power Distance, Individualism or Collectivism, Masculinity-Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Short or Long-Term Orientation.


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