Why is my gf always tired

Depending on the kind of work that your girlfriend does for a living, it could be the reason why she’s always tired. If she’s working way too hard, then it’s only inevitable that she’s going to be tired. Some people work so hard to the point that they just don’t have any energy for anything, which results in them being very tired. It’s the feeling of being drained  and not having the energy to function on a daily basis. This could be what is happening to your girlfriend assuming that she’s working too hard.

Staying Up To Late

If your girlfriend is staying up too late, then that means that she’s not going to get the required amount of sleep to function and to not be tired. A lack of sleep can definitely cause your girlfriend to be very tired. It’s very obvious when people are not getting enough sleep. They are usually very tired or falling asleep during the daytime. Sometimes in life there are weekends are events that people have to attend or things that they have to prepare for, which can result in them working harder than usual. If that’s the case, then your girlfriend could be more tired than usual.


The foods that we eat can definitely affect how we feel. If your girlfriend’s diet consists of mainly junk food, then it’s possible that it could be affecting the way that she feels. Also, if she’s not getting the right vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, then that can cause her to be tired all the time. All of these things have to be taken into consideration and should not be overlooked.

Health Issues

Lastly, it could be that your girlfriend has an undiagnosed health condition that is causing her to be tired all the time. However, the only way to know for sure is to see a doctor and get proper advice from the experts. Whenever something is not right in the body, certain things will manifest that can be visible or experienced by the person. In this case, something is causing your girlfriend to be tired all the time. So, it’s best to seek medical advice from a medical professional.

Why is my gf always tired

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The other night, my girlfriend passed out on me. Full-blown, deep sleep, couldn’t wake her up if I tried. She was talking with me animatedly one minute, and snoozing the next. When she finally came to, she groggily asked for some jewelry she had left behind previously. “Actually, can I just have everything I’ve ever left here?” she mumbled. “Everything?” I asked, since she usually keeps a change of clothes at my house just in case. “Everything,” she mumbled. She gathered everything up, and left without a word to me. I thought it was a prank.

The next day, she didn't know why she'd done any of this, and she barely remembered her drive home. She'd been really tired, she said. You’d think this would freak me out, but I'm used to it.

An ex-girlfriend used to ask me to come over and hang out, but by the time I’d made the 20 minute drive, she’d be asleep. Completely out. I’d text, call, ring the doorbell, and nothing. It was like Sleeping Beauty, except that instead of eternal slumber, the curse was that I spent 20 minutes on the phone outside in the cold instead of playing video games at home.

This happened all the time. Once a month at least.

One time, when I actually managed my way inside, I tried to wake her up by telling her there was a fire. She rolled over with the focused indifference of the slumbersome, mumbled, “What? A fire?” and fell back asleep.

I have seen women fall asleep in the middle of sentences and need — NEED — to take power naps. I’ve seen them fall asleep while playing video games. I fall asleep on the couch sometimes, but I’ve never done it in the middle of an activity.

Because of all that, I just always assumed women are sleepier than men. So I pitched an investigation in a staff meeting. “You know how women are always more tired?” I tried. I was promptly ridiculed. “That’s not a thing,” every woman in the room told me, in unison. As they laughed at my stories of girlfriends drunk with sleepiness, I started to question my sanity. Why the hell was my perspective so skewed? Am I specifically attracted to women who suffer from somnambulism and narcolepsy? Am I just so boring that I can put people into a trance-like sleep with the drone of my voice?

I remember the first couple times it happened. At first I was annoyed, but I was young enough that I came to accept it. Your girlfriend comes over and falls asleep and you just watch TV and try not to wake her up. That's how dating works. My mother — and her mother before her — found true love by napping peacefully on her boyfriend's couch, and a few years later I was born. Yes?

Over the years, my thesis was backed up by heavy female eyelid after heavy female eyelid. I saw my friend’s girlfriend fall asleep while eating fried chicken, food on the way to her mouth. How could sleep overpower chicken? And my male friends aren't passing out on my couch. One time, a woman I didn’t know asked if she could take a nap in my roommate’s bed during a party because she was tired. (Of note: She was not drunk.) Guys would never do that.

Needing someone to corroborate my lifetime of tired women, I called Dr. Nancy Simpkins, a board certified internist specializing in women's health. Was there actually anything to my theory of women being more affected by fatigue? “Recent studies showed that lack of sleep affects men worse than women," she told me. Oh. So my relationships are not only not normal, they're the opposite of normal. Grasping, I pushed Dr. Simpkins for details. The study, she said, also showed that women with low amounts of vitamin B6 and iron were more affected by fatigue than men with those deficiencies, so there’s something. It’s a stretch, but it’s something. “Younger women handle things differently," she continued. "With alcohol, they’ll feel washed out. A female metabolism won’t process it the way men do.” I don't think any of my girlfriends have been heavy drinkers, but it is possible that nights of serious drinking can make women sleepier than men in the days following. Science wasn't exactly disproving my theory.

So I’m faced with a few possibilities: I’m a vortex of boringness, the women I’m dating aren’t eating enough fish, and/or they’re all closet alcoholics. I’d like to think that I’m not so dull that my mere presence sends people careening wildly into a fatigue so severe they can't resist the urge to sleep. Or that I’m such a terrible person people feign being dead so they don’t have to deal with me, like you would a bear. There’s the “processing out alcohol” theory, which I suppose could be true, but I don’t think every woman I know is sneaking nips of vodka when I’m not looking. Maybe, just maybe, all of their diets are so poor that their low iron levels are giving them the sleeping habits of newborns. Maybe there's a gas leak in my town, or a curse from an evil wizard. I'm willing to accept pretty much any answer at this point.

Anyway, now that my world has been rocked, I'm not really sure how to proceed. Is secretly monitoring your girlfriend's sleep cycles creepy? Or spiking her drinks with iron supplements? Should I plan more dates that really get the adrenaline pumping (skydiving?). I guess sleepy women are just my type, and my burden to carry. Sometimes literally, when she falls asleep on the couch.

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Me and my girlfriend have been together for 7 months now. Recently though she's always tired, she's disinterested in going out and doing things, she doesn't want to see me as often. She's got zero sex drive. It feels like she's pulling away from me. She continually tells me she's just tired and that it's ok. I do everything I can to make her happy and to please her. I am kind of worried she might be depressed. She won't listen to anything I have to say, she just thinks I'm trying to cause an argument to annoy her. She's continually annoyed at someone: me or family or colleagues. She isn't interested in the fact that it's affecting us, how her moodiness makes me feel and she just says it's me. It's very frustrating for me, I care about her a lot and I'm genuinely concerned for her. I just don't know what I can physically do. I've tried to very gently express that I think she might be a bit depressed. But that just wound her up even more. It's a recent thing and she says work is more intense. She thinks it's normal to come home from work everyday exhausted and not wanting to do anything. She works in customer services.

Posted from TSR Mobile

Unfortunately there is no simple cure for depression. Especially not from people on the outside. Even professional help can be very ineffective. She's the only one who can get herself out of this pit. And if she is depressed, she probably knows that. I'd hazard a guess that telling her wound her up because she already knows. She knows she's depressed. She just doesn't know how to deal with it.

All I can suggest is lots of compassion, encouragement, and helping to make her life easier. It really is something she has to do on her own.

When I told her though I was made to feel like I was being ridiculous. Several of my family members have suffered with depression. She has all the classic symptoms: she's always tired, withdrawn, can't make decisions, isn't interested in anything, irritable, easily wound up, zero sex drive, stubborn etc. I'm made to feel like it's me with problem. She says I always do things to pee her off but if she's not annoyed at me she's annoyed at someone else and is moaning about them to me

Posted from TSR Mobile

Thanks for the advice. I try to make her life easier all the time, I help with chores, help her when she's skint, do little things to try and cheer her up. I love her to pieces but it's very difficult to keep doing things when 5 minutes after she's either pushing me away or having a go.

Posted from TSR Mobile

(Original post by Lax Wendroff) Me and my girlfriend have been together for 7 months now. Recently though she's always tired, she's disinterested in going out and doing things, she doesn't want to see me as often. She's got zero sex drive. It feels like she's pulling away from me. She continually tells me she's just tired and that it's ok. I do everything I can to make her happy and to please her. I am kind of worried she might be depressed. She won't listen to anything I have to say, she just thinks I'm trying to cause an argument to annoy her. She's continually annoyed at someone: me or family or colleagues. She isn't interested in the fact that it's affecting us, how her moodiness makes me feel and she just says it's me. It's very frustrating for me, I care about her a lot and I'm genuinely concerned for her. I just don't know what I can physically do. I've tried to very gently express that I think she might be a bit depressed. But that just wound her up even more. It's a recent thing and she says work is more intense. She thinks it's normal to come home from work everyday exhausted and not wanting to do anything. She works in customer services.

Posted from TSR Mobile

maybe try and have a chat with her about how you feel like she's just not as energetic and happy and you want to see if you can help or if there's anything she can do, don't talk about labels or have a go at her... but there may be some things which can help, I recently got into a similar ditch and my partner was very supporting to encourage me to start doing more even when I didn't feel like it, to exercise more, eat more healthily (lots of fruit and veg) and get into a good sleep pattern, also to to more with my hobbies - all of which helped a lot

it might be that she needs something more professional, but tbh I've been in treatment for depression, taken antidepressants etc in the past but I think lifestyle changes can make a huge impact... just try and approach it from a supportive point of view rather than telling her she has a mental illness and putting her under more strain

Previously I told her that I love her and want to support her, that I just want her to be happy and energetic again. She keeps saying that she goes to work all day and it's normal to be like this, though she never used to be. At first I tried to go down the path of saying work should not make you feel like this and she asked shall I quit my job to make you happy. I said it's not normal to be continually exhausted and moody, have zero sex drive and have no interest in going out or seeing each other apart from at times when she's the only one home. There was then a long discussion about how it's me not listening to her and that I try to do too much for her and that I care too much. Then I said I think she might be depressed and that was the end of the conversation, she said I wasn't helping and that I should leave her be so she could try enjoy rest of the day so I reluctantly left.

Posted from TSR Mobile

Whenever I try to say anything to her, it somehow gets turned around on to me. For example, I'm the one trying to think about her and trying to help her all the time and plan nice thing for us to so together. At the minute I'm concerned about her but then she'll say that by bringing these things up the last thing I'm doing is thinking about her and that if I cared I'd just let her do what she wants. Then in the next minute she'll say I need to think about her more. But then she has zero interest in how she makes me feel and says she doesn't actually care how I feel. If I didn't love her I'd be gone but I just don't feel like this is the real her at the moment and I want to support her!

Posted from TSR Mobile

It sounds like you might be making her feel suffocated.

If you feel like you can't do anything right, the best thing to do is lay low for a while. If she's asking you to leave her be, do it for a while and see if she continues taking your support for granted.

(Original post by rockrunride)
If you feel like you can't do anything right, the best thing to do is lay low for a while. If she's asking you to leave her be, do it for a while and see if she continues taking your support for granted.

I agree with this. You have done what would ordinarily be expected of you as a partner. It's time to lay off a bit and let her do her own thing. To be honest with you, it sounds like that's what she wants - whether that's for the time being or a permanent arrangement, I'm sure you'll find out. You're at risk of losing her if you push her too much. You'll find out how she really feels and what she wants from you and life if you put some space between you.

Posted from TSR Mobile

It could be depression but then you have to figure out what's causing it. Is she getting everything she wants? Try moving away from her for a few days and allow her some space, see if she adjusts back to normal? If you continue having problems, it would be wise to talk to a doctor about her and see if they can help.

Just be supportive, but be honest with her if you don't think you can keep it going for much longer if she won't try and get help. Maybe youcould try and plan a nice little surprise for her, a box of her favourite chocolates, or a love box (something with a mushy message in and a "plaster to heal you when you're hurt.." etc. That might cheer her up, so might asking her if you can earn your brown wings. who knows?

Sounds like a hormonal imbalance (depression, tiredness, lack of sexual drive). Unfortunately you can't really talk her way out of a depression like this, you should get her visit a doctor, maybe do blood tests as well.

To be honest, I have had this same experience, and I was the moody girlfriend. It was mainly during my Highers in High School, I was really stressed out and trying to get into university, and I had just started on the implant which also made me more moody and hormonal. However, I got over this. Now I'm back to my loving self, but my boyfriend was a bit confused and pushed away during the time, but he let me know how he felt and I began to change. You just need to wait it out, and it should get better.

Perhaps she has SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) - it usually kicks in during the Winter months, makes you feel exhausted and very tired, which in combination with a demanding job would probably leave her feeling that way (even if she denies it) - or she could just be depressed about some work-related subject...

It seems like you both need to talk, letting her know you are on her side and not trying to go against her, and perhaps try and see what is bugging her and if it is something she might benefit with therapy or making a few small changes. If she does have SAD, supposedly using just a special light for 30mins-1 hour each day should be fine to restore energy levels.

Thanks there's some good advice here. I think she refuses to accept that there is a problem. She has the attitude that everything is for me to deal with. She just seems so destructive and out of sorts. I'm giving her a lot of space. I hope she'll perhaps think about what I've said. The tough part is that she was on antidepressants when we met but not anymore. Since then works got tougher, her parents have separated and a few other things have happened. She's also on the injection and I hear that can also cause problems. She categorically says it's normal to be how she is though.

Posted from TSR Mobile

She's asked me to stop tonight. From some of her texts I think she's been thinking things over and has maybe started to realise. I think it'll take some time though for her to fully realise and admit that there's an issue. We're both mid twenties and for a couple of months have both been saying that we want to go the distance and eventually have a family together. I know she's worth it, so I think what I need to do is just go along with her for a while and be supportive, hopefully she'll come to her own conclusions and will try and get some help. Guess I've just got to be there for her.

It seems to me females can't cope with stress and being on the go as much as males can maybe if she has a lot goin on in her life such as uni work problems with family, friends. Goin out trying to socialise it's possible it's all to much and isn't copeing as well as you would be able to just a thought but maybe try insted of asking her just try and lift the burdens by eg saying lets just stay in tonight go to bed early, run her a bath with candles help her relax ask about her uni work then with out saying do you need help go print some work out that may help her , cook her a nice dinner, let her stay in bed on days possible, go to the shop and get her a treat eg bring back a costa for when she wakes up or a bacon butty for lunch, flowers , chic also vitamins can help and other energy and supplements hope this helps I'm a man with 4 kids and one very grumpy and tired wife and I do all this and it does help

Why is my gf always tired

Hi im in the same boat as this guy bit i think maybe a little bit worse and i dont k ow what to do its pretty much the same as what this guy sorry i cant remember his username i forgot bit i really need advice we both live together and have done for about 4 years and have a 1 year old son but since around 8 months old she cant seem to get him to go to bed nor does she want to so i have to do everything with him also same as seems moody grumpy down always tired and no sex drive and when i want it she pishes me away with different excuses she seems to be about everything that concerns her but says i dont love her which i do i do everything for her and anything she wants please help.