Why is Abigail responsible for the deaths in The Crucible?

Andrew Ney 11/3/2017 Mrs. Shutt English 3 Honors

Is Abigail Williams Solely Responsible for the Deaths in Salem? “The Crucible” is a story by Arthur Miller based on the events of the witch trials that took place in 1690’s Salem, Massachusetts. Abigail Williams, an orphaned young woman, has an extramarital relationship with John Proctor. John Proctor is a farmer in Salem, known to be sharp with hypocrites and not easily led astray. However, Proctor’s actions in the story, including withholding pertinent information about his affair and Abigail’s sins, includes him in the blame game. After events set in motion by Abigail, Judge Danforth refuses to grant release to those in his custody for accusations of witchcraft. This decision led to

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While at a dinner, she stabbed herself in the stomach. She then accusesaccused Elizabeth Proctor of using the poppet to attack her. With Elizabeth out of her way, she would be able to pursue John without competition. In Act 2, Scene 2, Abigail makes one final effort to win John’s affections. John, who is solely concerned with his wife, denies Abigail once more. She even pretends to be unaware of Elizabeth’s incarceration. After John claims his wife will have trial in the morning, Abigail acts surprised saying, “I do remember it now. How - how - Is she well?”(Miller 151). Proctor then goes on to accuse Abigail of being the one who got Elizabeth in trouble in the first place. Abigail tries to fend off John’s accusations, but he knows what she has done as she leaves him alone in the night. After she comes to the realization that she will not be able to convince John to be with her, she pretends to go insane in the court and later escapes to Barbados with Tituba. She manages to waive herself of all damages caused by her lust for John Proctor and the blood on her hands would never be washed.

John Proctor had a reputation in Salem Village as a sharp man. However, he let his desires cloud his judgement when his wife took ill and was bedridden. Abigail Williams was able to seduce John into an extramarital relationship, for a time. After his wife had returned to good health however, John looked to cut his romantic ties to Abigail. He knew that what he had done was sinful,

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Abigail Williams was the main cause of Salem witch trials because Abigail was the first person to start accusing innocent people of witchcraft. Due to young Abigail actions, 20 innocent people took the calling of death for her actions. how many People do you know willing to lie and cheat the rules to get anything they want .? The fact that twenty people died all because of Abigail craving attention and wanting her own personal gain from accusing others of having spoken with the devil or witchery is insane. I blame Abigail for anything that has happened during the witch trials of Salem.

To Begin with as a reader of the crucible you we could say that Abigail one of Abigail's biggest flaws was that she was a very lustful character. For example,

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For she said “ I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and bring pointy reckon that will shudder you” she was letting John know that one night she will come to him and inflict a terrifying and welcomed punishment or pain to his life. Do you think her feelings proctor caused her to start up the trail of Salem? John Proctor tells you Abby “ How do you call haven !! WHORE! WHORE!”. He’s asking Abigail why is she claiming to be a child of the lord and praise around Salem like a saint but in all actuality she really a…show more content…
Danforth the judge of the court said ": You misunderstand, sir; I cannot pardon these when twelve are already hanged for the same crime. It is not just”. Danforth explains that he understands that Abigail was listening now but he just cant the ones alive who were also accused walk free because of the fact that some many others have died because of the allegations so he has to kill them too. If Danforth did kill the rest of the people how would Salem