Why hasn t he kissed me yet

I (32F) met a lovely man on Tinder (35M) and hit it off immediately. We have gone on about 5 dates lasting at the minimum 6 hours each. He texts me every single morning with a good morning video. He checks in multiple times in the day. He is always saying how he's thinking about me and wants to spend time with me. He has sent me flowers and is a total gentleman but.... He hasn't made a single move. Not even hand holding. He will hug me a lot but that's all. I'm so confused and I'm afraid to mess it up by moving faster than he wants to. Why hasn't he kissed me??? or even gotten close? I'm worried I'm friend zoned. I really like him. How do I move things along without freaking him out?

Edit: You all are right… I shouldn’t be waiting on him to make the move I have two lips as well. He’s the first person that has made me butterfly nervous and shy ever. I guess I was just worried that I would mess things up (which as one commenter mentioned is what he might be worried about as well). This is my first time single in 10+ years and a lot has changed (me too for instance),so tomorrow when we make dinner together I’m just going to do it. I’ll update you all after. Thank you guys so much for the advice.

Edit2: The date is tomorrow January 15th and I’ll update right after.

Update: I kissed him!!! I just came home from our 15hr date. While making dinner I asked him why he hasn’t tried to kiss me. He said he wanted to make sure I was comfortable with it and said that he was worried he might mess things up between us if I didn’t want to kiss him back. That he was having such a great time with me he didn’t want to chance turning me off…And like most of you predicted he then asked “well why didn’t you try and kiss me?” I responded with I really want to kiss him and I asked him if I could and then I did. It was phenomenal we were both very taken back.

You all have been so incredibly supportive and helpful thank you all sooo very much.

by Holly Riordan

You might not be the only girl that he has feelings for. Until he figures out if you’re the one he wants to be with, he’s putting off kissing you. He doesn’t want to lead you on and then decide that he wants to be with someone else.


Maybe he’s still recovering from his last breakup. Maybe he wants to get to know you better first. Either way, he could be crazy about you, but doesn’t want to mess things up. One of the potential reasons why he hasn’t kissed you is because the right time hasn’t come. He could be dying to press his lips against yours, but he knows that he has to wait until you’re both ready in order for it to be extra special.


For some reason, men find us women confusing. You might think you’re sending him clear signals, but he might not see them. If he can’t tell whether or not you like him back, then he’s going to be wary of kissing you. No one likes rejection, after all. If you think he’s confused about your feelings, the best thing you can do is flat out tell him how you feel.


Some men are romantics. He could be waiting for the right place and time to kiss you. Why settle for a boring kiss on your doorstep when he could give you a memorable moment? He could be planning a fancy date that’ll end in the kiss of a lifetime. You never know.


We can’t ignore this possibility. If a man hasn’t kissed you and you’ve given him every opportunity to do so, he might not share your feelings. Don’t be upset if this is the case. You’ll find another man that’ll be dying to kiss you in no time.


You might not be the only girl that he has feelings for. Until he figures out if you’re the one he wants to be with, he’s putting off kissing you. He doesn’t want to lead you on and then decide that he wants to be with someone else. He’s refraining from kissing you in order to spare your feelings.


If you’ve been friends for a while, it’s natural that he’d be worried about ruining your relationship. He’s not kissing you, because he cares about you too much. He doesn’t want to risk losing you as a friend. Of course, love requires you to take risks. If you think your friendship is the reason he’s putting off the kiss, sit down and talk to him about his worries.


He’s not as confident as he looks! Everyone gets a little jittery when they’re around their crush. If he likes you as much as you like him, he could be nervous to go in for the kiss. In order to make things easier for him, show him that you’re as eager as he is. Don’t be afraid to hold eye contact or admire his luscious lips.


Read more in All Women Stalk

Op-ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of Y!/YNaija.

Tags: 7 potential reasons why he hasn't kissed you yet, couple, dating, dating scene, dreaded cheek, First Date, foreplay, heart break, kissed you yet, kisses gone wrong, kissing, man, Marriage, Mood, obssess, Online Dating, plain scared, reaasons he hasn't kissed, reasons he's rejecting you, Rejection, woman, wrong timing

You’ve been dating for a while now but he still hasn’t made that move to kiss you. It’s common to start thinking there’s a problem with you, but that’s not always the case. There are many reasons for a man to avoid this stage of the relationship. Here are some of the most likely reasons for him not to kiss you.

1. He’s Waiting For You To Make The Move

Do you know much about his previous relationships? It is possible that he’s come from relationships where the girl has made every move and he’s waiting for you to do the same. On the other hand, he could just be so nervous that he wants you to indicate that you want to kiss him.

2. He Thinks It’s Too Soon

 He’s trying to find the right time to kiss you but right now may seem too soon. It’s up to you to discuss this with him and even possibly make that first move.

Feeling like it is too soon could be for a variety of reasons, including bad previous relationships and you not showing signs that you want to take it to the next level. He may even just be nervous!

3. That Last Breakup Is Still In The Back Of His Mind

You may have moved on from your last relationshipbut he hasn’t. That breakup could still be in the back of his mind and he doesn’t want the same thing to happen with you.

He’s figured if doesn’t make the move, the relationship won’t get to the point where he doesn’t want to lose you. He could like you so much that he’s scared of making amistake and that last argument with his ex is still at the back of his mind.

4. You’re Giving Him Mixed Signals

He’s waiting to see whether you want to take the relationship to the next stage. No matter how clear you think your signals are, they could be mixed to him. One minute you seem cold and the next you make it clear you want him to kiss you.

It can be really confusing for a guy and he prefers to sit back and wait for the perfect time instead of trying to guess your signals. If you want him to kiss you, just tell him. That way he can’t mix up your intentions.

5. He’s Waiting For That Perfect Moment

 You may have ended up with the romantic guy who’s looking for the perfect moment.

This can seem annoying for you, but it will be worth it in the end. Give him the chance to create that special moment. If it doesn’t come soon, you can always discuss it with him.

6. He’s Just Not That Into You

You’ve waited and waited and he still hasn’t made a move. It could be that he’s not interested in you. Thatkiss will lead you to think there is something more, but he’s trying to avoid it to let you down gently.

The only way you can find out if this is the reason is by outright asking him.

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