Why does the profit-maximizing firm want to produce at the output where Mr MC Is this the sufficient condition of equilibrium?

Determining Profit Maximizing Level of Production -- Marginal Cost and Marginal Revenue

Maximum profit is the level of output where MC equals MR.

As long as the revenue of producing another unit of output (MR) is greater than the cost of producing that unit of output (MC), the firm will increase its profit by using more variable input to produce more output.

The law of (the reality of) diminishing marginal productivity demonstrates that adding input will eventually reduce production and increase cost. When the production level reaches a point that cost of producing an additional unit of output (MC) exceeds the revenue from the unit of output (MR), producing the additional unit of output reduces profit. Thus, the firm will not produce that unit.

Profit is maxmized at the level of output where the cost of producing an additional unit of output (MC) equals the revenue that would be received from that additional unit of output (MR).

  • Maximum profit is not maximum productivity unless cost of variable input is zero (variable input is free), or price of output is infinite; since neither of these is likely to occur, we can confidently state that maximum profit is not earned by maximizing production. Restated, MC is infinite where production is maximized. MR would need to be infinite to maximize profit where production is maximized. Since no one will pay us an infinite price for our product, MC will equal MR at a level of production that is less than maximum production.

Graph 24 (AFC, AVC, ATC, MC & MR -- again)

An example to illustrate the impact of technology

An advance in technology shifts the TPP curve; it also shifts the TVC curve (usually lowering the TVC). However, acquiring new technology probably means incurring a fixed cost which shifts the TFC curve (usually raising the TFC). The manager needs to decide whether the increase in TFC due to adopting technology is adequately offset by the reduction in the TVC to justify investing in the new technology.

Graph 30 (Impact of Technology on Total Production)

Graph 31 (Impact of Technology on Marginal Production)

In summary

  • Profit is NOT maximized at maximum production.
  • Advances in production technology increases output from the same level of variable input.
  • The MC cost is the firm's supply curve for the output.

The next section describes how marginal cost illustrates the firm's supply of the output.

The Profit Maximization Rule states that if a firm chooses to maximize its profits, it must choose that level of output where Marginal Cost (MC) is equal to Marginal Revenue (MR) and the Marginal Cost curve is rising. In other words, it must produce at a level where MC = MR.

Profit Maximization Formula

The profit maximization rule formula is


Marginal Cost is the increase in cost by producing one more unit of the good.

Marginal Revenue is the change in total revenue as a result of changing the rate of sales by one unit. Marginal Revenue is also the slope of Total Revenue.

Profit = Total Revenue – Total Costs

Therefore, profit maximization occurs at the most significant gap or the biggest difference between the total revenue and the total cost.

Why is the output chosen at MC = MR?

Why does the profit-maximizing firm want to produce at the output where Mr MC Is this the sufficient condition of equilibrium?

At A, Marginal Cost < Marginal Revenue, then for each additional unit produced, revenue will be higher than the cost so that you will generate more.

At B, Marginal Cost > Marginal Revenue, then for each extra unit produced, the cost will be higher than revenue so that you will create less.

Thus, optimal quantity produced should be at MC = MR

Application of Marginal Cost = Marginal Revenue

The MC = MR rule is quite versatile so that firms can apply the rule to many other decisions.

For example, you can apply it to hours of operation. You decide to stay open as long as the added revenue from the additional hour exceeds the cost of remaining open another hour.

Or it can be applied to advertising. You should increase the number of times you run your TV commercial as long as the added revenue from running it one more time outweighs the added cost of running it one more time.

Profit Maximization Example

In the early 1960s and before, airlines typically decided to fly additional routes by asking whether the extra revenue from a flight (the Marginal Revenue) was higher than the per-flight cost of the flight.

In other words, they used the rule Marginal Revenue = Total Cost/quantity

Then Continental Airlines broke from the norm and started running flights even when the added revenues were below average cost. The other airlines thought Continental was crazy – but Continental made huge profits.

Eventually, the other carriers followed suit. The per-flight cost consists of variable costs, including jet fuel and pilot salaries, and those are very relevant to the decision about whether to run another flight.

However, the per-flight cost also includes expenditures like rental of terminal space, general and administrative costs, and so on. These costs do not change with an increase in the number of flights, and therefore are irrelevant to that decision.

Limitations of the Profit Maximization Rule (MC = MR)

Why does the profit-maximizing firm want to produce at the output where Mr MC Is this the sufficient condition of equilibrium?

1. Real World Data

In the real world, it is not so easy to know exactly your Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost of the last products sold. For example, it is difficult for firms to know the price elasticity of demand for their goods – which determines the MR.

2. Competition

The use of the profit maximization rule also depends on how other firms react. If you increase your price, and other firms may follow, demand may be inelastic. But, if you are the only firm to increase the price, demand will be elastic.

3. Demand Factors

It is difficult to isolate the effect of changing the price on demand. Demand may change due to many other factors apart from price.

4. Barriers to Entry

Increasing prices to maximize profits in the short run could encourage more firms to enter the market. Therefore firms may decide to make less than maximum profits and pursue a higher market share.

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MC = marginal (extra) cost incurred by a firm when its production raises by one unit.

MR = marginal (extra) revenue a firm receives from producing one extra unit of output.

As a firm is trying to maximise its profits, it needs to consider what happens when it changes its production by one unit.

The firm will of course incur an extra cost from producing an extra unit, but will also receive revenue from that unit.

If the marginal cost is bigger than the marginal revenue obtained, then the firm should realise that producing an extra unit of output was not profitable. The firm should thus cut down some of its production.

If the marginal cost is smaller than the marginal revenue, then it is profitable for the firm to produce an extra unit of output. The firm should continue to raise the production of extra units of output, as long as the marginal revenue it receives from that unit exceeds the marginal cost.

The firm should continue doing this until MC=MR, a point at which they should keep production constant. This is because producing an extra unit beyond this point will create a higher marginal cost for the firm than the marginal revenue it creates (the cost will be greater than the profit).