Why does Super Saiyan hair change?

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SamusTheHedge posted...

DeathShinigami posted...
Actually, Launch's wig changes from blue to yellow. It's the only one though.
I didn't know that

But isn't launches hair also available as a hairstyle in 2? Sound like a issue of mistaken coding aka a glitch

Nope, just a wig

It was like that in XV1 too

SamusTheHedge posted...

DeathShinigami posted...
Actually, Launch's wig changes from blue to yellow. It's the only one though.
I didn't know that

But isn't launches hair also available as a hairstyle in 2? Sound like a issue of mistaken coding aka a glitch

No Launch's wig did the same thing in Xeno 1 it's a reference to her character (her hair turns blonde and she goes crazy when she sneezes)

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No, but CaCs can have a style that looks very similar. I had it on my female Saiyan and when I put on Launch's wig, you can see the difference. The wig isn't as poofy and has less curls. It's the only wig that changes color, in reference to Launch being the original Super Saiyan! Really, I don't know why her hair turned blonde when she sneezed, but she got really mean and crazy when it happened, not unlike Saiyans getting more aggressive when they go SSJ.But no, TC, absolutely none of the hair changes in SSJ. It's been one of the more relentlessly mocked complaints, along with Saiyans not getting unfurled tails. It turns yellow. That's it. One of the big reasons people like using SSJ3 in this game is that it actually changes your hairstyle. All styles turn into that same massive SSJ3 Goku wig, but it's something.

For me, since my Saiyan uses the long Yamcha style hair, it really works when he goes SSJ3. I'd argue that the hair changing alone is a big part of why so many people use SSJ3 when they might be better off with Super Vegeta or Future Super Saiyan. It's a small thing, but it's huge for Saiyan fans to see their CaC's hair actually change when transforming.

Fear_Awakens posted...

No, but CaCs can have a style that looks very similar. I had it on my female Saiyan and when I put on Launch's wig, you can see the difference. The wig isn't as poofy and has less curls. It's the only wig that changes color, in reference to Launch being the original Super Saiyan! Really, I don't know why her hair turned blonde when she sneezed, but she got really mean and crazy when it happened, not unlike Saiyans getting more aggressive when they go SSJ.But no, TC, absolutely none of the hair changes in SSJ. It's been one of the more relentlessly mocked complaints, along with Saiyans not getting unfurled tails. It turns yellow. That's it. One of the big reasons people like using SSJ3 in this game is that it actually changes your hairstyle. All styles turn into that same massive SSJ3 Goku wig, but it's something.

For me, since my Saiyan uses the long Yamcha style hair, it really works when he goes SSJ3. I'd argue that the hair changing alone is a big part of why so many people use SSJ3 when they might be better off with Super Vegeta or Future Super Saiyan. It's a small thing, but it's huge for Saiyan fans to see their CaC's hair actually change when transforming.

Spot on. I also like how your character stops standing in a battle stance. Just stand there with arms at side, clenched fists.

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iphan4tic posted...

Fear_Awakens posted...
No, but CaCs can have a style that looks very similar. I had it on my female Saiyan and when I put on Launch's wig, you can see the difference. The wig isn't as poofy and has less curls. It's the only wig that changes color, in reference to Launch being the original Super Saiyan! Really, I don't know why her hair turned blonde when she sneezed, but she got really mean and crazy when it happened, not unlike Saiyans getting more aggressive when they go SSJ.But no, TC, absolutely none of the hair changes in SSJ. It's been one of the more relentlessly mocked complaints, along with Saiyans not getting unfurled tails. It turns yellow. That's it. One of the big reasons people like using SSJ3 in this game is that it actually changes your hairstyle. All styles turn into that same massive SSJ3 Goku wig, but it's something.

For me, since my Saiyan uses the long Yamcha style hair, it really works when he goes SSJ3. I'd argue that the hair changing alone is a big part of why so many people use SSJ3 when they might be better off with Super Vegeta or Future Super Saiyan. It's a small thing, but it's huge for Saiyan fans to see their CaC's hair actually change when transforming.

Spot on. I also like how your character stops standing in a battle stance. Just stand there with arms at side, clenched fists.

And if you stand on the ground, rocks float up around you.


For the record, no one's better off using Future Super Saiyan, as the transformation is literally worthless. That's not hyperbole; it's the exact same transformation as the standard Super Saiyan 1, minus some of its damage resistances.

Seriously, try it and compare. I can't imagine how many jokers out there are using things just because of what they think it does, rather than using the super helpful training mode to actually find out.

Anyway, I wish the modding scene were more creative for this game, and people would come up with Super Saiyan variants of some of the existing hairstyles; PC version mods already exist to change your hairstyle with your transformation -- proving that the backseat developers on this forum are once again wrong, this time about the difficulty and time consumption of the actual freakin' developers doing it -- but most of the hairstyles don't suit each other.

Alternatively, I wish I wasn't too lazy to just open a 3D modeler and change my own character's 'do myself. The Yamcha hairstyle is dying for a "relaxed" variant suitable for a base-form Saiyan.

Fear_Awakens posted...

No, but CaCs can have a style that looks very similar. I had it on my female Saiyan and when I put on Launch's wig, you can see the difference. The wig isn't as poofy and has less curls.

It's the only wig that changes color, in reference to Launch being the original Super Saiyan! Really, I don't know why her hair turned blonde when she sneezed, but she got really mean and crazy when it happened, not unlike Saiyans getting more aggressive when they go SSJ.

The Fortuneteller Baba wig changes hair color when you go Super Saiyan eventhough she never did anything in the series where her hair changed color.

Smithers, use the amnesia ray.
You mean the revolver, sir?

Within the world of Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama, members of the Saiyan alien race can undergo a startling transformation as they draw upon their superpowers. The characters who possess the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan form not only become physically bigger, their hair color always shifts to blonde. Although many hypotheses as to why have floated around for years, one especially persistent theory is that Toriyama was making a commentary about race. It turns out that the real reason is far less complex.

Via Kotaku and the Japanese-language publication Topic News, Weekly Jump editor-in-chief Hiroyuki Nakano made an appearance on Japanese TV and shared the explanation for the hair color change given to him by Toriyama: he just wanted to save time while illustrating the art. Toriyama didn’t enjoy coloring in the hair, as it added to his workload. So he simply left the hair uncolored in the original black and white manga, which was translated to blonde hair in subsequent color renditions and in the animated adaptations.

That explanation may not have any deeper meaning, but it makes perfect sense. Illustrating manga and comic panels is a very time-consuming process, and Toriyama simply took a shortcut to shave away some of his excess work. It ended up being a strong visual choice, as the blonde hair of the Super Saiyan forms are unmistakable and iconic. We can’t picture Dragon Ball without them!

What do you think about the genesis of the Super Saiyan hair color? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Feature image: Bandai Namco/Shueisha

dragon ball, dragon ball z, super saiyan

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