Why do organizations need managers brainly

A set-up where individuals from diverse backgrounds, different educational qualifications and varied interests come together to work towards a common goal is called an organization.

The employees must work in close coordination with each other and try their level best to achieve the organization’s goals.

It is essential to manage the employees well for them to feel indispensable for the organization.

Organization management helps to extract the best out of each employee so that they accomplish the tasks within the given time frame.

Organization management binds the employees together and gives them a sense of loyalty towards the organization.

What is Organization Management ?

  • Organization management refers to the art of getting people together on a common platform to make them work towards a common predefined goal.
  • Organization management enables the optimum use of resources through meticulous planning and control at the workplace.
  • Organization management gives a sense of direction to the employees. The individuals are well aware of their roles and responsibilities and know what they are supposed to do in the organization.

An effective management ensures profitability for the organization. In a layman’s language organization management refers to efficient handling of the organization as well as its employees.

Need for Organization Management

  • Organization management gives a sense of security and oneness to the employees.
  • An effective management is required for better coordination among various departments.
  • Employees accomplish tasks within the stipulated time frame as a result of effective organization management.
  • Employees stay loyal towards their job and do not treat work as a burden.
  • Effective organization management leads to a peaceful and positive ambience at the workplace.

Essential Features of Organization Management

    • Prepare an effective business plan. It is essential to decide on the future course of action to avoid confusions later on.
    • Plan out how you intend to do things.
    • Organizing refers to the judicious use of resources to achieve the best out of the employees.
    • Prepare a monthly budget for smooth cash flow.
    • Poor organization management leads to unhappy employees who eventually create problems for themselves as well as the organization.
    • Recruit the right talent for the organization.
    • The managers or superiors must set clear targets for the team members.
    • A leader must make sure his team members work in unison towards a common objective. He is the one who decides what would be right in a particular situation.
    • The superiors must be aware of what is happening around them.
    • Hierarchies should be well defined for an effective management.
    • The reporting bosses must review the performance and progress of their subordinates and guide them whenever required.
    • An effective time management helps the employees to do the right thing at the right time.
    • Managing time effectively always pays in the long run.
    • Motivation goes a long way in binding the employees together.
    • Appreciating the employees for their good work or lucrative incentive schemes go a long way in motivating the employees and make them work for a longer span of time.

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The article is Written By “Prachi Juneja” and Reviewed By Management Study Guide Content Team. MSG Content Team comprises experienced Faculty Member, Professionals and Subject Matter Experts. We are a ISO 2001:2015 Certified Education Provider. To Know more, click on About Us. The use of this material is free for learning and education purpose. Please reference authorship of content used, including link(s) to ManagementStudyGuide.com and the content page url.


In The Brainly Model teams are a cross-functional group of people with all of the core skills and experience necessary to deliver on a typical project that the team might encounter.

A typical team might consist of multiple engineers with different domains of specialization, i.e. front-end, back-end, data-engineering, machine learning, etc. as well as designers, data analysts, QA, and any other type of technical or non-technical role which might be needed to deliver on the work expected from that team.

In The Brainly Model, each team has a single responsible individual that we refer to as the Team Manager. All team members report to the Team Manager. The Team Manager is responsible for the team’s output, and the individual contributions of each team member.

We organize teams in this way to optimize for project level collaboration and communication while also minimizing logistical overhead and “domino effect delays” caused by dependencies across teams.

“Team Manager” is a role, not an organizational title, …

… for example some of the most common organizational titles to perform the role of Team Manager are “Manager, Product” and “Domain Lead” but we have employees with many diverse titles including VP and Director who perform this role at Brainly today.

Each of these titles comes with a set of expectations and responsibilities independent of those defined for the role of Team Manager however a career track exists at Brainly for persons who exclusively perform the role of Team Manager. This career track is owned and managed by our Program Management Team within the Ops Department and contains titles such as Delivery Manager.

Regardless of their title, every person in the role of Team Manager shares a cross-company definition of responsibilities and expectations as a Team Manager. This singular and shared definition for Team Managers supports operational consistency with an emphasis on the factors which are crucial to the health of high-performing teams and Brainly’s core value of Delivering With Quality, while also leaving room for Departments to optimize their processes and organizational structures according to their own needs.

Team Managers are responsible for …

… managing the people on their team (People Management), the team structure, workflows, and processes (Team Design), the value created by their team (Goal Management), and the delivery of that value by their team (Delivery Management).

People Management includes handling time-off requests, performance reviews, compensation adjustments, employee goal settings processes, and holding regular 1-on-1 meetings with their reports for the development of the team members into productive and effective Brainly employees and team members. This includes defining a career development plan for each of their team members and facilitating the continuous progression and updating of this plan.

This does not mean that the Team Manager needs to be an expert or a coach in the domain that their reports work in (i.e. engineering, QA, design, data analysis, etc). The Team Manager may work closely with the Center-of-Excellence Teams and the Engineering Managers to identify career opportunities, paths, and hard skill development opportunities for their reports.

Engineering Managers may support Team Managers in the development of employees for any and all engineering and QA roles that might be embedded within a team.

The Design Center of Excellence supports Team Managers in the development of employees for any and all design roles that might be embedded within a team.

The Data Analyst Center of Excellence supports Team Managers in the development of employees for any and all data analyst roles that might be embedded within a team.

The Operations Organization supports Team Managers by defining what is expected from employees in the role of Team Manager and helping employees in this role improve their delivery on these expectations through assessment of needs in this area and the coordination of training and resources to help Team Managers.

In The Brainly Model these supporting mechanisms are crucial in order to allow the Team Managers to focus on developing the team collaboration skills of their reports, to build high-performing teams, and ultimately to deliver value with their teams.

Team Design includes defining the roles on the team, the workflows and tools of the team, and how those team members work together to create value.

The Team Manager is not expected to be an expert in defining the roles on their team. They *are* expected to have a solid understanding of the type of work and deliverables their team will be producing. The Team Manager then works closely with the Center-of-Excellence Teams and the Engineering Managers to identify the skill sets their team members should have and the level of proficiency the team members should be working at. Through this collaborative process a team staffing plan is created.

Once the team is formed the Team Manager is expected to work with the Center-of-Excellence Teams and Engineering Managers to continuously assess and improve the performance and design of their team. As the work expected from the team evolves and changes, so should the design of the team.

There are many mechanisms at Brainly to deliver on an evolving team design — including but not limited to — professional mentorship, upskilling, and adding new roles to the team.

Goal Management includes understanding and aligning with the goals of the Department that the Team Manager is working in. The Team Manager is expected to work with their team to continuously assess, identify, and propose solutions and projects that align with the goal of their department.

Delivery Management includes a diverse group of tasks and responsibilities related to the logistics of delivering on an approved project.

The details of how this is done is largely dependent on the needs of the team and the needs of stakeholders of the team’s work. In some situations it will be more important to focus on a working process which allows for frequent check-ins and rapid course correction based on stakeholder feedback. In others, there is minimal need for stakeholder review and few, if any, opportunities for course correction need to be accounted for. It’s up to the Team Manager to assess and define how they will manage the deliverables of their team while meeting the needs and expectations of their stakeholders to be informed and contribute feedback during a project lifecycle.

With that said, all Team Managers at Brainly are the single responsible individual for their team’s deliverables and fulfilling the project commitments of the team.

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