Why do I get so tired when I drive Reddit

LPT: If you are feeling sleepy while driving long distances, switch your wallet from its usual back pocket to the opposite. You won't be used to the feeling when you sit down and it will keep you more alert. from LifeProTips

Today my younger brother asked me to pick him up from soccer practice, it finished at 6:30 and that was no problem. I got home from a long day of school at almost 5 and sat to watch some TV, I almost immediately fell asleep. I woke up at 6:15 and realized I was late to pick him up, and I was still extremely sleepy from the nap. There was nothing I could do, my parents weren't home and no one was could bring him out to where I live. So I hopped into the car for a 10 mile drive in a lonely country road in a gray day. At two points my eyes closed for a second, my body just wanted to sleep. I cranked up the music, forced me to sing at the top of my lungs, and blasted the AC to my face, also I accelerated a little bit to feel a an adrenaline rush.

It seems to have worked because here I am, alive. This is the closest I've ever been from falling asleep at the wheel. So any of you who probably have more experience than 17-year-old me. Should the situation (like today) arise where you are sleepy but need to drive somewhere, what can you do to avoid falling asleep and not getting into an accident?

Every time I drive a full day or even for several hours I feel exhausted, more so than when I keep myself active all day. I asked my friends to see if I'm the only one who feels this way but they all agreed. Why is it that sitting in the car, not exerting myself physically or mentally, tires me out so much?

There's nothing inherently tiring about driving since it requires minimal physical activity, and it should be mentally stimulating, so why does driving make people so tired?

My kids spent most of the day on a long car ride and came home exhausted. Which I get, because I'm the same way. Driving is more tiring, but even riding for such a long time takes a real physical toll.

Why? I'm just sitting there after all, and if I'm not driving I don't even have to pay attention. Why do I feel physically drained after a long drive?

ELI5: Why does driving in a car make you so tired? from explainlikeimfive
[Request] I tend to become extremely sleepy when driving on long stretches of highway. Is there a way to lessen this tendency or avoid it? from LifeProTips
TIL the reason why driving long distances makes you tired is because your body is constantly fighting the small vibrations from your car from todayilearned

I can understand that you dont have to make physical effort to feel tired, because I work as a computer programmer and I feel tired after making mental effort, but this effort seems way bigger than the one required to drive, yet, after 4,5 hours of driving I feel way more exhausted than after 8,10 hours of coding.

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