Why do dog follow you to the bathroom

Most pet owners know the struggle, and it is real. Can I ever go to the bathroom without having Fido in my face? Dogs that follow their humans everywhere are, in fact, the grand majority. It may be endearing when they follow you to the kitchen or backyard, or even when they insist on staying under the desk as you work. But the loo? Really?

If you are asking yourself, why does my dog follow me to the bathroom, we may offer some help. No, we won’t come over and get them out, but we will tell you a bit about why they do it. Read on to learn more!

Why Do They Do It?

Our zany canines offer nothing less than their most unusual antics. And isn’t that why we love them? Some of their mysteries, though, can easily be explained by their species and where they began. 

1. Pack mentality – A big reason why your pet wants to be with you at all costs is the fact that dogs are a pack-oriented species. To them and their wild predecessors, staying together means survival. Dogs and wolves hunt together, play together, sleep together, and do pretty much everything as a group. This level of pack order helps them develop, ensure their access to food and mates, and so on. 

2. Guarding – Your dog adores you and wants nothing more than to make sure you are safe. This unconditional devotion can mean that they need to be there in order to protect you from outside threats (not like there is any likelihood of someone lurking in the bathroom, but hey, anything can happen). To them, guarding you is an extension of their pack mentality. If they are resource guarding you out of separation anxiety or fear, though, that needs to be addressed as a behavior issue. 

 3. No concept of alone time – No canine understands the human need for space and privacy. To them, this is like forgoing safety. We have to understand the world from their eyes, rather than throwing up our hands with impatience each time our dogs follow us around. They’re being their natural, loving doggie selves.

 4. Simple curiosity – Let’s face it, dogs are curious about everything. New toys, treats, sights, sounds, and most importantly, whatever it is you are up to. If you go to a new room, maybe there’s something in it for them? Maybe there is a new adventure awaiting, so they must go, you know? Dogs are curious, like most pets, and the idea of you being in the bathroom may just pique their natural curiosity.

My Dog Follows Me to the Bathroom: Now What?

If your dog is coming into the bathroom, the easiest solution is to just close the door. If a door is open while you’re occupying the room, your pup will likely intrude on the scene. It’s a matter of changing your habit when going into the bathroom. You can ease your pet’s mind by telling them to sit outside the door, that you’d “be right back”, and then reward them with a pat, praise, or small treat. This will usually give them a reason to stay seated and patient.

If your pet is suddenly following you around and to the bathroom, there are a few things to consider:

  • Have you been spending enough time with them for enrichment, attention, and exercise
  • Is there something in the bathroom that they like, like a plant, the water faucet, etc?
  • Do you think they are in pain? Many pets will follow their owner when they are ill or have pain, so call and have them examined by your veterinarian for peace of mind.
  • Have there been any major changes, such as a move or a new baby that makes them feel less secure?
  • Are they having other behavioral problems?

Why Does My Dog Follow Me to the Bathroom?

If your dog is showing more attention to you than before or has other problem behaviors, call us. Sometimes clinginess can indicate a health or behavior problem, which needs veterinary attention.

If you have any questions about your static-cling pup, do not hesitate to call the team at Union Lake Pet Services

Much like parents of human children, all pet parents know that having a dog means you rarely go to the bathroom alone. For some strange reason, dogs love to follow us to the porcelain palace, where they sustain the most uncomfortable kind of eye contact ever. (Well, maybe the second most-uncomfortable, right behind that time you accidentally locked eyes with your mother while you all watched “Superbad.”)

That’s certainly the case for dog mom Leigh, a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based marketing and PR professional whose roughly 10-year-old rescue Chihuahua, El Vez, has been following her into the bathroom ever since she first brought him home.

“We have excellent conversations and brainstorming in the bathroom,” she says.

The morning chats are nice and all, but why do dogs follow you into the bathroom, taking a seat right beside the toilet every time we do our business? It's apparently not because they're returning the favor, after watching us stand beside them while they do their own thing outside.

In fact, it’s kind of our fault.

“We’ve bred them for hundreds of years, if not thousands, to want to be near us,” says Kayla Fratt, an International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)-certified dog behavior consultant and the owner of Journey Dog Training in Missoula, Montana. "It absolutely makes sense for them to follow us from room to room, and there’s no real reason for them not to follow us into the bathroom."

So, it’s not because they’re being little creeps who like to watch us poop. Actually, Fratt says there's "no indication" that they even know what a bathroom is—or what we're doing in there.

"Even if they 'know' what you’re doing, why would it matter to them?" she says. "It’s certainly reading too much into things to assume that your dog is being gross or weird. He just wants to be near you. It’s really that simple."

The same goes for whether they’re watching us relieve ourselves or take a shower or do our makeup. The fact that SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS can happen in the bathroom just might be part of the reason why our dogs are so curious about it.

"Sometimes you go in there for a minute or two, and sometimes when you take a bath, it might be for an hour," says Paul Sheinberg, CPDT-KA, founder and primary dog trainer of Pawsitive Paul's Dog Training in Baltimore, Maryland. "Because of that uncertainty, dogs tend to follow you when you’re going toward that direction, if you have that type of dog that sticks by you or gets nervous when you leave."

On the flip side, if your dog doesn't follow you into the bathroom (or anywhere else in the house), that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them—or with you.

"Some dogs are just more Velcro-y than others. They follow and shadow their people more," Fratt says. “It’s more common in some shepherding breeds than in some more aloof breeds, but it’s not abnormal dog behavior at all."

If you'd prefer to have a few minutes to yourself, it's not difficult to train your dog to let you walk down the hall and into the bathroom without them.

"By far, the easiest way is to teach them a basic ‘stay’ and when you’re done with your business, give them a treat or some praise for being so brave on their own," Sheinberg says. She suggests teaching the stay command without the use of the bathroom, first, just to get your dog used to it. Then, once they’ve mastered the command, transition to the bathroom area for small durations throughout the day to practice. “It should be rectified in a positive and fun way within days."

So, there you have it. It’s perfectly normal for dogs to follow you into the bathroom—and perfectly normal if they don’t. The only cause for concern would be if your dog gets seriously anxious about being alone while you’re in the bathroom, even for a few minutes. It could be a sign of separation anxiety in dogs.

"If not following you into the bathroom makes your dog distressed, it’s time to get help," Fratt advises. She suggests calling a certified dog behavior consultant or another behavior expert—rather than an obedience trainer—to work through the issue.

Back in Pittsburgh, Leigh says El Vez has actually been giving her a little more space lately. "I will say, since quarantine, I've noticed that it's happening less and less," she says. "He actually seems to be actively trying to find time to socially distance himself from us humans."

One of the best things about having a dog is how they want to follow you everywhere. Of course, that means they want to follow you everywhere. Any Dog Owner will know the feeling: when nature calls, your pooch follows you straight into the bathroom. Sometimes they’re hot on your heels; other times they wait until you’re closing the door before they barge after you. If they hold any regard your privacy, they veil it behind a smile that says “Hey, wait for me!” 

If you’ve ever wondered why your dog follows you to the toilet, you’re not alone. In this post, we explore the reasons why your dog keeps you company during your most private moments! 

Why do dog follow you to the bathroom

They want to get to know you better…by knowing what leaves you 

Have you ever noticed that your pup will acquaint themselves with other pups by sniffing their bottoms? Or that while you try to avoid stepping on dog droppings, your pooch will often stop to inspect them? That’s because dogs get to know other creatures by examining their leavings. While you might see your bathroom trips as “alone time”, your furry friend might see them as a bonding experience. 

They’re standing guard

Most animals are at their most vulnerable when they’re relieving themselves. Your dog knows this – and they worry about you when you pee. If you’ve had your pooch for a while, they’ve probably deduced what you do in the bathroom. By accompanying you to the toilet, they may believe they’re standing watch for you during a moment of exposure. Bless them.

They don’t grasp the concept of being alone

At a basic Darwinian level, dogs are not solitary creatures. When left to their own natural devices, they hunt, roam, sleep, and live as part of a pack. What’s more, they assume you do as well. From their point of view, “alone time” is a concept that doesn’t serve either one of you. When they follow you into the restroom, they believe they’re keeping you company. While you’re thinking, “It’s weird to pee in front of my pet”, they’re thinking “United, we’re stronger – even while peeing!”

So what can you do to keep them out? 

For starters, you may need to accept that your pup will at least sit by the bathroom door until you finish. That way, they’ll still have an idea of where you are in the house, which will put them at ease. Now, all you need is something to distract them. Leaving them with their favourite toy can be an option. However, if that isn’t enough to occupy them, try leaving a treat a few feet from the bathroom door. Not only will this distract them, it will also reward them for giving you space in the bathroom.

