Why do cats tails get puffy

Have you ever seen your cats puff their tails? I love when younger cats get playful and do what I call the “Scary Cat” move. You know what I’m talking about, it’s the Halloween looking move when they get all puffed up and kind of hop sideways towards you, another cat or a toy. A puffy cat tail is most often attributed to fear in cats, but there are many other reasons cats do this. Let’s take a look at some of those reasons.

Why Cats Puff Up Their Tails

When our feline friends are caught off guard and startled they will often puff up their tail. My Maggie Mae will do this if our dogs suddenly start to bark at another dog walking past the house. It’s amazing to me how big her tail can get.

Another reason cats will puff their tails is when they are angry or in attack mode. They do this to make themselves look bigger and more intimidating.

Interestingly enough, while most of the time we think of puffed up tails as our cats being scared or frightened, it can also happen when they are playing or get the zoomies. Like the “Scary Cat” move!

If your cat has a puffy tail, pay attention to his or her body language. If they are upset or scared and their tail is puffy, they have their head down and ears pinned, give them a few minutes to relax and calm down. Talk gently to assure him everything’s okay. Don’t try to pick him up or pet him because he’s in what’s called fight or flight mode. This could result in a scratch or a bite. On the other hand if your kitty has a puffed up tail and is pouncing or has the zoomies, grab a wand toy because he is ready to play!

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Like humans, cats give away a lot with their body language. Along with other mannerisms, your kitty's tail and fur help him communicate with you. When his tail puffs up, watch the rest of his body to figure out his intentions and state of mind.

Your feline buddy's tail may puff up when something startles or outright scares him. He might hold that extra-bushy tail straight up or straight down. Other indications of fear Kitty might display include arching his back, flattening his ears back, yowling, growling, hissing or spitting. Think of the image of the classic Halloween cat.

Aggression and anger also will cause your kitty's tail to puff up. Again, he may hold his tail straight up or straight down. He may also lay his ears back. Another sign is very constricted pupils. Aggressive or angry cats puff up not only their tails, but the fur all over their bodies. This instinctive response to threats is an attempt to make himself look bigger. He may also stare, yowl or growl at an opponent until either he or the opponent backs down. Cats prefer dramatic bluffs to fighting, but they will fight if no one backs off.

A puffed-up tail can also be a sign of submission. When a submissive cat is trying to avoid a confrontation with a dominant one, his tail puffs up and is lowered or even tucked between his legs. These positions communicate submission to his opponent.

A puffed-up tail can even indicate playful intentions. Kittens frequently puff up their tails while playing. Even adult cats sometimes puff up their tails in play. A playful kitten or cat holds his puffy tail up. Other indicators include erect ears, whiskers pointed forward and somewhat dilated pupils. These mannerisms are often followed by crouching, wiggling that puffy tail, and pouncing.

A lot of people think that cats are not as expressive as dogs. That simply isn’t true. In fact, cats have a way of expressing their emotions and one of those is through their tails. Today, we shall focus on your cat’s tail language, specifically on why your cat’s tail gets puffy each time you pet her.

Why Does Your Cat Puff Its Tail?

Piloerection is the term used to describe a phenomenon of a cat’s tail fluffing up and doubling in size. This happens because the small muscles in the skin located at the base of your cat’s hair follicles contract. As a result, the contraction makes the hair stand and the tail looks twice its usual size. It can be likened to having goosebumps in humans.

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Cat’s tail getting puffy is an involuntary response that is brought about either physically or psychologically.

Physical Reason Why Your Cat Puffs Its Tail

During moments of having a fun and playful time with you, it causes the tail to puff up and the tip of the tail curls that look like a question mark. If you see these two (2) reactions, your cat is being friendly towards you and may even want you to pet her forever.

Psychological Reasons for Tail Puffing

In case you pet her and you see her tail puffs and arch her back, you might as well back-off. This is especially true among newly-adopted kittens or adult cats who are not used to being touched, at least, not just yet. Thus, the puffy tail is a sign of fear and it is ready to attack you when provoked.

Also, when you pet your cat at the wrong spot, expect it to get mad and puff its tail. Unlike dogs, pussycats are not lovers of belly rubs. This area is very vulnerable. Petting the belly not only results in puffy tails and arched back, but you will also receive some hissing and might even claw you.

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Just leave your cat alone. Do it again the next day until she trusts you and becomes accustomed to being petted.

How Should You React?

  • Each cat responds to petting differently. Try to experiment and pet your cat behind the ear areas. But, do not touch the actual ears because cats do not like being petted in those areas.
  • Some cats also like being petted by the tail area. The sweetest spot is around the base of the tail. The best way to do this is to gently stroke your feline pet from its head down to the tail. If she’s happy, she will soften her muscles and may even elevate her rear end each time you reach the base of her tail.
  • The cheek area is another good area for a pet that elicits a puffed tail as a result of an elevated mood. The cheeks have concentrated scent glands, along with the lips that cats love to smell. This is why cats won’t resist being petted in these areas.
  • The forehead, between the eyes, and under her chin. Some cats boldly invite petting sessions by bumping their heads against their owners. This is called bunting. This is a signal that she wants you to pet her, if she’s happy, you’ll know because her tail will get puffy.

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Benefits of Petting Your Cat:

  • It promotes a strong bond with your pet.
  • It gives you the chance to feel for any lumps and other skin lesions.


Cats have a unique language of their own, one of those is the cat tail language. Whether your feline pet giggles along with you with a puffy tail or warns with you with a big goofy tail, take time to learn its cat tail language. It is vital for you and your cat’s happiness in your home. You’d be surprised with the myriad of emotions that your feline pet shares with you.

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