Why do cats sleep on your pillow

Why do cats sleep on your pillow

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Every night Bixby snuggles up on your pillow right next to your head. He has his little routine down and knows right where to lie. Not only is your pillow soft and fluffy, he also feels safe and secure and gets the added bonus of cozying right up to you.

Felines naturally have an order of hierarchy -- one cat is more dominant than the other. Maybe Bixby is always up high, staking out his territory. But Brussels, who is more submissive, stays low to the ground and hides in the corners. So naturally when it’s time for bed, Bixby wants to curl up on the highest point of your bed: the pillow. Brussels, on the other hand, is most likely perfectly content passing out right by your feet or on the chair across the room.

Falling asleep leaves your feline companion in a very vulnerable position. If he’s not in a safe spot or not on full alert, predators can come attack him -- at least that’s how it’s written in his DNA. Because you are Bixby’s sole provider, giving him food, shelter and love, he knows that as long as you are right there, everything will be fine. Dozing off on your pillow, right next to your head, makes him feel safe. He knows that if something were to go awry, you’d wake up, alerting him of the imminent danger.

Your furry family members tend to sleep in cozy warm spots -- like in the sun patch on the floor in the afternoon. If you’ve ever woken up sweating from a hot pillow, you know all too well that pillows can be overly warm at times. This might be aggravating for you, but Bixby loves the warmth. It’s almost like your head is his own personal little heater. Sure you may toss and turn a bit, but that pillow is staying perfectly toasty, making an ideal nest for Bixby to sleep in.

Your kitties are a part of your family and you are a part of theirs too. When bedtime comes around, Bixby just wants to be right next to you since he hasn’t seen you all day. But most of you is covered in blankets, so he curls up on the top of the pillow, close to your head, which is the only exposed body part. This way he can kiss your forehead, head butt you to mark you with some of his scent and get some information about you by smelling your skin and hair. If he’s really happy, he’ll purr loudly and knead the pillow, or possibly your hair, letting you know that he’s having a truly blissful moment.

Dr. Matheys is a veterinarian guest blogger for pet insurance provider Pets Best Insurance.

Hello. I’m Dr. Jane Matheys from The Cat Doctor Veterinary Hospital and Hotel in Boise, Idaho. Today I’ll be answering some questions about cat health from the comments posted our

Pets Best Insurance Facebook page.

First one here, Karen asks: “Why does my cat sleep on my head? Otherwise, she’s not overly affectionate.” Well, it’s not quite as unique as you might think, Karen. It is pretty common for people to tell me that their kitties sleep on their head at night.

There are several reasons for this.

1. Nobody knows for sure, but my guess is that most likely the common reason is that cats do it for warmth. People lose most of their body heat through their head, and your kitty can feel that, so they wrap right against your head to get that warmth. Other things?

2. Well, maybe they like the smell of your hair, especially us women we often use products in our hair, and sometimes cats really like that smell or the feel of the hair. I often have people tell me that the cats lick their hair too. So I think it might be some of those hair products that we use.

3. Being that close to you and picking up your scent might also give them a sense of comfort. Your pillow might just be a real comfy place to sleep. So as long as the kitty is not disturbing your sleep, it’s fine to let the cat do that and enjoy some time with your kitty.

Related Article: 6 Reasons Your Dog May Shiver

If you have any other questions, please post them in the comments section below, or visit the Pets Best Insurance Facebook page. See you next time.

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Ever wonder why your cat sleeps on your pillow?

For such a seemingly mundane question, there actually are some intriguing answers!

If you’re wondering what your cat is trying to tell you and if this strange cat habit means anything, keep reading!

We’ll talk about six potential reasons for kitty choosing your pillow as his favorite spot to snooze. 

Related: Why does my cat reach his paw out to me?

6 Reasons Why Your Cat Sleep on Your Pillow

Cats choose a lot of strange places to have a nap. Some felines like to curl on their owner’s feet, while others prefer to cuddle in a closed cupboard.

But how do cats choose their resting place? That’s the question, right?

It’s not always about comfort because cats tend to ignore their cozy beds in favor of a simple box or a forgotten book.

Safety and warmth also play a role and probably other factors that only cats know about.

While it’s hard to understand the feline’s mind, I’ve got some pretty good guesses why your cat wants to share a pillow.

Let’s unravel this mystery together.

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READ MORE: Why Do Cats Sleep at Your Feet?

#1 You’re Warm

Probably one of the reasons why you find your cat on your pillow is that your kitty is seeking a warm place to nap.

Cats don’t like to be cold and usually find the warmest places to sleep, especially during cold winter days. But do you know why?

Cats run warmer than humans with a body temperature of around 102 F.

Cuddling to an external heat source makes it easier for your cat’s body to maintain warmth because it doesn’t have to work that hard.

Sleeping in a warm place also saves your cat energy that they can use for more important things, such as running wild around the house or playing all the time.

During the night, you’re probably the warmest place in the house because your body generates a lot of heat.

So, it makes sense that your cat will come to nap beside you.

Moreover, not all felines like to sleep beneath blankets or in covered cat beds because it makes them feel trapped.

Your pillow is the next logical choice.

Check: How to Keep Cats Off Your Bed

#2 You Toss in Bed

Why do cats sleep on your pillow

Does your cat usually sleep in your bed? Then they might prefer your pillow because you move too much when you’re asleep. 

Cats aren’t stupid, and they know that you can easily squish them if you roll over them during sleep.

So, if you tend to toss and turn, your cat might think that they’re safer on the pillow than sleeping on top of you.

Moreover, you might kick your cat accidentally in your sleep if they nap close to your legs.

READ MORE: Why does my cat lick my nose?

#3 I’m Seeking Safety

We might have “domesticated” cats a long time ago, but our felines still have predatory instincts.

In the wild, cats look for a secure sleeping spot away from predators to lower their chances of being attacked while sleeping.

Domestic cats still do the same.

That’s why you might notice that your indoor cats like to sleep somewhere high, dark, or hard to reach, for example, in the back of the wardrobe or up on the bookshelves.

When your cat sleeps on your pillow, it’s a sign of great trust because your cat relies on you to protect them if something were to happen.

You’d never see a cat sleeping near someone that makes them nervous or anxious.

#4 I Love You

Why do cats sleep on your pillow

Cats have one constant rule in their book – they don’t spend time with people they don’t like.

They might accept food and bribes from such people, but they’re quick to turn their backs.

So, when your cat chooses to sleep next to your head, it’s a sign of love.

Your feline is trying to tell you that they enjoy being in your company and that you make them happy.

Some kitties might also try to express their affection by purring, nuzzling, or licking your hair while you’re sleeping.

You should take it as a compliment because it means you’ve got a strong bond with your kitty.

READ MORE: Why Do Cats Wake You Up in the Morning?

#5 You’re Mine

Do you have more than one cat in the house? Then you might notice that only one of your cats sleeps on your pillow.

In these cases, we might be talking a jealous cat, showing the rest of the household who the boss is.

Cats might not be pack animals as dogs, but they have a hierarchy and might fight to establish their dominance.

That’s why it’s important to introduce new cats carefully to avoid turf wars and cat fights.

Moreover, cats have special glands in their paws and cheeks that they use to leave their scent all over your body.

That’s how they show other felines that you’ve already got a cat and that they should keep away from you.

Cats can be jealous of many things, not only other cats. New additions to your household, such as a baby, a dog, or a boyfriend/girlfriend might wake your cat’s territorial instinct.

You’d better reassure your cat, or they might start picking fights and misbehaving because they feel ignored.

READ MORE: Cat Always Wants to be Near Me: Why is That?

#6 I’m Anxious

Why do cats sleep on your pillow

Another reason why your cat might start sleeping on your pillow is stress.

When your feline is feeling insecure, they might stick to your side because your kitty thinks of you as a security blanket.

It doesn’t take much to make a cat anxious. New furniture, a trip to the vet, or a bath are all stressful events for your cat.

But the bigger the change, the more affected your cat is going to be.

Most felines tend to hide somewhere dark and small until the “bad thing” is over, but some might become clingy and more affectionate than usual.

If you think that your cat is under stress, you should pamper them for a while so that they feel safe and sound again.

You can also talk to your vet about it if your kitty is too nervous or becomes aggressive.

READ MORE: Why does my cat only play when I’m around?

As you can see, cats might snuggle on your pillow for a lot of reasons.

The good news is that felines often change their sleeping spots, so your cat will probably move to another area in a couple of weeks.

But if you aren’t comfortable with your cat napping next to you, you should keep your cat out of the bedroom from the beginning.

Banning your cat from the bed afterward can be hard because cats hate it when they don’t have access to their favorite spot.

Why do cats sleep on your pillow

What do you think about these reasons why your cat sleeps on your pillow? Does your kitty ever snuggle next to you? Share your opinion in the comment section.

Why do cats sleep on your pillow

I’ve grown up surrounded by animals – dogs, cats, cows, goats, sheep, and horses and that has shaped me into what I am today – a crazy cat lady who always has a place for one more cat (or a dog). I’ve got two female cats – Kitty and Roni, and two tomcats – Blacky and Shaggy, but I also feed my neighbors’ cats when they come for a visit. I just can’t say no to them.

I discovered that writing is my vocation early in my school years. Since then I’ve taken part in several literature contests – writing horror and fantasy short stories and novellas.
For the past three years, I’ve been an ELS teacher, pouring my heart into showing children and teenagers how important English is for their future and trying to educate them how to treat their pets with care.

Find her on Instagram. Read her latest articles..

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