Why do cats sleep by your head

So you just woke up, and there happens to be a ball of fluff comfortably lying down on you. What fluff, you say? Well, it’s none other than your adorable cat who has decided to sleep on your chest for the time-being, like you’re their favorite pillow.

If you’re a cat owner, this might be a familiar scenario. And isn’t it such an aww-moment whenever it happens? Meanwhile, this leads you to a curious question — "Why does my cat sleep on me?"

Yes, you might have bought your cat a comfy bed. While your cat does sleep on it, she sometimes prefers to take naps on shelves, boxes, tables, or most especially...on you. So, why do cats sleep on you?

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Apart from the reason that they love you, this behavior may also be linked to a cat’s natural instinct of taking care of their kin as well as how they interact with each other when they’re out in the wild.

It may also provide added context to learn about a cat’s sleeping patterns, and how it’s different from ours. While humans usually sleep continuously during the night, cats take several naps in a day to regain their energies. These catnaps however are often in a light sleep mode.

The reason for this is because cats are natural-born hunters who are always ready to fight or defend themselves from predators. In relation to this, the behavior of lying down on you is a way for them to feel more secure, especially when they’re taking a nap.

5 Reasons Why Cats Sleep On Their Owners

So, what does it mean when your cat sleeps on you?

They want to bond with you

Cat owners can attest to the fact that cats really are sweet creatures. Don’t be fooled by their reputation of being standoffish. Yes, cats want to bond with their owners in their own unique way.

One of their ways of showing their affection is to sleep with you. It’s your cat’s way to show how much they want to be near you. It also brings your cat a sense of comfort to hear the sound of your breathing or your beating heart.

This can be likened to a cat’s behavior in the wild where they show much affection to their kin. They bond by grooming and rubbing each other as well as by pillowing together when they sleep.

They like the warmth

Do you notice that your cat likes sunbathing by the window where the sunlight passes through during the day? This is because cats love warmth as it helps them relax and have restful naps.

But why do cats lay on you specifically? Because your body is warmer than most spots in the room, they like it when they’re resting on you. Warmth also induces better quality of sleep in cats and so keeping themselves warm while sleeping on you is good for their health.

They want to feel secure

Because cats are natural hunters in the wild, they look for secure places when they can rest and recharge in between hunting. In the domestic setting, you are that safe haven for them. Cats are vulnerable when sleeping, so this behavior suggests that they trust you and feel secure when you’re there.

This behavior can also be traced back to kittenhood when litters would pillow on each other and on their mothers as they sleep. They are raised this way during their peak development weeks as they learn about social skills and other skills that they bring with them into adulthood.

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Cats are territorial in nature. In the home setting, they release pheromones produced by their scent glands to claim their territory. So when they sleep on top of you, they are indeed marking their scent on you. This is actually a compliment.

It’s a way for them to say that you’re a part of their tribe, similar to how cats in the wild mark cats of the same group. The act of your cat rubbing their heads or bodies on you is also a part of this process of marking their scent.

It may be due to hormones

In a test by neuroscientist Paul Zak, he studied 10 cats and examined their saliva samples while they were playing with their owners. The results show that there was an increase in the cats’ oxytocin levels by up to 12%.

A study by Behavioral Processes even shows that cats may actually like interacting with their owners more than their love for food. In relation to this, the act of your cat sleeping on you may also be a sign that they produce happy hormones when they bond with you.

Why Cats Sleep on Certain Parts of Your Body

You may be wondering — Why does my cat lay on me? — particularly on my chest, lap, or head? Below are some of the reasons why.

Why does my cat lay on my chest?

Because kittens may have spent a large part of their formative years pillowing with other kittens and their mothers, veterinarians believe that the sound and rhythm of your heartbeat can be associated with the bonds they have made with their mothers and siblings. Because they now see you as their family, it’s highly likely that sleeping on your chest helps keep them calm and at ease.

Why does my cat sleep on my legs?

Cat owners may probably have a good idea why their cat jumps towards their lap to sleep. Their body language says it all — they are motioning for you to pet and bond with them. Laps not only give them warmth, but it’s also a perfect spot for unlimited petting.

Apart from the fact that your head is warm, it is also the most stationary part of your body whenever you sleep. Since there’s a possibility for you to twist and turn during the duration of your sleep, your cat might be cautious so as not to be hit by your arms or legs.

Another possible reason is that they have a thing for eye contact. They often communicate with their eyes, so laying on your head may give them the advantage of being near your eyes.

Lastly, they may be drawn to your head because of the smell of your hair. Cats have a heightened sense of smell, and if they like the scent of your hair, they probably want to stay near it.

No matter how many cozy cat beds you provide, some cats will only settle for one nighttime resting spot: your head.

So, what’s behind this all-too-familiar 3 a.m. wake-up call? Is it because your head is the warmest spot on the bed? Or is it because your cat wants to snuggle up as close to you as possible?

According to Lisa Stemcosky—a certified cat behavior consultant and owner of Washington, D.C.-based PawLitically Correct—it's probably a little bit of both.

"I see it as a bonding behavior, as well as being comforting," Stemcosky says. "By laying on their person, cats can mix their scent with their person’s.”

Because faces and scalps have sebaceous glands that give off a distinct scent, cats are drawn to our heads, says Dr. Mikel Maria Delgado, a certified animal behaviorist and co-owner of Feline Minds in San Francisco, California. "That scent and familiarity may be comforting for cats who are very attached to their human,” she says.

Warmth is another factor in this behavior, Delgado adds. "Cats prefer temperatures much warmer than humans do, and so it is not unusual for them to seek out warmth,” she says.

If someone in a cat-friendly household, particularly a child, has a cat allergy, Stemcosky recommends not allowing the cat near the mouth or nose during sleep.

So, how is this behavior discouraged? Try creating a safe, comfortable space at the foot of your bed or in another area of the bedroom. Heated cat beds, in particular, may be extra tempting. "Cats are usually quite attracted to them, and they are a great way to make other areas of the house more attractive for sleeping, especially when they are turned on only at night," Delgado says.

Of course, if you don’t mind your cat sleeping on your head, there’s no cause for concern. As long as the behavior isn’t new or coupled with any signs of physical or emotional distress, it’s a perfectly normal and common cat habit, as well as a sign that your feline friend enjoys your company. "It's a great way to create and intensify the human-animal bond," says Stemcosky.

Cats spend most of their time doing exactly as they please, and this attitude extends to their sleeping choices as well. If you have a feline who hogs the pillow, it’s easy to wonder about this behavior. So why does your cat sleep on your head, anyway, and what does this choice of bed even mean? It’s simply another way your cat shows they enjoy your company, even when they’re fast asleep.

Cats Love Warmth

“We lose most of our body heat through our heads and without a doubt our furry pals are sure to sense this and seek out the warmest spot on the bed,” Lucie Wilkins, Registered Vet Nurse & Cat Blogger at Kitty Cat Tree, tells Romper. Your head acts like their personal heating pad. In fact, seeking warmth is one reason cats tend to sleep in small spaces from time to time, too. And chances are, your head is even more comfy than their favorite cardboard box.

You Smell Nice

“Some cats like to sleep on their owner's head because of the warmth and the natural smells of our hair, which might be comforting to your cat,” Dr. Mikel (Maria) Delgado, Cat Behavior Expert with Rover, tells Romper. It’s one way to get a super-dose of your scent. “Your head, hair, and pillow are a concentrated source of that comforting scent and some cats may particularly enjoy that,” Dr. Georgina Ushi Phillips, DVM at Better With Cats, tells Romper. It’s an (honestly adorable) sign your cat appreciates you.

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In many cases, the pillow is simply a safe place for your cat to rest. “Most people turn, flip and even thrash in their sleep but their heads won’t move nearly as much as their arms and legs. Many cats will quickly figure out that the best place to sleep without getting disturbed is your head,” says Dr. Phillips. Hey, nobody likes getting accidentally elbowed in their sleep, even the cat.

Lastly, the answer may not be mysterious at all, as both Wilkins and Dr. Delgado explain: it’s possible your cat simply likes the pillow. In any case, appreciate the cat who sleeps on your head, even if it does leave you with a bit less pillow real estate each night.


Dr. Georgina Ushi Phillips, DVM at Better With Cats

Dr. Mikel (Maria) Delgado, Cat Behavior Expert with Rover

Lucie Wilkins, Registered Vet Nurse & Cat Blogger at Kitty Cat Tree

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