Why do cats face the wall when sleeping

View attachment 246235 View attachment 246234 So my cat has been sleeping like this at night for awhile now and I was previously not concerned because he was well and active. He played well, ate well, slept well and used the litter well and during the day he sleeps normally like a normal cat would. He sleeps on the floor, the couch, my bed, his own bed and he never pressed his face against anything in the day! But come night time when I have him in my bedroom and close the door, he would sleep on the bed with me for a few hours, then on the floor for a few hours and then there’ll also be a few hours every single night (without fail), that he sleeps with his face against the bedroom door.

Someone please help I don’t know if this is a cause for concern and if I should bring him to the vet? I left a picture.

Since he's not doing this all the time, I think it's just one of his quirks. I don't think it's anything to be concerned about. If it makes you feel better, you can always mention it to the vet the next time you're in for an appointment.

If he is only doing this when he is sleeping, I wouldn't worry about it. My guy does this but pushes his head onto the floor (think Garfield). Some cats just do this when they are sleeping. Head pressing is a cause for concern when it is done when they are awake, tense, and often sitting up. This is a medical emergency.

You can mention this to your vet when you are in next, or if you are due schedule a wellness check but from what you have described and the pictures you have posted, this is just normal weirdo cat behaviour.

My cat also presses his face into things when he is sleeping, arm of the couch, side of his bed.....the wall. I honestly don't have any idea how he can breath, or how comfortable he his but he has done this for as long as I can remember and is now 18 and still going strong. As aprilc mentioned, I personally would only be concerned if he did this when NOT sleeping. But of course, does not hurt to bring it up at your next vet visit.

Cats often do things that make us owners scratch our heads. One such behavior might have you asking, “why do cats stare at walls?” Sometimes this can feel a bit spooky, and you might be wondering if your cat can see something that you can’t.

Why Do Cats Stare At Walls – 6 Reasons:

Cats have sensitive hearing and can easily detect small sounds that simply pass us by. We’ve heard stories of families finding rodents or raccoons making nests in their walls after they were alerted to a specific spot by their cat becoming obsessed with staring at it!

If your cat’s ears are pricked toward the wall and they appear to be fiercely concentrating, they may be listening to something that you can’t hear, such as the sound of a family member’s car arriving home. If a cat is listening to a particular sound, they may be sitting still. While it looks like they’re staring at the wall, they’re actually concentrating on figuring out what the sound is.

Image Credit: Thomas Bormans, Unsplash

Cats can see far better than we can. Their peripheral vision extends to 200 degrees, compared to our 180-degree vision. Cats can also see certain wavelengths of light that we can’t, including ultraviolet light. Cat’s eyes have more rods too, which are the cells responsible for helping us see in low-light conditions. While cats can’t technically see in complete darkness any better than we can, they can see much better when there’s only a small amount of light.

Your cat might be watching small particles of dust as they move in subtle air currents or have seen a tiny insect that’s all but invisible to you.

So, when they’re staring at the wall, your cat may have spotted something that you simply can’t see!

As a cat owner, we’re sure you know this already! But cat’s brains are simply wired up differently than ours. Cats often stop what they’re doing and appear to freeze as they’re trying to figure something out. This can sometimes turn into a blep, which we all know as that cute face that cats make when they forget to put their tongue back in their mouth. This temporary distraction can also end up with your cat staring at the wall, looking a bit zoned out. After a while, they usually give themselves a little shake and go about their day as normal.

If your senior cat is staring at the wall in between appearing confused or disoriented, they may be suffering from cognitive decline. This is an inevitable part of growing old for some cats. Your vet will be able to provide personalized advice for how best you can care for your elderly cat at this point.

When staring at the wall is a problem

Most of the time, a cat staring at the wall isn’t a problem. After a few moments, they usually go back to doing whatever they were doing before. Occasionally, however, staring at the wall can be a sign of something more serious. If you’re concerned about your cat staring at the wall, always seek veterinary advice.

Vets aren’t exactly sure what causes hyperesthesia, but besides staring at the wall, cats affected by this condition may show the following signs:

  • Skin rippling
  • Enlarged pupils
  • Loud howling or meowing
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Excessive grooming, especially the base of the tail

It’s thought that reducing your cat’s anxiety by maintaining a regular routine and avoiding overstimulation can help control hyperesthesia. Your vet will likely want to carry out extensive tests before diagnosing this condition, and most cats can lead perfectly normal lives with a few minor adjustments to their home environment.

6. Head pressing

If you notice your cat pressing their forehead firmly against the wall and not moving away, seek veterinary advice immediately. Head pressing can be a sign of a serious illness, including:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Brain tumors
  • Toxic poisoning
  • Metabolic disorders

Many cats that are seen head pressing also present other symptoms like:

  • Compulsive pacing or circling
  • Disorientation
  • Seizures
  • Vision problems, including dilated pupils
  • Excessive vocalization

Head pressing versus head butting

Don’t confuse head pressing with head butting. Cats will often briefly head butt things, including us, as a normal way of leaving their scent pheromones on areas of their territory.

What should owners do if their cat is staring at the wall?

Most of the time, your cat staring at the wall isn’t anything to worry about. They’ve simply seen or heard something that we can’t hear. Or, something is going on in that feline brain that is giving them pause for thought.

Making sure your cat has enough enrichment and interest around the house can help keep them happy and healthy. You might choose to distract your cat from their staring session by encouraging them to play or setting up a bird-watching station so they can stare out of the window instead.

Occasionally, staring at the wall can be a sign of a more serious medical condition. If in doubt, it’s always best to seek the advice of your vet. They can give your cat a full examination and either put your mind at rest or develop a healthcare plan if your cat’s staring habits are a symptom of something more serious.

Featured Image: Galexia, Shutterstock

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