Why did you choose a career in nursing?

As a child, I dreamed of acquiring a career in Nursing. I was always fascinated by the amount of respect that nurses received during my doctor visits throughout my childhood. There are many reasons why I chose to major in Nursing such as the ability to take care of someone, the money and benefits that the career offered, as well as job stability and flexibility. On of my main reasons for pursing Nursing is the ability to care for someone other than myself. Nurses usually have a nurturing heart that helps to heal any illness whether someone is sick physically or emotionally. Most people need TLC (tender loving care) because usually in time it nurtures the heart. Nurses alsohelp to educate many patients on different health topics that may help them feel better. It also provides proof that nurses care about one’s well being because they would not take the time to educate a patient about his or her illness if they did not feel it was beneficial. Another reason I close to major in Nursing is for the money and benefits that the profession offers. Most nurses have excellent pay depending on the type of environment they work in. of course, trauma nurses, surgical nurses, and nurses who…show more content…
Currently there is a big demand for nurses everywhere throughout the United States. There are also many opportunities in the field regardless of what one may specializing in because all states have a for a need for nurses. Whether one decides to live up north, down south, or out west the possibilities are endless. Some nurses have so much flexibility that they decide what hours they want to work or even what days they want to work. Many nurses also specialize in different areas within the nursing field. The field also provides many environments such hospitals, nursing homes, and doctor offices. I prefer to specialize in pediatrics, so I can work with premature babies in a neonatal wing in a

Deciding to join the nursing profession is a highly rewarding career choice. You will become part of a collective of like-minded health professionals who use their expertise and passion for making a difference to improve the lives of their local communities.

The Australian College of Nursing’s (ACN) Men in Nursing Working Party is dedicated to highlighting the benefits a nursing career can offer men in an attempt to increase gender diversity within the profession.

To meet these ends, four members of our Men in Nursing Working Party have shared the most positive aspects of their decision to become a nurse in part two of our Men in Nursing Impact Series.

Why is your nursing career rewarding? We would love you to share with us on social media by using the hashtag #Itsoktocare!

This is certainly the case for Mal Frazer MACN who has been part of the nursing profession for over 40 years and works within the specialty of community nursing.

“Seeing someone in their own home is an honour and a privilege,” he says.

“I constantly remind myself I am an invited guest, with the opportunity to provide support, education, coaching or networking with other community-based services and the family to achieve the best outcome for that client.”

“The most rewarding aspect of community nursing is that we work as a team in partnership with the client to achieve their established goals.”

David Stanley MACN works as a nurse academic which is another area you can make a difference within our profession.

“Teaching means that you never really know how far your impression on people will go,” he says.

“Writing means that people all over the world may read and be influenced by your work.”

“It is knowing that things I have said, education sessions I have given, or publications that I have contributed to that may reach beyond my small personal sphere of influence that brings me joy.”

It is the ability to contribute in a variety of ways that makes nursing a rewarding career for Nurse Unit Manager Lee Poole MACN.

“For me, the most enjoyable part of my day is receiving feedback from our staff and patients about the excellent service we provide and knowing that I have contributed to the structures and systems which support this,” he says.

“Undertaking a nursing degree was one of the best decisions I have made; I have had a diverse and reward career since.”

“The breadth and depth of opportunity and variety of roles is constantly changing. There is scope for anyone to build a career in nursing based on their strengths.”

It is the motivation to help others that drives community nurse Kazuma Honda MACN in his professional practice.

“I am an extremely passionate nurse and I aspire to make a difference,” he says.

“Nurses in the community can involve looking after very ill people, trauma and even caring for end-of-life patients.”

“It makes me strong and passionate about people who want to embrace life and reach their health care goals.”

The perspectives and stories of Mal, Lee, Kazuma and David are just some examples of the diverse contribution nurses make to their communities in a wide range of settings. Learn more about the Men in Nursing Campaign and be sure to keep an eye out  in the upcoming weeks for more articles in the Men in Nursing impact series.


Choosing a profession to build your career in it is not an easy task. Before taking any final decision, sound knowledge regarding that field is significant to avoid any regrets. Sometimes students pick the profession with no information related to job opportunities, pay-scale, working environment, etc. That ultimately lands them in trouble. Hence, take the decision wisely after having a clear idea and vision about that specific field. People who are interested in running their business opt for the BBA or MBA degree. However, those who hold feelings for art and music go for the media sciences.

Likewise, suppose you want to become a humanitarian and serve the nation. In that case, a nursing career is the best option to go. No doubt, this degree is gaining popularity among the youngsters because of uncountable benefits. It allows people to help and plays a vital role in making a better, healthy, and safe environment. Talking about the perks of this degree are too many to count. It includes job satisfaction rates, higher earnings, flexible working hours, career advancement, etc. In short, it allows the nurses to apply their expertise in various healthcare sectors. According to the BLS, the demand for nurses is increasing day by day. However, the job rate for registered nurses will increase by 12% by 2028. Meanwhile, the average RNs earn almost $72,000 a year. 

After getting a bachelor's degree in nursing, one can also go for higher studies. But a few protocols like a license to practice as a nurse practitioner is mandatory. However, nurses can also perform advanced practice roles by doing a masters' degree. Several universities are offering BSN to masters in nursing online at affordable fee structures. By doing so, one can have a chance of high earning potential. Meanwhile, nurses will also develop valuable clinical skills while completing course classes.

Are you interested in applying for this field? If yes, then give this article a must-read. Here, we will highlight all the necessary reasons that convince you to make your career in this profession. So, without exaggerating it further, let's discuss these points in detail.

A very few people know that it is one of the highest-earning professions. Almost 94% of the graduates get the job within six months of their degree completion. As per the survey conducted in 2017 from AMN healthcare, two-thirds of other nurses convince other people to opt for this profession due to job satisfaction. So, while making a decision, one can ponder this reason in mind.

The great thing about this profession is the variety of workplaces to serve. That means a Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner can work in hospitals, healthcare facilities, and many more. They can work as a frontline health worker in trauma care. However, their role has also extended to the public health or community setting. Well, those who want to serve in the legal organization can work as a nurse consultant. Meanwhile, if you are interested in teaching, then play your role as an educator in any nursing school, etc. In other words, the list of career advancements is endless.

If you feel for people and understand their pains and worries, then it is the degree for you. The nursing profession entitles you to bring a light of hope to people's lives and make them happy, healthy, and mentally fit. No matter in which facility you work, either in a hospital or rehabilitation center. In both areas, you can get a definite yet positive change in someone's life.

It is normal to work as a registered nurse in any hospital or clinic. But it is the profession that offers you to specialize in various sub-fields. People having a bachelor's degree in nursing can go for a specialization in their field of interest. Here, one can serve as an infant nurse, midwife, or neonatal nurse, etc. So, opt for your desired sub-field wisely and get a master's degree in it for further specialization.

As discussed above, it is one of the respectable professions among the other careers like a business, media, etc. A survey conducted by the Varkey Foundation in 2018 states nursing is at the sixth position of being the respectable profession in the world. Therefore, it is one of the main reasons to choose this field as a professional career. No doubt, the way these nurses work selflessly, day and night, is commendable. They are not only passionate about their work but determined and concerned about their patient's health. That is why this profession has gained immense respect and recognition in the world.

Another reason to opt for this field is the financial aid opportunities. Yes, you heard it right. Students who are worried about the expenses of their degree program should no longer worry about it. They can take help from financial and scholarship programs. Meanwhile, they can also look for the funds provided by the various schools, colleges, and universities, etc. In this way, completing a nursing degree is possible with no financial issues.

Are you still confused and not able to make up your mind? If yes, then know that it is one of the highest-paid professions. According to the BLS, the licensed nurses in 2017 were getting salary equaled to $450130. However, anesthetic nurses or midwives were earning $110,000. Despite monthly income, the nursing jobs also provide insurance packages and retirement benefits.


Selecting a degree to make your career in it entirely depends upon one's interest and passion. At the same time, the love and enthusiasm to serve humanity call to pursue a nursing career. That gives various job opportunities, career advancement chances, a high pay scale, and much more. So, whenever you are going to take the final steps, consider all the above reasons.

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