Why did Aurangzeb demolish the Kashi Vishwanath?

Why did Aurangzeb demolish the Kashi Vishwanath?

Varanasi: In this December 12, 2021 file photo, view of Kashi Vishwanath Temple Dham and Gyanvapi Masjid complex, in Varanasi

Photo : PTI


  • Kashi Vishwanath temple is one of the 12 main jyotirlingas whose first archaeological evidence dates back to 9th-10th BC
  • It was renovated to grandeur during the Gupta period, a fact mentioned by Chinese historian Hsuan Tsang
  • It was demolished repeatedly by invaders like Mohd Ghori, Mahmud Sharqi and Aurangzeb during different points in history

All those who have visited the Kashi Vishwanath temple would be aware of the presence of the beautiful and benign statue of Nandi, Lord Shiva’s bull. The statue is 2.1 metres in height and faces the wall of the Gyanvapi mosque. For those familiar with Hindu traditional architecture, Nandi is supposed to be facing the main deity Lord Shiva, either in the form of an idol or as the Linga, puzzling researchers for centuries as to the location of the actual sanctum sanctorum.

The history that we don’t know about…

Anecdotal history has it that when Mughal emperor Aurangzeb attacked Varanasi and ordered the demolition of the Kashi Vishwanath temple in the September of 1669, the priests of the temple had removed the Shivalinga and hid it in a well that exists between the Kashi Vishwanath temple and the Gyanvapi mosque. And thus, when the assaulters came, they could not find the central deity of the temple and it escaped harm. It is recorded history that Muslim invaders were iconoclasts who would disfigure idols of Hindu worship as damaged figures are not prayed to. So, while the assailants smashed the structure of the temple, its structure, and decorations, when they moved towards the Nandi to destroy it, a swarm of bees attacked them. The troops fled leaving behind the untouched statue of Shiva’s bull. Such is the anecdote.

Nearly a century after the attack by Aurangzeb, Queen Ahilyabai Holkar of Indore restored and reconstructed the Shiva temple near the Gyanvapi mosque and Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab contributed by sending two tons of gold which encased the temple’s sanctum sanctorum. This is the shrine that we all visit in its present form. It is supposed to have been built within hugging distance of the original site but not over the primary place.

After many years of contest about the original location of the ancient temple, as per court order, a videography team has collected evidence to establish whether the main temple was at the site of the current day Gyanvapi mosque. It is said that some interesting findings have come forth from within the mosque like Sanskrit hymns written on pillars, flowers, and swastika signs as wall decorations, and under the Shringar Gauri rock has been discerned Vishnu's hood as well as Lord Brahma's lotus.

Why did Aurangzeb demolish the Kashi Vishwanath?
Varanasi: Officials arrive on the third and last day for a videographic survey at Gyanvapi Mosque complex, in Varanasi, on May 16, 2022.

The most remarkable is the buzz about a Shivalinga being found in the well or pond which Muslim worshipers used for wazoo i.e. ablutions before prayers. While the Muslim side is contesting that it is actually a fountain, the petitioners say that that the structure found is undoubtedly a Shivalinga as there is no water duct in it and also because the Linga is located exactly in front of Nandi in terms of the direction.

Evidential history of Kashi Vishwanath’s past

But this is not the full story of the Kashi Vishwanath temple’s history, which is amongst the most important of the 12 jyotirlingas.

A seal of Avimukteshwara found in the Rajghat area near Adi Keshav Ghat of Varanasi indicates the existence of a shrine in the 9th or 10th BC. Avimukteshwara is another name for Shiva because he is believed to provide ‘mukti’ to those who die in Kashi.

Later, in the Gupta period, which was one of the pinnacle points of Hinduism and its revitalisation, a grand temple is believed to have been built around 500 CE by Vainya Gupta, who was a Shaivite king. Chinese pilgrim and historian Hsuan Tsang has mentioned the city of Varanasi as well as the temple in his recordings, describing the narrow lanes, dense population of courteous and wealthy people, and the omnipresence of Shiva’s worship.

This temple was demolished in the 12th century by Muhammad Ghori. It was later rebuilt in the 13th century in the reign of Sultan of Iltutmish, a Mamluk king who rose in his life after being purchased as an enslaved person by Qutb al-Din Aibak.

Why did Aurangzeb demolish the Kashi Vishwanath?
Muslims arrive to offer the Friday prayers at Gyanvapi Masjid in Varanasi | Pic courtesy: PTI

Later in the mid-15th century around 1447, Mahmud Shah Sharqi of Jaunpur again flattened it. Raja Todar Mal Built it again in 1585 along with scholar Pandit Narayan Bhatt only to be razed by Aurangzeb finally before being rebuilt.

Through centuries past, Kashi Vishwanath’s history is replete with episodes of the repeated blitz, attacks, and efforts to efface it from memory. But each time, the Jyotirlinga has shown exceptional resilience and capacity to rejuvenate and reinvigorate.

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Unable to bear the thought of PM Modi inaugurating the renovated Kashi Vishwanath temple corridor and the temple receiving the due attention it deserves, a moulana has peddled the worst of lies about the temple. One Moulana Shamsuddin Qasimi from Tamil Nadu has claimed in one of the videos posted in his Youtube channel that a Hindu queen was raped inside the temple by the head pujari. He also claimed that Aurangzeb demolished the temple only because Hindu kings and seers requested him to, following the “rape incident”.

PM Modi had ruffled a few feathers by talking about Aurangzeb while inaugurating the Kashi Vishwanath corridor. One of them seems to be Moulana Shamsuddin Qasimi who has woven a new tale around the demolition of Kashi Vishwanath temple. Unable to bear the truth of Muslim rulers coming out, lest they wake up the sleeping Hindus, he has come up with a tale to deceive his brethren.

The translation of his speech follows, “Indian Muslims have a rich history. But RSS and sanghis have taken “distortion of history” as a weapon to belittle and destroy Islam and Muslims. They have concocted a conspiracy to distort, hide or altogether destroy the history of Muslim sacrifice and contribution to the country. PM Modi, doing a disservice to his post, is proudly declaring that he is a RSS member first and is doing everything RSS dictates to prove that as well”.

“As a part of that, Modi and that bald man(Yogi Adityanath) went to worship in Kashi Vishwanath temple. Ok worship by all means. But there is politics behind that. Elections are impending in UP. They(BJP) have a policy of hatred that sa0ys only by creating divide between Hindus and Muslims and promoting hate policy they will win..and the PM forgetting the integrity and respectability of his position, repeated a lie told by RSS.”

“What did he say? Similar to how they won by repeating a lie that Babur demolished the temple in Ayodhya to build Babri masjid, now their evil eye has fallen on the masjid in Kashi and the Idgah masjid in Madura. It is in that Kashi Vishwanath temple Modi had lied through his teeth. Actually it is not a lie. It is indeed the truth but he has distorted the truth.”

“He said that Aurangzeb demolished Kashi Vishwanath temple and that Whenever an Aurangzeb has arisen in India, a Shivaji has also emerged. He has told a white lie that Aurangzeb was a horrible man and projected Hindus as great warriors. Let me tell you the truth. Aurangzeb did demolish the temple. He razed it to the ground. That is the truth.”

“But Modi has repeated the lies of RSS in this matter. Even though he said that Aurangzeb demolished the temple, did he say why he demolished it? If he told them that their stinking history would come out. When Aurangzeb was the emperor of India, the Hindu kings of small nation’s under his regime came to Varanasi with their families to take holy dip in Ganga. One of them was the king of Kutch and his beautiful young queen.”

“The madathipathi of Kashi Vishwanath temple had his eye on that queen. He watched that queen bath with lustful eyes. It’s in their culture. After all they raped and murdered an 8 year old Asifa inside a temple. It would not have been a big thing for them. Mesmerised by the queen’s beauty, he abducted her. When her absence was noticed everyone went berserk searching for her everywhere.”

“When Aurangzeb came to know about it he sent his troops, officials and ministers to hunt for the queen. But she couldn’t be found anywhere. At last they go inside Kashi Vishwanath temple to search for her. They move the sculptures there looking for hideaways. A Ganapati sculpture moved and they discovered a secret passageway. When they climbed down and looked inside they saw the queen of Kutch in a disheveled manner, raped and disgraced in the garbha griha of the temple.”

“Aurangzeb investigated and found that it was the madathipathi who raped the queen. It is usual for them. So Aurangzeb sentenced him to death. At that time all the Hindu kings and Brahmins told him that as the queen was raped in the garbha griha the holiness of the temple has been ruined and so the temple should be demolished and rebuilt. Respecting their wishes and religious sentiments, he demolished the temple and “rebuilt it”.”

“This is the historical truth. The reason behind this video is to expose their lives and reveal this truth. I have proof for all of this. I implore my Muslim brothers who watch this video to please forward it to your Hindu friends, particularly sanghis. Let them file a complaint against me. Annamalai, Maridhas or any other sanghi can file a complaint against me. I have thousands of pieces of evidence for what I’m saying. Let them file the cases and the muck come out. The Muslim brothers who watch this should explain the truth to their non-Muslim friends. Allah will make Islam flourish in this holy land of India.”

Rangarajan Narasimhan, a social activist has filed a complaint with the Chennai Cyber Crime Cell. The status of the complaint is unknown. Look how the mulla concocts a story similar to that of the already refuted Asifa incident to make even non-Hindus believe it. It is unfortunate that gullible Hindus might even fall for this thanks to the “Modi hate” spread by the opposition and media. We cannot fault them though for the government has failed to correct the distorted history published in school curriculum.