Why am i still hurting a week after coolsculpting

You’ve probably heard about CoolSculpting, the miracle fat busting treatment that literally freezes fat off your body. If you need a quick primer on what CoolSculpting is, click here. 

You’ve heard some doctors say that it’s painless. You’ve probably heard the competition tell you that it hurts.

So you’re probably wondering: Does CoolSculpting hurt or doesn't it?

If you’re naturally skeptical like the rest of us, you’re also probably wondering: Does CoolSculpting really work? Is CoolSculpting really the best fat busting treatment?

Does CoolSculpting Work?

In a nutshell, yes, CoolSculpting really works. You can find out how CoolSculpting works here.

CoolSculpting vs. SculpSure and Other Fat Busting Treatments

CoolSculpting is the gold standard, FDA approved treatment for nonsurgical fat reduction with over 3 million treatments performed. Learn more about how CoolSculpting stacks up against alternative treatments such as Sculpsure here.

The Honest Truth About CoolSculpting & Pain ?

I’ll answer this question from two perspectives:

My Personal Experience As A Patient

As a provider, I like to try as many nonsurgical cosmetic treatments as I can before I offer it to my patients so that I know firsthand what the treatment feels like and whether it works.

So, shortly after CoolSculpting gained FDA approval in 2010, I underwent a first generation CoolSculpting treatment of my love handles using the CoolCore+ applicator.

During The Treatment

We started with my right love handle. A protective gel pad was first applied. The gel pad was surprisingly cool and wet. Then the treatment applicator was placed over my love handle. Once the applicator was positioned over my love handle, a vacuum was turned on, drawing my skin and fat into the device. The vacuum felt like a gentle suction cup applied to the skin. The CoolSculpting machine was then activated, turning on the cooling process that freezes the fat. For the first 10 minutes, there was a mild pinching sensation. Then the area went completely numb like having an ice pack on. After the freezing was finished, the vacuum and the applicator were released, leaving behind a “butter stick” of frozen fat. The butter stick was massaged for a few minutes, which felt slightly ticklish. This was in the day before we had two machines for DualSculpting, so the process was repeated on the other left side.

For me, the treatment felt a little weird, but it didn’t hurt at all. It mostly felt like applying an ice pack.

After The Treatment

I didn't experience any pain after the procedure, and I was able to resume full activities including performing surgery and working out immediately. My love handles felt slightly numb for about the three weeks, but that’s about it.

My Personal Experience as a CoolSculpting Provider

We’ve treated thousands of patients at our San Francisco CoolSculpting center and are constantly improving our treatments by staying up-to-date with the latest and greatest additions to CoolSculpting. 

We survey all of our patients after treatment, and here’s what I can tell you about pain and CoolSculpting based on the experience of our large group of patients:

CoolSculpting 1.0 Applicators (before 2016):

The original CoolSculpting treatment protocol used the CoolCore, CoolCurve, CoolFit, and CoolMax applicators. Some practices still use these applicators, but we replaced using these applicators for the newer, faster, and more effective CoolAdvantage applicators in 2016.

During The Treatment

77% of our patients reported that they experienced no pain or only mild pain during their CoolSculpting treatment, but 15% reported moderate pain that was most often described as a pinching sensation that usually lasted for the first 15 minutes of the treatment before giving way to feelings of numbness and ice.

After The Treatment

61% of our patients rated the recovery process as easy or very easy, and an additional 22% rated the recovery as average with mild post-treatment discomfort. More than 80% of these patients were able to return to full activities including work and exercise immediately. 58% reported bruising, numbness, tingling, or redness.

17% of patients, however, rated the recovery as below average or hard. The majority of these patients experienced post-treatment pain that was rated as moderate in severity, but 5% of patients described severe pain. The pain was most commonly described as “pins and needles” or a burning sensation. The pain lasted 5-15 days and was improved with prescription pain medicines.  Patients who received treatment of the lower abdomen were at the highest risk of developing post-treatment pain during recovery.  

CoolSculpting 2.0 Applicators (2016-Present)

We were one of the first practices in San Francisco to obtain and use the newest and most effective CoolSculpting applicators, the CoolAdvantage and CoolAdvantage Max, in 2016.

The CoolAdvantage treatment is faster, more comfortable, and more effective than the original treatment:

  • 42% faster (treatment time is reduced from one hour to 35 minutes)
  • 45% more comfortable (due to reduced vacuum on the skin and lower cooling temperature)
  • 10% increased effectiveness (due to a larger cup volume and lower cooling temperature)

During The Treatment

90% of our patients report that the CoolAdvantage treatment is comfortable or very comfortable, with an average pain score of 1 on a scale of zero to ten. Most patients report a cooling sensation on the skin.

After The Treatment

The occurrence of pain during the recovery period has dropped from 17% to 3%. Bruising occurs less frequently. Mild numbness, tingling, redness and/or swelling may still occur.

Bottom Line: Is CoolSculpting Painful?

The newest generation of CoolSculpting devices, called CoolAdvantage, are very comfortable for 90% of patients both during the treatment itself and during the recovery period that follows.

The older CoolSculpting devices are also comfortable, but about 15% of patients described the treatment itself as painful and 5% described the recovery as painful for the first 1-2 weeks.

Choose The Best CoolSculpting Center 

At our San Francisco CoolSculpting Center, 77 Plastic Surgery and Dr. Larry Fan offer CoolAdvantage and DualSculpting to ensure that you receive the fastest, most comfortable, and most effective CoolSculpting treatment possible.

We have successfully treated thousands of CoolSculpting patients from San Francisco and beyond. If you are interested in learning whether you are a candidate for CoolSculpting, you can take a complimentary CoolSculpting evaluation here to see if you're a good candidate for CoolSculpting.

post-title Is Abdominal Swelling and Pain Normal After CoolSculpting? //drapesos.com/wp-content/uploads/1920x1080CoolsculptSlide-1.jpg 2017-05-30 15:19:14 yes no Posted by Dr. James Apesos

Recently, we had a person reach out to our office who had a CoolSculpting procedure at another office. They were worried because of abdominal swelling and pain, describing the feeling of having done a million crunches. The person was really upset. She was young and fit, but had a small tummy bulge. She does have a good diet and exercise routine, and now worries that CoolSculpting was a mistake. Her ultimate question was, “Is abdominal swelling and pain normal after CoolSculpting?”

Ultimately, this is an issue of a patient not being properly educated before the procedure. It is not uncommon for a person to experience some pain and swelling after a CoolSculpting procedure. This is usually short-lived but can last up to 2 weeks. Other issues that you can experience is an itching, numbness, muscle spasms, cramping, and even diarrhea. Nonetheless, this is all something that should also be explained in the post-care instructions. Here are some quick things to keep in mind.

1. Pain Killers – Extra Strength Tylenol is enough to relieve pain. However, avoid aspirin. Also, a compression garment may help reduce discomfort.

2. Activities – Any discomfort is similar to doing a lot of sit-ups or crunches, but you can resume normal activity, including exercise. That said, it is a good idea to wear loose-fitting clothes for the first few days.

3. Results – You will start to see results within 3 weeks. During this time, the dead fat cells are absorbed and then passed through the body as waste. A healthy diet is very important.

Most importantly, what every patient should know is that none of the side-effects are permanent. If you are having severe pain, it is important to speak to your doctor. However, even if you experience unusual issues, they are temporary.

What haven’t we covered yet that is important to you? If you would like to talk about abdominal swelling and pain after CoolScupting, or other related topics, please contact us.

A beginner’s guide to calf implants for men Are you looking for stronger and more defined calves? Calf muscles are integral to the musculoskeletal system, since they help you rotate your ankles and flex your feet. Unfortunately, some men can’t grow their calf muscles despite every effort possible at the gym. In such a case, calf implants can help your legs appear more muscular and improve the overall appearance of your lower body. A highly trained and skilled plastic surgeon can help you solve your calf implant needs. Below is an expert brief on everything you should know about calf implants for men. What Are Calf Implants for Men? Male calf implants are an impressive way to increase the definition, mass, and proportionality of one’s calf muscles. Calf muscles tend to be challenging to develop naturally. Therefore, calf implants offer the best solution around it. Furthermore, male calf implants are custom designed for each person to ensure an even physique between the upper and lower body. In fact, with calf implants, you can increase your calf size, symmetry, and general body confidence. How Do Calf Implants Work? As with most implants, a calf implant contains silicone, a rubber-like material. It […]

You’re likely to develop varicose veins during pregnancy because the volume of your blood increases during this period. The blood exerts pressure on the blood vessels, weakening the valves, and causing it to flow backwards. The good news is that you can prevent varicose veins even during pregnancy, and have a safe delivery. You only need enough information on how to prevent this condition. Here are five ways to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy: Why varicose veins are a problem during pregnancy Varicose veins may itch, sting, and look unattractive, but they’re usually safe in the short term. If treatment is required, it is generally postponed until after your child’s birth. Varicose veins can cause tiny blood clots on the skin surface for some (superficial venous thrombosis). The vein may feel rigid and cord-like, and the surrounding skin may become red, hot, tender, or painful due to the clot. At times, the area surrounding the clumps may become contaminated. In that situation, you may have a fever or chills. You are advised to see the doctor if: Either leg swells dramatically. Your legs become infected with sores. The color of the skin near the veins changes. Sometimes your medical cover may not […]

Belly fat is an all-too-common issue. Whether you’ve just entered your forties, have recently had a baby, or have simply packed on a few pounds, excess fat in this area is guaranteed to diminish both your comfort and your confidence. If you’re nervous when donning your swimming suit, your birthday suit, or a form-fitting pant suit, taking a proactive approach to banishing belly fat is a must. Fortunately, there are seven easy ways to target these troublesome fat stores. 1. Know What Type of Belly Fat You’re Dealing With There are two types of belly fat. The most common of these is pinchable, subcutaneous fat, or fat that lies just below your skin. You can easily grab and measure this fat with your fingers. More importantly, you can probably burn it off fairly quickly with targeted exercise, calorie cutting, and several other lifestyle changes mentioned below. There’s also visceral fat. This is fat that develops around the internal organs. It is far worse for your health than subcutaneous fat, and quite a bit more challenging to get off. You can often best eliminate visceral fat with intermittent fasting or with the adoption of a long-term, high-protein, low-carb diet plan. 2. […]

If you’ve often wondered if your skin could benefit from microdermabrasion treatments, you are not alone. Microdermabrasion, which involves polishing away dead skin cells from the skin’s surface, is one of the most requested non-invasive skin procedures administered by skin care specialists today, and for good reason. Individuals who suffer from acne or chicken pox scars, blackheads, dry/flaking skin, sun spots, large pores, excessive oiliness, hyperpigmentation, and/or stretch marks can improve the appearance of their skin through a series of microdermabrasion treatments. The procedure itself which involves “vacuuming” dead skin cells away, also increases blood flow to the treated area. In turn, this helps to deliver oxygen and other healing nutrients to the skin’s surface. Thus, a healthy glow from polished, healed skin replaces damaged and/or scarred skin cells. Sound interesting? Here are some things you should know about microdermabrasion. 1. There is little to no downtime after the procedure. Most patients only experience a small amount of redness and/or skin sensitivity at the treated area for 1 ― 2 days after the procedure. When properly administered, there should be no unsightly appearance of the skin, nor should there be any notable discomfort. 2. The procedure can be combined with […]

How do you keep the results you’ve gotten from injections without overdoing it? The life cycle of injections varies depending on what type you’re getting and where. We’ve created this detailed list to make sure you’re getting the most from your injections, and to help you know how to schedule your follow-up appointments! Is It Dangerous? There’s a lot of anti-cosmetic injection rhetoric out there, which can hinder finding the information you’re looking for. Are regular, long-term injections dangerous? Can they permanently change my skin? These are completely understandable concerns, but with all the false information floating around on the internet, we want to be sure to give you factual, clear answers that will hopefully also give you some peace of mind. Are regular injections dangerous? If you are getting your injections through non-regulated sources, there are serious dangers to be aware of, and without professional use, this can result in serious health consequences. However, if you are working with professionals, and using FDA approved fillers, there are no dangers in getting regular injections. Can injections permanently change my skin? Temporary fillers (like the ones mentioned below) are made to dissolve over time, and reflect the natural chemistry of your […]

Aging affects your body in a variety of ways you may not always enjoy. If you’re wondering what to do about changes to the skin on your face, such as baggy, puffy, or dark eyes, we’re here to help. Dr. Apesos offers a wide variety of therapies, surgeries, and other procedures that can help you combat the effects of aging, especially when combined with lifestyle changes. We have been passionate about helping patients achieve tighter, younger-looking skin for over 30 years; we can help you choose from a variety of treatment options to minimize baggy, puffy, or dark eyes in a way that best meet your needs. Causes of Baggy, Puffy, or Dark Eyes Aging is the main risk factor for changes in the appearance of the skin around your eyes. Like the rest of your body, the skin on your face goes through a variety of physical changes over time. As you age, the muscles and other tissues near your eyes, and on the rest of your face, weaken. These weaker muscles can cause the skin that surrounds your eyes to droop or appear baggy. They also make it easier for fat and other fluids to move around. This […]

Cryolipolysis, commonly called CoolSculping, is a fat reduction technique which freezes fat cells. This technology is FDA-approved and is safe and effective. Maybe you consider yourself to be a health-conscious person. You try to eat a balanced diet, get adequate exercise, and make good lifestyle choices. But even though you have healthy habits, you don’t feel you look your best. No matter how much physical activity you do or how conscious you are about the foods you eat, certain areas of your body just don’t seem to change. By your teen years and into adulthood, people generally have a set amount of fat cells. As you gain weight, the fat cells expand, and as you lose weight, they shrink. So even though eating healthy and exercising can cause you to trim down, there are certain areas of the body where it may be hard to lose weight no matter how diligent you are. Gender, genetics, or age can play a role in the struggle to lose weight. Additionally, women may be more prone to store fat in the thighs and buttocks. In contrast, men may develop an issue with added pounds in their midsection. Whether you’re a man or a […]

As you age, your face goes through different changes. Around age 40, you might notice a drooping in your eyelids and maybe a few small wrinkles near the forehead or mouth. By the time you turn 50, you might see a gradual sagging in your face. Due to menopausal changes, you start to lose a chunk of your collagen, and skin inflammation could increase. You don’t have to sit back and accept the situation, because there are some things you can do to make your skin appear younger. Use Skincare Products with Healthy Ingredients  These go a long way in helping your face appear younger. These products also don’t have to be expensive because there are drugstores that have affordable and high-quality ingredients. Look for skincare products that contain vitamin A, vitamin E, retinoids, vitamin C, and alpha hydroxy acid. Other good ingredients to look for in skincare products include salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid, and green tea extract. Don’t Go Overboard with Makeup  Makeup makes you look fabulous, but too much of the heavy foundation could make you look older. As you age, it’s better to apply a liquid moisturizing foundation. Another idea would be to apply a primer before […]

Our hands do a lot. We rely on our hands for everything from cooking, typing, crafting, expressing ourselves through art and music, to caring for others. We want our hands to look graceful and beautiful, but let’s face it: we also expect our hands to function daily. Our hands are on full display, so we want to care for them and may even receive routine manicures with embellished nail polish and nail art. But, our hands are one of the first things to show our age. So, how do we turn back the clock and keep our hands looking youthful and lovely? What causes our hands to age? Well, age itself, of course, gets most the blame for hands looking older. As we age, we naturally start losing more and more collagen. Collagen gives our skin its flexibility and suppleness. This loss of collagen shows up most notably on the hands. The skin on our hands naturally starts out thinner, and then if you add all the work and activity we expect our hands to do, we can see why the loss of collagen makes such a difference. Sun damage represents another factor that especially affects the hands. Damaging UV […]

Every man wants those hard, sculpted pectoral muscles on their chest. Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t work out that way. Instead of rock-hard chest muscles, some men find themselves saddled with floppy man boobs. No matter how hard they exercise or how much mass they add to their pecs at the gym, these pockets of flab just won’t go away. If this describes your chest, then unfortunately you have gynecomastia. It is widely believed that the colloquially known “man boobs” of gynecomastia are caused by being overweight. However, while being overweight can cause them, typically dropping the weight will cause them to go away too. If you are in even relatively good shape, but still have a soft, poorly formed chest, then you have gynecomastia. And it should probably be addressed. What Causes Gynecomastia? If you have a soft chest caused by gynecomastia, then the likely cause is an imbalance in hormones. Both men and women are made up of male and female hormones, but have them in different levels. Gynecomastia is when you have too much estrogen and not enough male hormones to balance it out. Typically, this is why babies (or boys in early puberty) will have soft chest […]

You’ve tried it all – lipstick, gloss, and every other lip product under the sun; everything that’s advertised to make your lips look fuller and better contoured. Nothing has worked! You’ve just succeeded in wasting lots of money on a dream of full lips. However, the thin lips you were born with aren’t going to get any fuller on their own. In fact, as you age, it is likely they are going to get worse, manifesting other undesirable traits like wrinkles. Thin lips not only limit your available cosmetic options, but they make it so you constantly look like you are in a bad mood. If you want to stop mean mugging everyone you meet accidentally with thin, severe-looking lips, then it may be time to consider lip augmentation. If there is one cosmetic procedure that those open to cosmetic surgery may seek to avoid, it could be lip augmentation. At this point, we have all seen the joke on TV – about the woman with augmented lips that looks like she got stung by a bee. Yes, it’s funny, but that is not what lip augmentation is. While this is something you may want to avoid, only bad plastic […]

Many men and women have stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to even the strictest diet and exercise regimen. They’re often in areas such as the jowls, saddlebags, lower stomach, upper arms, and thighs. According to CNN, liposuction remains one of the top 5 most requested procedures, offering an immediate reduction of trouble spots by removing excess fat. Though every surgery involves risk, and the recovery can be complicated or painful, many patients are thrilled with the long term results. Here is some helpful information about liposuction aftercare. About the Procedure During the procedure, typically done under local or general anesthesia, a plastic surgeon will insert a suction tube under the skin into the pockets of fat that will be removed. The surgeon suctions away the fat using a syringe or vacuum pump. It’s important to seek out a qualified, experienced surgeon, for the results will be dependent on his or her skill. Excess fat removal can leave a wrinkled or lumpy look. Failing to remove enough fat will not produce the optimal contour. There are several methods of liposuction that might be used: tumescent liposuction, where a mixture of lidocaine, epinephrine, and IV fluids are injected to help flush […]

Veins are a crucial part of our body. They are responsible for carrying blood throughout every inch of our tissue. However, while most of the time, our veins don’t bother us one bit, there are certain conditions where our veins that should be hidden on the inside begin to affect our outside appearance. However, you don’t just have to live with unsightly veins marring your skin, if you want to change painful or visually displeasing veins, a good plastic surgeon can help through a procedure known as sclerotherapy. How The Sclerotherapy Process Works? Varicose veins, spider veins, and even just overly large bulging veins can all look pretty terrible on what otherwise should be our smooth, pristine skin. However, through sclerotherapy, they can be completely treated making it so they disappear completely. In this procedure, the veins are injected with a chemical foam that closes them up. That vein tissue is then reabsorbed by the body and those unsightly veins are gone forever. Not only will soreness of varicose veins be gone and the discoloration of spider veins, but you won’t even have the pale blue shadow of a vein snaking under your skin once the re-absorption process is completed. […]

While breast augmentation has been around for a long time, they continue to grow in popularity. In fact, the aesthetic procedure has grown in popularity even in the last decade. Regardless, despite its popularity and prevalence, there are many misconceptions and myths that still exist. These myths are often because of sensationalized journalism, a rare or unusual occurrence, or outdated information which is no longer relevant. So, today’s article tackles and tries to dispel some of the most common breast augmentation myths. Common Myths About Breast Augmentation 1. Breast Augmentation Can Cause Cancer – This is simply untrue. The myth began in the 1980s, when a citizen’s group out of Washington, D.C. warned of signals that silicone breast implants could cause cancer. However, there has never been a scientific link between an increased risk of breast cancer and implants. 2. After a Certain Age, a Woman Should Not Get Implants – The fact of the matter is women of any age can be a good candidate for breast augmentation. An experienced plastic surgeon can review all your options. Regardless, age is not a prime factor, and women over 40 can and do have breast implants. 3. Breast Implants Need Replaced Every 7 to 10 Years – If and […]

Recently, a client mentioned reading a study about liposuction. The researchers concluded that fat is “redistributed” to other areas of the body after treatment. Her question was if CoolSculpting had the same risk. Could fat return, but simply be redistributed to another part of the body? So, today’s article addresses the question, “With CoolScupting, is there a risk of fat returning to the body, only in a different place?” Here is one thing that needs to be made very clear, fat cells cannot return, either with CoolSculpting or liposuction. When it comes to CoolSculpting, the fat experience cell death and are absorbed into the body, then expelled as waste. Additionally, during a liposuction procedure, the fat cells are physically removed. Once those fat cells are gone, they are gone forever, never to return. It is impossible for those fat cells to become “redistributed” to other parts of the body. Nevertheless, a person is still able to gain weight. If, after a CoolSculpting or liposuction procedure, a patient does not maintain their weight with a healthy diet and lifestyle, the fat cells in other parts of the body can and will grow larger. The result is that a person will gain weight. Moreover, because of having had CoolSculpting or liposuction […]

There are many people who ask, “Can CoolSculpting be used on the face and neck?” You may be familiar with the story of children developing dimples because of frozen popsicles. Regardless, the science of safely removing fat using cold technology is sound for any party of the body. The only challenge is the creation of an applicator specifically designed for the face, cheeks, and neck. Currently, there is work to develop applicator devices and techniques for other areas of the body. However, at the moment, an applicator for the face and neck does not exist. It is simply an issue of waiting for the technology to catch up with the science. As new CoolSculpting’s tools are added, doctors will be able to treat the neck, chin, face, and cheeks. That said, Dr. Apesos has more than thirty years experience performing cosmetic procedures, liposuction, and the contouring of the chin and neck. He has the ability to tighten the jawline and neck, and he can provide you with the streamlined look you want. Additionally, Dr. Apesos offers midface lifts, cheek implants, chin implants, and other facial procedures. Ultimately, while the CoolSculpting is not available at this time, it is coming soon. […]

Are you worried that CoolSculpting has a risk of permanent nerve damage? During a patient’s initial consultation, they are informed about some side effects, which can include short-term pain, swelling, bruising, and maybe a pins and needles sensation. Despite this information, some are unprepared. Moreover, some people have a more extreme response than others. This can manifest concerns in some who worry about the pain and the inflammation. There are examples on online forums of people asking for help. Therefore, today’s article answers the question, “Does CoolSculpting cause nerve damage?” Some patients will suffer short-term discomfort, pain, or numbness. While different individuals will have different tolerance levels to these side-effects, CoolSculpting has been cleared by the FDA and is considered safe and effective. Moreover, there are no known instances of CoolSculpting causing permanent nerve damage. In fact, while some side-effects can last several weeks, none are known to be permanent. Regardless, there are some people who are not ideal candidates for CoolSculpting. It is important to disclose any health conditions prior to the procedure. This would include health problems such as any known sensitivity to cold, impaired circulation, post-herpetic neuralgia or diabetic neuropathy, impaired skin sensitivity, or bleeding disorders. Ultimately, […]

The skin industry offers no shortage of miracle products promising a firmer, younger-looking you. For women in particular, skin tightening and firming products offer a certain allure with their promises to eliminate cellulite, get rid of wrinkles around the eyes or mouth, cure sagging skin, and reduce the signs of aging. As we age, our bodies produce less elastin and collagen, proteins that help keep our skin firm. In addition, fat deposits store in pockets beneath our skin, leading to the cellulite, particularly in women. Wrinkles, cellulite, and sagging skin cause embarrassment for many. If you could find a product that reduced or eliminated these unwanted effects of aging, it only makes sense that you would want to use it. But do these skin tightening and firming products really produce the results they promise? Sadly, many products on the market today simply do not work. They do not include the ingredients necessary to produce even a temporary result to firm your sagging skin. Other products, however, can produce a noticeable, although temporary, improvement in your skin’s firmness and elasticity. These products include ingredients such as caffeine or retinol.  Caffeine can help the skin appear smoother and firmer, but its effects will not last. […]

The internet has become a valuable resource for gaining information. However, it has also become a place where rumors can start and quickly spread. Recently, a number of patients have come into the office asking, “Can CoolSculpting cause hernias?” The fast answer is no. CoolSculpting cannot cause or increase the risk of developing a hernia. Hernias form when an organ pushes through the muscle wall which holds it in place. They are most common in the abdomen. However, they can also occur in the groin area, the belly button, and even the thigh. Additionally, hernias happen when the combination of weak muscles and strain cause a tear. The muscle weakness can come from old age, an injury, chronic coughing, or a congenital defect. Examples of a strain include coughing, sneezing, sudden weight gain, constipation, heavy weight lifting, and others. There is no risk of developing a hernia after CoolSculpting. The procedure only affects fat cells, and it does not impact the muscle. So, there is no risk of either weakening the muscles or causing strain. However, it is possible for CoolSculpting to uncover a hernia that was not apparent beforehand. CoolSculpting is an extremely safe, noninvasive, cosmetic procedure. The most common side effects include some mild discomfort, bruising, numbness, tingling, […]

New clients walk into our office every day with one question: Is CoolSculpting better than liposuction? Fundamentally, this is the wrong question to ask. The better inquiry is which treatments are you a better candidate and achieves your goal. While both will permanently remove fat cells from the body, the similarities end there.  All things considered, your needs and goals will dictate which body sculpting procedure is right for you. You should beware those selling one-size-fits-all solutions. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Here is a general list. Procedure Type – Liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia, while CoolSculpting is noninvasive. Best for Treating – CoolSculpting works best for small to moderate trouble spots. On the other hand, liposuction works well on larger deposits and fine-tuning surgical results. Target Areas – Liposuction works great for the abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, thighs and most areas. CoolSculpting works well for the upper and lower abdomen, back, and inner thighs. Results – A single CoolSculpting treatment can reduce the size of a bulge, while liposuction will produce more dramatic and immediate results. Downtime – Many times, with liposuction, it will take a week before you can return to regular active and another 6 weeks for vigorous exercise. CoolSculpting has no downtime at all. Repeated Treatments – In most instances, CoolSculpting achieves […]

Recently, we had a person reach out to our office who had a CoolSculpting procedure at another office. They were worried because of abdominal swelling and pain, describing the feeling of having done a million crunches. The person was really upset. She was young and fit, but had a small tummy bulge. She does have a good diet and exercise routine, and now worries that CoolSculpting was a mistake. Her ultimate question was, “Is abdominal swelling and pain normal after CoolSculpting?” Ultimately, this is an issue of a patient not being properly educated before the procedure. It is not uncommon for a person to experience some pain and swelling after a CoolSculpting procedure. This is usually short-lived but can last up to 2 weeks. Other issues that you can experience is an itching, numbness, muscle spasms, cramping, and even diarrhea. Nonetheless, this is all something that should also be explained in the post-care instructions. Here are some quick things to keep in mind. 1. Pain Killers – Extra Strength Tylenol is enough to relieve pain. However, avoid aspirin. Also, a compression garment may help reduce discomfort. 2. Activities – Any discomfort is similar to doing a lot of sit-ups or […]

One of the biggest concerns people have, when it comes to weight loss, is the possibility of loose skin. As you age, you will begin to lose skin elasticity. So, if you have lost a large amount of weight, especially in a short period of time, there is a possibility of loose skin. That said, CoolSculpting does not specifically contribute to this problem. The typical CoolSculpting client is within 20 pounds of their ideal weight. If you were excessively overweight, and loose skin was going to be an issue, it would be an issue and can be included in your consultation. Many people who lose weight have a dream of a tight, toned body. It is frustrating when you have put in all that work, only to have extra skin that does not reflect your hard work. Moreover, loose skin is not only an issue of aesthetics. There are health risks as well, like rashes, infections, and back pain. In many cases, it can take two years to conform to your new body. But, if you were obese, with a BMI over 30, for a long period of time, your skin may never shrink and you will need another option. […]

For many, the promise of CoolSculpting is just too good to be true. How many times have you seen a weight loss advertisement that claims to melt fat away? It never fails. At the end of those commercials is always a disclaimer stating results require diet and exercise. So, is it the miracle weight loss supplement producing the results or the diet and exercise program? Therefore, it is not uncommon for a person to ask, “Does CoolSculpting require a strict diet and exercise program?” The answer is no. CoolSculpting is a procedure that can quite legitimately be described as causing the fat to melt away. When you use weight loss supplements, low-calorie diets, and intense workouts, you are burning calories. By burning more calories than you consume, you are forcing the body to release the energy stored in fat cells. Over time, and with continual effort, those fat cells become smaller, but they do not go away. On the other hand, CoolSculpting causes actual “cell death” of fat in the treated area. The cells are then absorbed into the system, and passes from the body as waste. Once cell death occurs, the fat cells are gone forever. That said, diet, exercise, and an overall healthy lifestyle will optimize CoolSculpting results. […]

One important aspect of being happy with CoolSculpting results is having reasonable expectations, which is true for all aesthetic procedures. Therefore, it is important to understand who is a good candidate. CoolSculpting is a cosmetic treatment that will destroy fat cells. In very simple terms, the procedure makes use of controlled cooling for a non-invasive reduction of stubborn fat deposits, effectively reshaping body contours. It works because of the cold causing cell death of the fat tissue, but it does not create injury to the skin or muscle. For many, CoolSculpting is a safe and effective non-surgical alternative to liposuction. In determining if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting, there is some good news and bad news. At first glance, the good news is that if you are without any serious health issues or pregnant, then you are likely able to receive treatment. The bad news is that further evaluating yourself will make you acutely aware of your physical condition and the fatty spots on your body. However, if you are already aware of your pudgy chunks, then there is nothing to lose. Firstly, you are not a good candidate if you have a BMI of 34 or more. Essentially, those who are “severely obese” will need to start a weight loss […]

One of the most important things to have, when considering liposuction, are realistic expectations. Patients are often prepared that, after the procedure, there will be some pain, swelling, and bruising. However, the whole reason for having liposuction is the cosmetic effect. While the majority of patients report satisfaction with the outcome, it is possible that the things will not turn out the way you wanted or expected. This is why Dr. James Apesos takes the time to counsel his patients about the importance of reasonable expectations. Granted, it is sometimes challenging to have reasonable expectations with some of the advertisements you have seen or after looking at pictures of those before and after liposuction. Regardless, one must understand that advertising is created with the intent of persuading you to purchase a product or service. Advertisements rarely provide useful and informative information. That is the prime reason Dr. Apesos keeps and maintains this blog, believing an informed client makes the best patient. Wouldn’t you agree? In most instances, the results from liposuction are long-lasting if you maintain a healthy weight. Although, if you gain weight, this can change your fat distribution. So, while your new body shape is generally permanent, your figure can grow to a larger version. Nevertheless, […]

One of the most frequently asked questions about CoolSculpting is, “How long before I see results with CoolSculpting?” Many people are familiar with the fast results of other cosmetic fat loss procedures, like liposuction. While the nonsurgical procedure itself in generally short, roughly an hour in many instances, it may take a few weeks to start seeing results. However, it will take 3-4 months for full effect, and likely multiple sessions to reach your goal. A single CoolSculpting procedure will take approximately an hour for each treated area, working each area that is roughly hand size. Accordingly, each of your “love-handles” is a separate area, and your lower abdomen is often segmented into two areas. Therefore, you can schedule more than one treatment area within a single office visit. If you want to treat two areas, you will need a little more than two hours. CoolSculpting eliminates around 25 percent of the fat cells per procedure. So, many will also benefit from multiple sessions. The fat cells that the CoolSculpting procedure targets are frozen, destroyed, and then later absorbed by the body. As a result, those fat cells are gone forever. Regardless, since it will take about 3-4 months for full results, you can schedule […]

Take a moment to think about today’s fashions: form-fitting dresses, jeans, t-shirts. These garments make it almost impossible to camouflage bulges. Moreover, no matter how much you work at maintaining a healthy weight, many find that lumpy fat deposits never completely going away. It is no wonder that so many people are looking to CoolSculpting and liposuction for a solution. But which one is best?  The quick answer is both are an effective solution, if you are a qualified candidate. Regardless, depending on your situation and needs, one choice is better than another. CoolSculpting and liposuction do both eliminate unwanted fat cells from your body. However, there are some significant differences in the procedures. Understanding the difference between CoolSculpting and liposuction will help you make a better choice. The most significant distinction is surgical versus non-surgical. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical treatment. It uses a scientifically proven cooling process to kill and dissolve fat cells, without negatively impacting your other tissues. In comparison, liposuction is a surgical process, where an incision is made and then the fat cells (and other tissue) is extracted from the body. Furthermore, CoolSculpting’s controlled cooling targets only fat cells. While liposuction will affect fat cells, but may impact other adjacent tissue. Moreover, CoolSculpting is not as […]

Although forms of this cosmetic procedure have existed since 1995, micro-needling has gained increased popularity over the years due to its variety of beauty-enhancing benefits.  While examining your options, no doubt many questions arise over what sets this procedure apart from other cosmetic treatments.  Even before you schedule your consultation with your plastic surgeon, consider these frequently asked questions. What is Micro-Needling? Using very small needles, this procedure produces small, limited injuries that stimulate an increased production of collagen, a structural protein that creates firm, plump skin. The mild, minimally invasive injuries created by this treatment are therapeutic and produce powerful skin benefits. What Benefits does this Procedure Have? This treatment has the potential for remedying or reducing many skin conditions such as scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, and hyperpigmentation.  Because its effects are so varied, micro-needling is a wonderful alternative for patients with a wide variety of undesirable skin defects.  Rather than enduring a host of procedures or treatments, many patients have found the answer to various skin conditions with micro-needling. Is This Procedure Unpleasant? This procedure in minimally invasive and most patients do not report many negative side-effects. However, some residual tenderness and redness is expected following the treatment.  By following […]

What should a person do when they dieted and worked out, to maintain a healthy weight, but there are still areas of fat that just won’t go away? Liposuction is a cosmetic produce for the purpose of body shaping and can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. It removes surplus fat from under the skin using suction. While the results are physical, some of the benefits can also be mental and emotional. Thanks to advancements in technology and the procedure, liposuction is safer than it has ever been. Nonetheless, only a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon can inform you if it is right in your situation. Regardless, liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures because it is an effective way to remove excessive fat, and a compliment to a breast augmentation or other plastic surgery. The benefits of liposuction include: A safe way to eliminate fat, Body shaping that even exercise cannot achieve, Reduction and improvement of cellulite, Improved health associate with fat loss, Improvement to the way you look, and Increased self-esteem. If you are trying to eliminate unsightly pockets of fat around the midsection, thighs, or other difficult and frustrating areas, diet and exercise are sometimes not enough. Many times, […]

Did you know, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation is the most common cosmetic procedure? Nonetheless, the surgery is not insignificant. Many patients have questions about caring for their breast implants. As with anything, proper care increases longevity. Immediately after surgery, you can expect some tenderness and discomfort. Additionally, there is bruising and swelling. It will slowly subside, but can last a month or more. Depending on the patient, you may receive a prescription for pain or nausea. Nonetheless, if you notice any signs of infection, such as a fever, report this immediately to your doctor. Immediately after surgery, you must wear a postoperative bra until healed. However, after it is also important to wear a bra that provides excellent support. Breast implants add weight, and this weight can affect breast shape. Moreover, a sports bar is essential for physical or strenuous activity such as jogging, biking, or other exercises. Additionally, daily massage of your breasts should become part of your routine. The purpose is to help move implants into position, but also aids in keeping them soft and may reduce scarring. Nonetheless, if you have surface implants, or had a breast lift with augmentation, massaging is not recommended. Some surgeons will recommend a massaging routine for […]

As we have blogged about in the past, sclerotherapy is a long-established and effective treatment for the removal of spider veins and varicose veins. Medical professionals have been using this procedure, which has gone largely unchanged, since the 1930s. Moreover, sclerotherapy has a proven success rate.  If you are considering the removal of spider veins and varicose veins, we would like to share the main benefits of sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is a cosmetic procedure. While the procedure can improve symptoms like aches, burning and swelling, for most people spider veins and varicose veins are a cosmetic issue. Varicose veins often appear dark purple or blue and are bulging and twisted. For both women and men, the problem can become unattractive and embarrassing. The biggest benefit to patients is sclerotherapy is an effective non-surgical procedure. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Studies of sclerotherapy as a treatment for varicose and spider veins indicate that it has an overall success rate of about 60 to 80 percent in eliminating treated veins.” After treatment, small spider veins and varicose veins begin to disappear in 3 to 6 weeks. Larger veins may take several months. Nonetheless, veins treated with sclerotherapy don’t return once gone. Moreover, less than 10 percent of people will not respond to the therapy. Therefore, while new […]

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