Who is the girl on first take

STEPHEN A SMITH paid compliment to First Take host Molly Qerim while he continues his recovery from surgery.

The outspoken ESPN personality has been missing from the show after going under the knife.

Molly Qerim on ESPN First Take on TuesdayCredit: TWITTER

She wore a lime green outfit, which caught Stephen A Smith's eyeCredit: TWITTER

Stephen A Smith paid the host of First Take a compliment while he's off airCredit: Instagram

Stephen A revealed last week he had surgery on a torn rotator cuff and bicep and will not appear on First Take while he recovers.

But the 54-year-old is still watching from afar and tweeted during Tuesday's show.

He had some kind words for host Molly, but wasn't so complimentary of his fellow personalities Chris 'Mad Dog' Russo and Dan Orlovsky.

He tweeted: "Hey Aqua-woman Molly Qerim, I like the outfit. @MadDogUnleashed, not bad with the blazer. Dan Orlovsky, let’s work on that shirt, buddy."

Smith continued and gave an update on when he's likely to return to the set.

He added: "First Take has standards. Let’s live up to them, please. Miss you guys.

"I’ll be back in a few weeks, but I’m watching. Remember that!"

The 54-year-old initially said he was out until next month, so it's looking like fans can expect him back on set in August.

Molly, 38, meanwhile, has hosted First Take since 2015 having previously worked for NFL Network.

She has almost half a million followers on Instagram and 260,000 on Twitter.

Molly married ex-NBA star Jalen Rose in 2018, but he filed for divorce last year.

Molly Qerim has hosted First Take since 2015Credit: INSTAGRAM

The former NFL Network host has almost half a million followers on InstagramCredit: INSTAGRAM

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