Which symptom would the nurse expect to observe when evaluating an infant with iron deficiency anemia?

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Iron deficiency is when there is not enough iron in the body.

Iron is an essential mineral that is needed to produce red blood cells, which are important for a healthy immune system, mental function, muscle strength and energy. Its main role is in red blood cells, where it helps make a protein called haemoglobin. Haemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood from the lungs to all the cells in the body so they can work properly.

The body can’t make iron, so you need to get it from food. If you do not eat as much iron as you use each day, you develop iron deficiency.

It is important to have the correct amount of iron in the body. If you have low iron, you can develop anaemia. If you have too much iron, it can be toxic. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder in the world.

What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?

If you have iron deficiency, you may not realise it as you may just feel tired and run down.

Low iron symptoms include:

  • feeling tired, listless and weak
  • breathlessness
  • poor memory and concentration
  • poor performance at school or work
  • getting infections
  • finding it difficult to do aerobic exercise
  • fatigue (feeling very tired)
  • behaviour problems in children
  • decreased libido (sex drive)

These symptoms can also be caused by other conditions.

What causes iron deficiency?

There are 3 main causes of iron deficiency.

  1. Not eating enough iron-rich foods. Your body can store iron but it cannot make it. Iron must come from food. Some people need more iron than others. The people who need most iron are children, teenagers (especially girls), females who have periods, pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Babies need breast milk or iron-fortified formula for the first year. Babies who have cow's milk instead are more likely to get iron deficiency. People who follow vegetarian or vegan diets are also more at risk.
  2. Trouble absorbing iron. Iron in food is absorbed through the stomach and bowel. Some health conditions affect how much iron is absorbed, such as coeliac disease. If you’ve had stomach surgery, that can also affect how much iron you can absorb.
  3. Blood loss. If you lose blood through any sort of bleeding, this means you lose iron too. The main causes of excess blood loss are having heavy menstrual periods and bleeding in the stomach or bowel, which may be associated with taking medicines such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medicines, ulcers, bowel polyps or cancer. Other causes can include giving blood too regularly, losing blood due to surgery, some gut conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, and infection with parasites such as hookworms.

When should I see my doctor?

If you think you might have low iron levels, see your doctor. It’s important to find out why you have iron deficiency and what you can do about it.

Make sure you see your doctor before taking any iron supplements, to get their advice on the right type of iron and dose for your needs.

See your doctor if you have any of the symptoms of anaemia, which include:

  • being extremely tired and weak
  • being short of breath
  • your heart beating fast and irregularly, or both
  • being dizzy and light-headed
  • headache
  • cold hands and feet
  • sore or inflamed tongue
  • brittle nails
  • poor appetite
  • being irritable
  • having cravings for unusual things like ice, dirt or starch

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How is iron deficiency diagnosed?

To confirm whether you have iron deficiency, your doctor will talk to you and examine you. The only reliable way of telling if you are iron deficient is through a blood test to look at your iron levels and to check for anaemia. You may also need other tests to find out what is causing the iron deficiency.

How is iron deficiency treated?

First your doctor may investigate to find the cause of the iron deficiency. This is to check whether a serious disease could potentially be causing the problem. If your doctor finds a cause, you will need the right treatment for that cause.

The second step is to bring the iron levels back to normal. This can be done a number of different ways. Depending on your needs, your doctor may recommend that you:

  • eat more foods high in iron
  • eat more foods containing vitamin C to help you absorb iron better
  • consume less foods and drinks that stop you absorbing iron, like calcium, fibre, tea, coffee and wine
  • take iron tablets or liquid iron supplements
  • have an intravenous infusion of iron or (in extreme cases) a blood transfusion

If you take iron supplements, you will need to take them for several months and possibly longer. They may make your stools (poo) dark, and can also cause constipation, so your doctor may suggest you take a stool-softener to help with this. You should only take iron supplements under medical supervision as you could poison yourself if you take more than the recommended dose and they can also interfere with other minerals in your body as well as your immune system.

Can iron deficiency be prevented?

Most people can prevent iron deficiency by consuming enough iron in their diet. Check out this infographic for an iron levels chart of how much iron you need each day, which foods are the best sources of iron and how to incorporate them in your diet.

Complications of iron deficiency

Iron deficiency can cause:

  • anaemia (when there are too few red blood cells or haemoglobin in the blood is below normal because of too little iron)
  • an impaired immune system
  • poorer aerobic sports performance
  • fatigue
  • premature delivery and low birth weight baby
  • problems with motor and mental function in babies

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Last reviewed: January 2021

  • Anaemia
  • Foods high in iron
  • How to meet your iron needs - infographic

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  • Anaemia
  • Foods high in iron
  • How to meet your iron needs - infographic

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Meat provides a source of heme iron, which is less affected by the dietary constituents that markedly diminish bioavailability than nonheme iron is. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia is lower in geographic areas where meat is an important constituent of the diet. In areas where meat is sparse, iron deficiency is commonplace.

Substances that diminish the absorption of ferrous and ferric iron include phytates, oxalates, phosphates, carbonates, and tannates (see the image below). These substances have little effect upon the absorption of heme iron. Similarly, ascorbic acid increases the absorption of ferric and ferrous iron and has little effect upon the absorption of heme iron.

Both nonheme iron and heme iron have 6 coordinating bonds; however, 4 of the bonds in heme bind pyrroles, making them unavailable for chelation by other compounds. Therefore, ascorbic acid chelates nonheme iron to enhance absorption but has no effect upon heme iron. Many dietary components, such as phytates, phosphates, oxalates, and tannates, bind nonheme iron to decrease nonheme iron absorption. They do not affect heme. This explains why heme is so effectively absorbed with foods containing these chelators. Iron hemoglobin structure.

Purified heme is absorbed poorly because heme polymerizes into macromolecules. Globin degradation products diminish heme polymerization, making it more available for absorption. They also increase the absorption of nonheme iron because the peptides from degraded globin bind the iron to prevent both precipitation and polymerization; thus, absorption of the iron in spinach is increased when the spinach eaten with meat. Heme and nonheme iron uptake by intestinal absorptive cells is noncompetitive.

Bleeding for any reason produces iron depletion. If sufficient blood loss occurs, iron deficiency anemia ensues (see the image below). A single sudden loss of blood produces a posthemorrhagic anemia that is normocytic. The bone marrow is stimulated to increase production of hemoglobin, thereby depleting iron in body stores. Once they are depleted, hemoglobin synthesis is impaired and microcytic hypochromic erythrocytes are produced.

Sequential changes in laboratory values following blood loss are depicted. A healthy human was bled 5 L in 500-mL increments over 45 days. A moderate anemia ensued, initially with normal cellular indices and serum iron. Subsequently, the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) increased as iron was mobilized from body stores and reticulocytosis occurred. The serum iron decreased, followed by an increase in the total iron-binding capacity. Gradual decreases in the red blood cell indices occurred, with maximal microcytosis and hypochromia present 120 days after bleeding. Values returned to normal approximately 250 days after blood loss. At the end of the experiment, iron was absent from body stores (marrow) because hemoglobin has a first priority for iron. Iron-59 absorption was increased after all values returned to normal in order to replenish the body store with iron. This suggests that the serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, hemoglobin concentration, and indices were not the primary regulators of iron absorption.

Maximal changes in the red blood cell (RBC) cellular indices occur in approximately 120 days, at a time when all normal erythrocytes produced prior to the hemorrhage are replaced by microcytes. Before this time, the peripheral smear shows a dimorphic population of erythrocytes, normocytic cells produced before bleeding, and microcytic cells produced after bleeding. This is reflected in the red blood cell distribution width (RDW); thus, the earliest evidence of the development of an iron-deficient erythropoiesis is seen in the peripheral smear, in the form of increased RDW.

Iron deficiency anemia can occur from loss of body iron in the urine. If a freshly obtained urine specimen appears bloody but contains no red blood cells, suspect hemoglobinuria. Obtain confirmation in the laboratory that the pigment is hemoglobin and not myoglobin. This can be accomplished easily because 60% ammonium sulfate precipitates hemoglobin but not myoglobin.

Hemoglobinuria classically is ascribed to paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, but it can occur with any brisk intravascular hemolytic anemia. In the early days of heart surgery with implantation of artificial valves, this mechanism of producing iron deficiency anemia was commonplace in large university hospitals. Today, with better prostheses, it has become a less frequent clinical problem. With less severe hemolytic disorders, there may be no significant hemoglobinuria.

Investigate renal loss of iron by staining the urine sediment for iron. Hemosiderin is detected intracellularly. Most of these patients have a low or absent plasma haptoglobin. Similarly, pulmonary hemosiderosis can result in sufficient loss of iron as hemosiderin from the lungs.

Prolonged achlorhydria may produce iron deficiency because acidic conditions are required to release ferric iron from food. Then, it can be chelated with mucins and other substances (eg, amino acids, sugars, amino acids, or amides) to keep it soluble and available for absorption in the more alkaline duodenum.

Starch and clay eating produce malabsorption of iron and iron deficiency anemia. Specific inquiry is required to elicit a history of either starch or clay eating because patients do not volunteer the information.

Extensive surgical removal of the proximal small bowel or chronic diseases (eg, untreated sprue or celiac syndrome) can diminish iron absorption. In patients who have undergone bariatric surgery, postoperative gastric hypochlorhydria impairs iron absorption; in those who have undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, bypass of the duodenum impairs reduction of iron to the ferrous (absorbable) state. In addition, patients tend to eat less food after bariatric surgery, often less meat, which leads to decreased intake of heme iron. [6]

Rarely, patients with no history of malabsorption have iron deficiency anemia and fail to respond to oral iron therapy. Most merely are noncompliant with therapy.

Before placing these patients on parenteral therapy, document iron malabsorption either by measuring absorption of radioiron or by obtaining a baseline fasting serum-iron concentration and repeating the test 30 minutes and 1 hour after administration of a freshly prepared oral solution of ferrous sulfate (50-60 mg of iron) under observation. The serum iron should increase by 50% over the fasting specimen.

Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA) is a hereditary disorder marked by with iron deficiency anemia that is typically unresponsive to oral iron supplementation and may be only partially responsive to parenteral iron therapy. IRIDA results from variants in the TMPRSS6 gene that lead to uninhibited production of hepcidin. IRIDA is characterized by microcytic, hypochromic anemia and serum hepcidin values that are inappropriately high for body iron levels.

Most patients with IRIDA are women. Age at presentation, disease severity, and response to iron supplementation are highly variable, even within families, with a few patients responding to oral iron but most requiring parenteral iron supplementation. [8]

An uncommon form of IRIDA occurs in postmenopausal women with androgen deficiency that leads to primary defective iron reutilization. This condition only responds to androgen replacement. [9, 10]

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