Which sentence from the world on turtles back best illustrates why the story is considered a myth?

Mythical Origins The Iroquois people are one of the earliest cultures in American history, Their culture remains filled with an abundance of myths and legends that explain the nature of life itself. Their creation story, The World On Turtle 's Back, outlines not only the creation of Earth, but also the complex nature of people. The legend states that the Earth resided on the back of a great sea turtle, constituted first by a pregnant woman. The daughter of whom would birth the twins who would become the duality of deceit and order in every living being. This legend has been passed down through the generations, first through oral tradition and later translated to writing. Native-American Literature Scholars, Larry Evers and Paul Pavlich believe that such stories "remind the people of who and what they are, why they are in this particular place, and how then should continue to live here." The story of the World on Turtle 's Back effectuates these qualities through the significant cultural traditions of the Iroquois tribe, as well as the ways that the culture views the world.

Each of the Native-American tribes have a distinct, extensive culture that they hold extremely sacred. The Iroquois tribe clearly demonstrate this, they

The right-handed twin accused his brother of murdering their mother and their quarrels continued until it was time to bury their mother. With the help of their grandmother, they made her a grave. From her head grew the three sister plants, corn, beans, and squash.

Which sentence from the world on Turtle’s Back best illustrates why the story is considered a?

Which sentence from The World on Turtles Back best illustrates why the story is considered a creation myth? The woman placed the dirt on Turtles back and performed a ritual to create the earth.

What’s the difference between a right-handed person and a left-handed person?

The main difference between left-handed and right-handed people is that left-handed people use their left hand for doing most of the tasks like lifting, writing, eating, etc. Right-handed people have their right hand as the dominant hand and use it most of the time.

Why do you think that people dance and sing for the left-handed twin?

Why do you think that the people dance and sing for the left-handed twin? The myth says that The right-handed twin made man.The people do not know just how much the left-hande twin had to do w/ making man. Based on this quotation and the behavior of the twins, what would you say is the Iroquois view of human nature?

What does the right handed twin control?

The right-handed twin takes complete control over the daylight realm.

What are the differences between the right handed twin and the left-handed twin Why do you think the Iroquois honor both twins?

The Iroquois honor both twin because the twin made how the world it is. The plants and animals they created are sought to balance each other. The right handed twin created something and then the left handed twin would make something else to seem mightier and more evil then the right handed twins creation.

How does the right handed twin defeat his brother?

The right handed twin reached for the deer antlers and the left handed twin reached for an old stick. As this happened, the right handed twin knocked his brother to the ground. He thought he had killed his brother. He made him a raft and set him on it and put him out to sea.

What happens to the left-handed twin the world on the turtle’s back?

She places dirt from the bottom of the ocean on the turtles back and causes the land to grow by walking around it. The left-handed twin is born through the mothers armpit and the mother dies as a result.

What type of story is the world on the turtle’s back?

creation story

What is the purpose of the world on the turtle’s back Which statement best describes the Iroquois attitude toward nature and the environment?

Why do you think that the people dance and sing for the left-handed twin? The myth says that The right-handed twin made man.The people do not know just how much the left-hande twin had to do w/ making man. Based on this quotation and the behavior of the twins, what would you say is the Iroquois view of human nature?

What is the main idea of the story the world on the turtle’s back?

Based on The World on Turtles Back, which statement best describes the Iroquois attitude toward nature and the environment? The Iroquois revered nature and valued the plants and animals that sustained them.

How do left and right-handed people differ?

Researchers have identified, for the first time, the genetic differences between right-handed and left-handed people. In left-handed people, both sides of the brain tend to communicate more effectively. This means that left-handed people may have superior language and verbal ability.

What is better left-handed or right-handed?

Lefties–or at least relatives of lefties–may be better than right-handed people at remembering events, according to a new study. Since the mid-1980s, scientists have known that the two brain hemispheres of left-handers are more strongly connected than those of right-handers.

Why is it so rare to be left-handed?

-Counting how many people are left-handed is more difficult than it looks, because of variations in preference and skill from task to task and because of left-handers having been forced to write with their right hand, but the best estimate we have is t

What is special about left-handed person?

Lefties make up only about 10 percent of the population, but studies find that individuals who are left-handed score higher when it comes to creativity, imagination, daydreaming and intuition. Theyre also better at rhythm and visualization.

Why do people sing and dance for the left-handed twin?

During the day people have rituals to honor the right-handed twin. At night they dance and sing for the left-handed twin. neither twin could die because they were immortal gods. Which sentence from The World on Turtles Back best illustrates why the story is considered a creation myth?

What does the left-handed twin represent to the world?

The right-handed twin represents life, light, and day, while the left-handed twin represents war, torture, men, death, and night. How did the animals come about? Discuss different purposes of animals. The animals came about when the twins created them out of clay and brought them to life.

What happens to the left-handed twin?

WORLD ON TURTLE: What happens to the left-handed twin after the duel? He dies, but still lives and reigns some place below the world.

What purpose does the left-handed twin serve?

The Iroquois honor both twin because the twin made how the world it is. The plants and animals they created are sought to balance each other. The right handed twin created something and then the left handed twin would make something else to seem mightier and more evil then the right handed twins creation.

What are the differences between the twins the world on the turtle’s back?

The right handed twin was the smart, responsible, and sensible twin who always tried to do the right thing whereas the left handed twin was the a devious lied who always did things based off his own guidelines. The Iroquois honored both twins so that they would balance each other out.

What does the right-handed twin do?

The right-handed twin accused his brother of murdering their mother and their quarrels continued until it was time to bury their mother. With the help of their grandmother, they made her a grave. From her head grew the three sister plants, corn, beans, and squash.

Why is the right-handed twin angry with his brother?

Terms in this set (36) The right-handed twin accused his brother of murdering their mother and their quarrels continued until it was time to bury their mother. With the help of their grandmother, they made her a grave. From her head grew the three sister plants, corn, beans, and squash.

What becomes of the right-handed twin in world on the turtle’s back?

The right-handed twin, the Master of Life, lives in the Sky-World. He is content with the world he helped to create and with his favorite creatures, the humans. The scent of sacred tobacco rising from the earth comes gloriously to his nostrils. In the world below lives the left-handed twin.

What are the differences between the right-handed twin and the left-handed twin Why do you think the Iroquois honor both twins?

The myth says that he died and he didnt die because it is impossible to completely destroy evil. The right-handed twin takes complete control over what? The right-handed twin takes complete control over the daylight realm

What did the twins do in the world on the turtle’s back?

WORLD ON TURTLE: What happens to the left-handed twin after the duel? He dies, but still lives and reigns some place below the world.

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