Which of the following factors helps determine whether a volcanic eruption will be violent

Warm-up Week 14 Day 2 Which of the following factors helps determine whether a volcanic eruption will be violent or relatively quiet? a. composition of magma c. amount of dissolved gases in the magma b. temperature of magma d. all of the above The most violent volcanic eruptions are associated with what type of volcano? a. cinder cones c. composite cones b. shield volcanoes d. fissure eruptions The broad, slightly dome-shaped volcanoes of Hawaii are ____. a. composite cone volcanoes c. shield volcanoes b. cinder cone volcanoes d. pyroclastic volcanoes

“Magma & Plate Movement” Chapter 10, Section 2 & 3

Q: Where does magma turn to rock? Most magma cools deep inside Earth! Plutons: Intrusive Igneous rocks magma that cools inside Earth. Weathering and uplifting bring plutons to surface.

Origin of Magma Crust & Mantle = mostly solid rock Outer Core = Liquid Very dense Can’t make it to surface. Magma is created when solid rock melts

How do we melt rocks? ↑ Raise tempo ↓ Decrease pressure Add Water Sources of Heat Friction at Plate Boundaries (Subduction zones) Subduction (Deeper = Hotter) Hotter rocks rise into others ↓ Decrease pressure Decompression melting ↓ pressure, ↓ heat needed to melt Add Water More water  lower melting point Ex: Humans

Magma Formation at Subduction Zones

Decompression Melting

Convergent Boundaries: Plate movements cause mantle rocks melt. This makes Magma. Convergent Boundaries: Subduction Friction Divergent: Seafloor Spreading Magma rises to fill gap Intraplate Volcanism: Within plates Hotspots Lava tubes under plate

Three Zones of Volcanism

Location of Major Volcanoes

Basic Igneous Structures

Sills Forms when magma is injected along sedimentary bedding surfaces, parallel to the bedding planes

Laccoliths Magma into sedimentary rock lens-shaped mass that pushes the overlying strata upwards

Dikes and Batholiths Dikes – plutons that form when magma is injected into fractures, cutting across preexisting rock layers Many dikes form when magma from a large magma chamber invades fractures in the surrounding rocks Batholiths – the largest intrusive bodies, must have a surface exposure greater than 100 square kilometers Batholiths may form the core of mountain ranges



II. Read each sentence below. Write (P) if parallel structure or (NP) if not parallel based on whether it contains it or not. (A) They like playing ga … mes, riding bicycles, and cooking food. Bea sang, performed, and then she went outside. 13. You can either go with family or friends. 14. He throws garbage, he grabs wallets, and he ran away. 15. Kathryn was both an industrious student and an excellent writer.​

PART A. From the list of organisms BELOW, make a food chain. ) Green algae Heron Large fistSmall fist Hawk Pag kakasunod sunod lng po pls​​

need ko na po answernoncense=report​

holding on glass of water needs more friction (yes)or (no) nonsense=reportbastos=reportneed points=reportsalamate :)​

need ko na pononcense= report​

PART A. From the list of organisms BELOW, make a food chain. ) Green algae Heron Large fistSmall fist Hawk Pag kakasunod sunod lng po pls​

3. Which of the following graph correctly represents the relationship between pressure and the volume of an ideal gas that is held at constant tempera … ture? a. P (Pa) b. P (Pa) c. P (Pa) d. P (Pa)V (m3)V (m3) V (m3) V (m3) $10.0 pa banned po plss banned nyu q plsss​

ACTIVITY 8 Direction: Cut and Paste the pictures on the right order as shown the arrows.pa help po ​

3. Which of the following graph correctly represents the relationship between pressure and the volume of an ideal gas that is held at constant tempera … ture? a. P (Pa) b. P (Pa) c. P (Pa) d. P (Pa)V (m3)V (m3) V (m3) V (m3) $10.0​

ACTIVITY 2: Please give each examples of the following energy conversions: (Solar, Chemical, Mechanical, Heat, Light, Electromagnetic, Nuclear) 1. Bat … tery Powered Curling Iron 2. Battery Powered Fan 3. Flashlight 4. Friction From Rubbing Hands Tog 5. Bike Headlight Powered By Pedal 6. Turbines Spin To Produce Power 7. Sun 8. Nuclear Power Plant 9. Space Heater 10. Ceiling Fan 11. Steam Moves Turbine​

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