Which of the following best explains the relationship between the internet and the World Wife web?

The World Wide Web (WWW) is one set of software services running on the Internet. The Internet itself is a global, interconnected network of computing devices. This network supports a wide variety of interactions and communications between its devices. The World Wide Web is a subset of these interactions and supports websites and URIs.

The Internet is actually a huge network that is accessible to everyone & everywhere across the world. The network is composed of sub-networks comprising of a number of computers that are enabled to transmit data in packets. The internet is governed by a set of rules, laws & regulations, collectively known as the Internet Protocol (IP). The sub-networks may range from defense networks to academic networks to commercial networks to individual PCs. Internet, essentially provides information & services in the form of E-Mail, chat & file transfers. It also provides access to the World Wide Web & other interlinked web pages.

The Internet & the World Wide Web (the Web), though used interchangeably, are not synonymous. Internet is the hardware part - it is a collection of computer networks connected through either copper wires, fiber-optic cables or wireless connections whereas, the World Wide Web can be termed as the software part – it is a collection of web pages connected through hyperlinks and URLs. In short, the World Wide Web is one of the services provided by the Internet. Other services over the Internet include e-mail, chat and file transfer services. All of these services can be provided to consumers for use by businesses or government or by individuals creating their own networks or platforms.

Another method to differentiate between both is using the Protocol Suite – a collection of laws & regulations that govern the Internet. While internet is governed by the Internet Protocol – specifically dealing with data as whole and their transmission in packets, the World Wide Web is governed by the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that deals with the linking of files, documents and other resources of the World Wide Web.


The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) created by the US in 1958 as a reply to the USSR’s launching of the Sputnik, led to creation of a department called the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) which started the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) that linked all the radar systems of US together. With tremendous research happening across the world, the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) got the ARPANET, a smaller version of the Internet in 1969. Since then Internet has taken huge strides in terms of technology and connectivity to reach its current position. In 1978, the International Packet Switched Service (IPSS) was created in Europe by the British Post Office in collaboration with Tymnet & Western Union International and this network slowly spread its wings to the US and Australia. In 1983, the first Wide Area Network (WAN) was created by the National Science Foundation (NSF) of the US called the NSFnet. All these sub-networks merged together post 1985 with new definitions of the Transfer Control Protocols of the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) for optimization of resources.

The Web was invented by Sir Tim Berners Lee. In March 1989, Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal that described the Web as an elaborate information management system. With help from Robert Cailliau, he published a more formal proposal for the World Wide Web on November 12, 1990. By Christmas 1990, Berners-Lee had built all the tools necessary for a working Web: the first web browser (which was a web editor as well), the first web server, and the first Web pages which described the project itself. On August 6, 1991, he posted a short summary of the World Wide Web project on the alt.hypertext newsgroup. This date also marked the debut of the Web as a publicly available service on the Internet.

Berners-Lee's breakthrough was to marry hypertext to the Internet. In his book Weaving The Web, he explains that he had repeatedly suggested that a marriage between the two technologies was possible to members of both technical communities, but when no one took up his invitation, he finally tackled the project himself. In the process, he developed a system of globally unique identifiers for resources on the Web and elsewhere: the Uniform Resource Identifier.

The World Wide Web had a number of differences from other hypertext systems that were then available. The Web required only unidirectional links rather than bidirectional ones. This made it possible for someone to link to another resource without action by the owner of that resource. It also significantly reduced the difficulty of implementing web servers and browsers (in comparison to earlier systems), but in turn presented the chronic problem of link rot. Unlike predecessors such as HyperCard, the World Wide Web was non-proprietary, making it possible to develop servers and clients independently and to add extensions without licensing restrictions.

For more details see The History of the Internet and The History of the World Wide Web.

Internet of Things

In recent years, the phrase Internet of Things—or IoT—has been used to denote a subset of the Internet that connects physical devices, such as home appliances, vehicles, industrial sensors. Historically the devices connected to the Internet have been computers, cell phones and tablets. With the Internet of Things, other devices like refrigerators, HVAC systems, light bulbs, cars, thermostats, video cameras, and locks can also connect to the Internet. This allows better monitoring and more control of the physical world through the Internet.

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"Internet vs World Wide Web." Diffen.com. Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 9 Aug 2022. < >

In simple terms, the World Wide Web is just one common area for information exchange, facilitated by global computer networks — or the Internet. You connect to this Internet to access the Web, but the Internet is just the connection between countless, separate servers, computers, and devices. The Web is the medium we use to access, edit, discover, and share information (through links) according to a standard language: HTML. 

Which of the following best explains the relationship between the internet and the World Wife web?

Most of the time, people will use both terms (“Internet” and “Web”) interchangeably, and there’s often nothing wrong with that. If you lose your Internet connection, you can’t get much done, and the semantics don’t really make a difference. However, in the world of SEO, the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet is hugely consequential, and can provide important insight into how search, and search engines, function.

That’s the tl;dr version, anyway. For those who want to rank their websites or influence search results, there is more to it than that.

What Is the Internet?

The Internet — the name we often use interchangeably with World Wide Web — is a massive public network of networks, a labyrinth of hardwired and wireless connections between disparate drives on countless devices scattered around the world. In a sense, it is like a global computer, wherein each individual computer or server becomes just another node in one massive, distributed system. Individual computers or users can log on or off, but the greater network itself remains indefinitely. Alternatively, information on one computer can be transmitted to another through the Internet and exist on both computers, without them or their users having to physically interact or remain connected to the Internet.

That’s what “The Internet” is. In reality, there isn’t just one — there could be countless internets, any time a series of computers are connected and enabled to communicate and exchange information. Today, the standard office building or corporation might have an intranet, which is the same type of computer/information network, only privatized to limit and control access. The point is the connection, and the flow of information.

When you use data on your mobile phone, or check your email, or play a video game in real-time with other gamers around the world, you are sending and receiving information through the Internet. Your device becomes a part of the network.

Should “Internet” be Capitalized?

Admittedly, this part is somewhat pedantic, but illuminating. 

The jury is out on a hard and fast rule here, and the gatekeepers of English grammar like the Associated Press (AP) and similar rulebooks say capitalization is not necessary. However, popular usage often does employ the capital “I,” and this can help distinguish between the Internet we are talking about when we surf the Web or use smart devices, and what we mean when talking about the Internet of Things or any of the smaller, temporary, or more discrete networks that exist elsewhere.

Which of the following best explains the relationship between the internet and the World Wife web?

The Internet as we know it had its genesis in the US Department of Defense, as a concept being explored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in the  1960s. What started as an idea evolved into a modest network between two computers at MIT, and then further into a larger network between more computers across multiple campuses. The whole history of the project makes for a fascinating read in its own right, but the important thing is to understand that the Internet came first, and the World Wide Web followed as a way to make it useful to more than just researchers and scientists. As such, capitalizing the “I” is grounded in both history and grammar, and can carry more consequential connotations than a simple matter of style.

For the purposes of this article, you may have noticed I’m capitalizing Internet when I refer to the common Internet we all know and rely upon, and using lower case when I refer to a general network connection not associated with the World Wide Web.

What Is the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web, or just “the Web” for short, is a standardized system for accessing and navigating the Internet. It isn’t the only one (email and mobile apps, for instance, do not make use of the Web to connect you to the Internet), but it is by far the most common. 

The Web is distinguished from other systems by its use of HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which in turn is just a system for standardizing the use of HTML (HyperText Markup Language). Essentially, HTML is the language of the Web, and HTTP is the grammar rules for using it. In the same way that English is the language of business or French the language of love, HTML is the language of the Web.

Just as having a language in common allows us to communicate, understand one another, and share ideas or information, standardized HTML usage allows everyone accessing the Internet through the Web to discover, access, and communicate digitally. Importantly, accessing the Web requires a Web browser (like Internet Explorer, Chrome,  Safari or Firefox) to make sense of HTML and allow Web pages to display properly. Meanwhile, you don’t even need a screen to connect to the Internet — smart speakers and other sundry connected devices don’t “speak” HTML, and so don’t use HTTP, open pages, or surf.

Which of the following best explains the relationship between the internet and the World Wife web?

While the Internet has its roots in the 1960s, the World Wide Web was first accessed in 1991, once many of the kinks of networking on a global scale had been worked out, and the need for a common language asserted itself.

This is where search engines come into play, and the world of SEO hinges on understanding the difference between the Web and Internet.

Search Engines and the Web

One of the most important features of HTML is the hyperlink — or link. If HTTP is the grammar of the Web, and HTML is the language, then links might be the punctuation. They hold everything together, and allow you to get from one page to another. Links are the architecture of the Web, which the browsers use to navigate and users share to connect one another with information.

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Which of the following best explains the relationship between the internet and the World Wife web?

As anyone passingly familiar with SEO should know, links are also one of the most important ranking factors, critical to being discovered by search engines and increasing visibility in the SERPs. If you want to appear in a SERP, you have to find a way to build links to your content, and your website.

The SERP itself is, in essence, just a page full of links. So it breaks my heart when I see the never-ending speculation of marketers and SEO analysts asking whether links still matter, or when Google is going to stop valuing backlinks as a ranking factor. As long as Google is a web-based search engine, links are going to matter. Their importance will be qualified relative to other elements (like relevance, optimizing for user search intent, use of meaningful keywords, use of proper English and grammar, technical optimization, etc.) but links will never stop being a part of the search equation, no more than they will stop being the glue that holds the Web together. By extension, link building services will always have its place in any SEO strategy meant to help content get discovered, indexed, and displayed by search engines.

As mentioned before, you are connecting to the Internet when you play certain games on your phone, check your email, or use mobile apps to read the morning paper and update your social profiles. However, in most of these applications, there is an absence of links — and where links are used, they are often internal to the app, not links to web pages. They aren’t HTML links.

Which of the following best explains the relationship between the internet and the World Wife web?

What this indicates is that much of the content that exists online is accessed through means other than the Web, and therefore does not exist — at least, not in the same form — in the index of Google. The New York Times might publish the same articles on its website as it does in its mobile app, but they technically exist in different places, in different forms. Something published only on the app is invisible to Google, and to browsers, until it is given a webpage. If you have downloaded a recipe app and search for a particular dish, you are searching within the app, not across the Web. Any given mobile app could use any of a number of coding languages other than HTML, because it doesn’t have to communicate with all the other websites in the world. 

The difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web may not matter much of the time, but when we talk about search we are really talking about web search, and that means links. Search engines are where people ask questions and get links in return, which send them to other web pages. Links and the World Wide Web are inseparable — as are SEO and link building.