Which is the best example of cultural diffusion?

Culture is a broad terminology, and cultural diffusion is even broader. Through this Historyplex article, let us find out the definition of cultural diffusion, and the meaning it adds to our lives.

The Great Diffusion of Profit
Silk-route is a classic example of cultural diffusion, which engineered the East-West merger, thus making the world a global village.

Culture is the set of beliefs, ideas, norms of activities, art, and knowledge, which are collectively shared and practiced by a group of people who live in a geographical area, at a particular time. It is so distinct that it serves as an identifying factor.

Owing to varied factors, when a culture spreads and overlaps with other cultures, we then term it as the process of diffusion. The core from which a culture is born, and then spreads over to the rest of the world is a cultural hearth. Civilizations of the past, such as the Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, and the like, were the cultural hearths in the past. Mecca is an ideal example in terms of religion, from where Muslims initially traveled to spread and convert people to Islam.

This Historyplex excerpt discusses the term ‘cultural diffusion’, along with taking a look at how it has affected various aspects of life such as race, ethnicity, languages, religion, food, etc.

Defining Cultural Diffusion

Cultural diffusion is the intermingling of one or more cultures. It is the outcome of the spread of literacy and education, inter-country trade relations, technological development, and religious interventions. Examples of it can be sought in several realms, like social, political, religious, intellectual, technological, and economical realms.

Talking in terms of cultural diffusion socially, we can infer to the popularity of world movies that are watched, appreciated, and accepted in all parts of the world, despite the language and other cultural dissimilarities.

Also, the spreading of restaurant chains is a more recent addition, along with fabric brands. No one can overlook the popularity of KFC, McDonald’s, authentic Asian restaurants, or for that matter, even Reebok or Adidas. All of them have garnered global attention.

It’s rightly said that the world is a global village, more so because of the political and trade relations that exist across nations, despite the geographical hindrances. The formation of treaties like SAARC, EU, NAFTA, etc., tell it all.

The urge to be well educated has prompted many young minds to change places and travel far and wide. This has contributed significantly to cultural diffusion.

Perhaps, technology is the swiftest catalyst of cultural diffusion. No boundaries exist in the sharing of technological wonders.

Cultural diffusion is a long process, which is accentuated in three ways. These are:

  1. Direct diffusion: Two varying cultures adopt the features of each other and survive.
  2. Forced diffusion: One culture overpowers the other.
  3. Indirect diffusion: Traits of one culture are incorporated into others through external factors like education, mass media, and social forms of communication.

Cultural Diffusion in Europe

The effects of cultural diffusion were very much visible in the Columbian Exchange. This is the exchange of goods between Europe and its colonies in North and South America. Post the discovery of America by Columbus, there were many exchanges that were there in the form of food, armory, crops, and even diseases. Because of this diffusion, potatoes became the new staple food in Ireland, and many animals were introduced in America, though diseases like whooping cough and smallpox were also the undesirable results of this cultural diffusion.

Crusades, the holy wars, also impacted the European nations greatly. Mathematics and Algebra are the significant benefits that they acquired from these wars. Apart from these concepts, commodities like fabric, agriculture, spices, and other food items also found a strong foothold in Europe.

Feudalism diminished in stature, and trade and commerce set new chapters to improve the conditions of the economy. It is a general belief that the agricultural practices in Europe and pottery are the direct results of cultural diffusion. This diffusion took place with the influx of the farmers from Anatolia and the Near East. However, debates and studies are still on, regarding the accuracy of this belief.

Cultural Diffusion in Japan

Trade in Japan is the first medium through which cultural diffusion gradually crawled into Japan. However, after the end of the Second World War, Japan was overpowered by the US presence, thereby, prompting significant changes in the land. This is a precise example of forced diffusion, which ended in various happenings that changed the very framework of the country. Japan was transformed into a democracy, from a rigid feudalistic country.

Also, like many nations in the world, Japan too was exposed to the American food, clothing, and music, resulting in the popularity of American culture, also an instance of cultural diffusion. However, with changing times, Japan was able to regain its status in the world politics, and has significantly elevated itself from the distressing results of the bomb explosion.

It too, has transfused some elements of its own culture in the rest of the world, including America. Sushi, a Japanese delicacy, is immensely popular in America, like in many other countries. Japanese animation has spurred a whole new dimension to the world of animation, all together. Apart from America, Japan was exposed to cultural diffusion from the Chinese and Europeans.

The Chinese inculcated new techniques of agriculture, date calculation, text, and, above all, the spread of Buddhism. Europeans introduced weapons to Japan.

Cultural Diffusion in Africa

Like in many parts of the world, in Africa too, the most common medium to propel cultural diffusion was
trade and religion. Commodities like salt and gold were extensively traded. This is evident from the historical evidence of African kingdoms like Ghana and Mali, not to forget, Songhai. During the reign of the rulers in these kingdoms, Islam found an easy entrance, stimulated by the trade relations with the Middle East. There were Muslim minstrels, inventory, and of course, architecture.

Bantu Migration is an instance that caused an intermingling of culture within Africa. These group of Bantu-speaking people from Central Africa migrated in huge numbers, for many years, into Eastern and Southern Africa. This resulted in the mixing of cultures of the natives with the Bantu migrants.

Another example in this context is the Slave Trade, which is nothing short of forced diffusion. Due to this, many African agricultural techniques, crops, music, and local forms of treatment were transported and adopted by many in various parts of Europe and America.

In the concluding lines, it is imperative to mention that cultural diffusion is a phenomenon of man’s social behavior. Therefore, like the pros, the cons too are quite vivid. The spread of diseases is perhaps the strongest of all, which negatively did impact this process.

Cultural diffusion has to do with how the many different parts of culture are adopted by other cultures. An example of cultural diffusion would be the widespread adoption of the use of a cell phone (and often a smartphone) across many different countries and cultures.Sep 17 2021

What are three examples of cultural diffusion?

Common Cultural Diffusions

For example jazz started as a blend of the music of Africa and the Caribbean. Southern cities in the United States especially border towns have signs in both English and Spanish. The popularity of sushi a traditional Japanese dish shows diffusion of Japanese cuisine.

What are cultural diffusion 2 examples?

The spread of music throughout the world also illustrates cultural diffusion. For example jazz started in the US as a blend of African and European musical traditions. … The popularity of sushi around the world a traditional Japanese dish exemplifies the spread of Japanese culture and cuisine.

What is a positive example of cultural diffusion?

Another positive effect of cultural diffusion is when new technologies are shared around the world. Inventions such as the telescope the printing press steam engines cars and computers have all had big impacts on how people live in every area of the world.

What are 3 causes of cultural diffusion?

The diffusion of religion language in addition to other aspects of culture historically caused by mass migrations travel colonization ostracism inter group communication Interactions among people allowed for the creations of simplified language interconnectedness demonstrated by the developments of Lingua …

What are 5 examples of cultural diffusion?

Types of Cultural Diffusion. There are five different types of cultural diffusion. They are expansion contagious hierarchical stimulus and relocation diffusion.

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Is McDonald’s an example of cultural diffusion?

Conclusion. The spread of McDonald’s has diffused and influenced Western fast-paced culture. … Many cultures are based around family meals and fast-food changes that outlook. The spread of McDonald’s has changed the type of food many countries eat as well as how they eat it.

What are some examples of cultural diffusion that can be seen in Africa today?

Islam was the religion practiced in North Africa. Over time the Berbers adopted the religion too. By doing business in trading centers in West Africa the Berbers introduced Islam there as well. The spread of religion along trade routes is one example of cultural diffusion.

What is the best example of cultural diffusion quizlet?

What is the best example of cultural diffusion? The Spanish forced Christianity on the Native Americans when they conquered parts of South America. increases at the same speed at which culture has spread.

What are non examples of cultural diffusion?

Considering this the one that is not an example of cultural diffusion is “a hamburger restaurant in the United States” because hamburgers are part of the culture of the U.S. but if they remain in the U.S. as in this case there is no cultural diffusion.

What are two ways cultural diffusion?

There are two ways that culture can be diffused: relocation diffusion and expansion diffusion. Relocation diffusion is the spread of a trait or idea through migration of people by taking their cultures with them from one place to another.

What are some positives of cultural diffusion?

One advantage of cultural diffusion is its ability to enrich the existing dominant culture. In addition when the technological innovations of one culture are diffused to another they can foster positive social change and dramatically improve the lives of people in other cultures.

What are some bad things about cultural diffusion?

Disadvantages of cultural diffusion can include the loss of a person’s own cultural identity according to Exeter University’s Lesley Newson. As outside influences seep in long-term traditions may be forgotten in the face of more dynamic ways of doing things.

What is cultural diffusion simple?

Cultural diffusion is the spreading out and merging of pieces from different cultures. These different cultures all have many diverse types of food clothing and even languages that people love and enjoy every day.

What is the best example of a cultural landscape?

Examples of cultural landscapes include designed landscapes (e.g. formal gardens and parks such as Golden Gate Park) rural or vernacular landscapes (e.g. sheep ranches dairy ranches) ethnographic landscapes (e.g. Mt.

What is the best example of how the media creates cultural diffusion?

What is the best example of how the media creates cultural diffusion? a regional group/bloc of countries that band together to reduce or rid of tariffs within their group.

What is an example of cultural diffusion in food?

So food originating in America can be seen in countries around the world. For example here is a McDonald’s in Asia. Also clothing companies like Nike located in Australia or Japan would be another example of cultural diffusion.

What are examples of diffusion?

  • The smell of perfumes/Incense Sticks.
  • Opening the Soda/Cold Drinks bottle and the CO2 diffuses in the air.
  • Dipping the tea bags in hot water will diffuse the tea in hot water.
  • Small dust particles or smoke diffuse into the air and cause air pollution.

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Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural beliefs ideas and/or social activities from one group to another. Art is influenced by the cultural experiences of artists.

What type of diffusion is mcdonalds?

The idea (McDonald’s burgers) was acceptable but not in its original form – hence stimulus diffusion.

What is cultural diffusion world history?

Cultural diffusion describes the spread of one culture’s practices beliefs and/or items like food music or tools. This spread can be among members of the same culture or to completely different cultures around the world. Cultural diffusion is why many cultures around the world share similarities.

What is contagious diffusion?

Contagious diffusion is the process of an idea being spread rapidly throughout the population all places and individuals in the region are affected. Examples could include: the spread of AIDS prevention the spread of disease the use of the internet.

What are examples of contagious diffusion?

Contagious diffusion is a kind of cultural diffusion that relies on direct person-to-person contact for the spread of ideas information and knowledge. Contagious diffusion examples include: the spread of tea and coffee culture viral internet memes and oral spread of religions.

What is an example of contagious diffusion in human geography?

Contagious diffusion involves a form of expansion in which people near the point of origin become adopters of a cultural fad. In the example above the point of origin is the celebrity and the townspeople become adopters of the Brand X fad.

Which is the best example of cultural diffusion Muslims?

Which is the best example of cultural diffusion? Muslims spread the Chinese craft of paper making to Europe.

Which of the following is the best example of diffusion?

  • Water diffuses into cooking noodles making them bigger and softer.
  • A helium balloon deflates a little bit every day as helium diffuses through the balloon into the air.
  • If you place a sugar cube in water the sugar will dissolve and evenly sweeten the water without having to stir it.

See also what happens when organic molecules decompose?

Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group of people to another. The mixing of world cultures through different ethnicities religions and nationalities has only increased with advanced communication transportation and technology.

What is a sentence for cultural diffusion?

Cultural diffusion within the region has allowed the music styles to converge change and diverge. The region was a focal point for cultural diffusion as the Silk Road traversed it. Spencer believed in social evolution and group marriage whereas Mathews’was sympathetic to ideas of cultural diffusion.

Which of the following is an example of cultural appropriation?

In this sense appropriation involves a lack of understanding of or appreciation for the historical context that influences the act of what is being taken. For example taking a sacred object from a culture and producing it as part of a Halloween costume.

What is hierarchy diffusion?

Hierarchical diffusion: an idea or innovation that spreads by moving from larger to smaller places often with little regard to the distance between places and often influenced by social elites. … Stimulus diffusion: an idea or innovation that spreads based on its attachment to another concept.

What are the benefits of cultural blending?

Societies that are able to benefit from cultural blending are those that are open to new ways and are willing to adapt and change. The blended ideas spread throughout the culture and produce a new pattern of behavior.

What type of diffusion is Coca Cola?

Cultural Diffusion:Coca Cola.

How do you think cultural diffusion works?

Cultural diffusion is when something from one area or culture spreads to another area or culture regardless of its location or climate zone. As more cultures come into contact with each other more ideas and products spread and are shared.

What are the five main characteristics of cultural diffusion?

Characteristics of Cultural Diffusion

  • Selective Process. It is a selective process and the traits of one culture are adopted by other on selection. …
  • Rapid Material Diffusion. …
  • Two Way Process. …
  • Strong Culture Less Diffused. …
  • Continuous and Increasing Process.

What is Cultural Diffusion?

Why is cultural diffusion important?

Cultural Diffusion Presentation

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