Which examples are simple sentences

Here, We have a huge collection of Simple Sentences, examples of a simple sentence.

Examples of Simple Sentence

  1. Emma is writing a letter.
  2. We wake up early in the morning.
  3. My brother speaks loudly.
  4. I have driven a car.
  5. We are trying to understand.
  6. I am buying a new pair of shoes.
  7. Do you play basketball?
  8. I have become a police officer.
  9. They have a computer.
  10. She is going to take swim lessons.
  11. He has been watching movies.
  12. We are planning a new trip.
  13. The teacher teaches in the classroom.
  14. I am working hard during exams.
  15. She loves to play with dogs.
  16. Did he cook dinner?
  17. He speaks german usually.
  18. They broke the glass.
  19. We have won the match.
  20. I walked in the morning.
  21. I walked in the morning.
  22. They talk too much.
  23. My son lives in London.
  24. I run every weekend.
  25. She belongs to this place.
  26. Does he drink coffee?
  27. He goes to the gym every day.
  28. They sleep in the afternoon.
  29. The earth is spherical.
  30. She buys the car.
  31. I like to draw pictures.
  32. We love flying kites.
  33. My father goes to the office.
  34. Does he write an essay?
  35. My brother sometimes forger his keys.
  36. It usually rains every day.
  37. He has a big house.
  38. Dog barks loudly.
  39. I like comics books.
  40. We swim every morning.
  41. Ben brushes her teeth.
  42. I work as a teacher.
  43. He does not play basketball.
  44. They dance like idiots.
  45. We walk for 5km every morning.
  46. Does she live in New York?
  47. Bees live in large groups.
  48. I eat chocolate every day.
  49. We attend a lecture every day.
  50. He wants something.

See Also: Examples of Negative Sentence

If the past tense of buy is bought, should the past tense of fly be flought?   What about goed instead of went, or teached instead of taught?

English grammar is complicated, and the many exceptions to the rule can be very confusing.  Even a simple sentence is not always as simple as it seems! 

Try this self-check. Which ones are simple sentences?

  • The girl rode her bicycle to school.
  • The teacher and her students are reading.
  • He jumped and shouted with joy.
  • Jack and his father dragged and pulled the canoe down to the water.

These are all simple sentences. The first one is easy, however, the other three are a little more complicated as they have compound subjects and compound verbs. So let’s have a look at some of the grammatical features of simple sentences.  

A simple sentence

A simple sentence expresses one complete thought and must have a subject and a finite verb
          Example: The girl rode her bicycle to school.
The first thing to remember is that the subject is always a noun or a pronoun. A simple sentence can have several nouns or pronouns but only one subject.  Look at this sentence. 
          Example:  One morning he found a shiny seashell on the beach. 
This simple sentence has one pronoun and three nouns, but only he is the subject. Also notice that the sentence does not start with the subject.

How to find the subject 

To find the subject of a sentence we should look for the finite verb first. A finite verb is often referred to as a doing verb, which tells us about the action performed by the subject. 
          Example:  She celebrated her birthday yesterday. 
In this sentence, the finite verb is celebrated. When we ask who or what celebrated, the answer is she. She is the subject and is performing the action. 

A simple sentence with a compound subject

When a simple sentence has two or more nouns or pronouns that perform the same action, it has a compound subject.
          Example: The teacher and her students are reading.Both the teacher and the students are reading. The compound subject is teacher and students, as they are performing one action. A simple sentence can also have more than two nouns or pronouns as the subject, as long as they perform the same action.  

          Example: My cousins, aunts and uncles are coming to dinner. 

The cousins, aunts and uncles are coming to dinner. The compound subject is cousins, aunts and uncles, as they are performing one action.  

A simple sentence with a compound verb

When the subject has two or more verbs, we say the subject has a compound verb.
          Example: He jumped and shouted with joy.
The subject, He, performed both actions, so jumped and shouted is a compound verb.

A simple sentence with a compound subject and a compound verb

As long as we follow the rules for compound subjects and compound verbs, we can use both in a simple sentence. 
          Example: Jack and his father dragged and pulled the canoe down to the water.
In this simple sentence Jack and father is the compound subject and dragged and pulled is the compound verb. 

Use authentic texts to model the grammatical features of a sentence

If you would like some more tips on how to help students improve their writing, you may be interested in our video on Sentence Structure. In this video, we use the book, Storm Boy by Colin Thiele, to show you how to easily introduce different types of clauses, write simple, compound and complex sentences, and use noun groups and verb groups.  

In this lesson, we will discuss the 50 valuable examples of simple sentences in English grammar. A simple sentence is used in English to convey a single idea. Now you may have a question on what is the definition of a simple sentence right? So let us know the definition of a simple sentence.

Definition of a Simple sentence

A simple sentence is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. In other words, we can say a sentence that denotes a subject and a finite verb or an independent clause and expresses an entire idea is called a simple sentence. For example:

  • I went to the store.
  • The dog barked at me.
  • He is my close friend.
  • I know the bird very well.
  • She delivered her opinion.

You can follow our other lesson to learn more about simple sentences in English grammar. Read the lesson- Simple Sentences.

50 Examples of simples sentences

Without further delay, let’s have a look at the 50 valuable examples of simple sentences to get a clear idea about them:

  1. I saw that horror movie on Netflix.
  2. The children together play in the garden.
  3. The boy wrote a sentence on the blackboard.
  4. They play with those toys in their house.
  5. Maira reads a novel every week.
  6. I saw them coming to our new apartment.
  7. We went to the cineplex yesterday.
  8. We all went to the party yesterday night.
  9. They stay together at that critical time.
  10. He plays with his friends in the yard.
  11. We don’t play together again.
  12. I talk to my teacher about my final project.
  13. We played an exciting game in the garden.
  14. Mr. Williams stands near the window.
  15. I got a letter from my best friend.
  16. Did you feel pleasure last night?
  17. They talk about their plans for the weekend.
  18. I learned a lot of things from this class.
  19. We stand near the window for a long time.
  20. They form a new committee for the project.
  21. She comes to you telling about a secret.
  22. Raj sits on his bed for reading a book.
  23. The boys play football in the field behind my house.
  24. He works on his computer every night.
  25. Sumaiya prays for her parents.
  26. I know the true story of this strange person.
  27. She often watches TV in the drawing-room.
  28. He stands in front of the door.
  29. Saira watched her favorite movie in the cinema.
  30. Did she make a recipe for you?
  31. I saw him running up the stairs.
  32. The children play hockey in the garden.
  33. She acknowledges the scene of the story.
  34. The boys stand outside the classroom.
  35. We are angry of guilty of his action.
  36. My father stands near the window.
  37. I talk to my friends about the project.
  38. We are happy to see you after many days.
  39. My mother stands next to me on this chair.
  40. Do you live next to my house?
  41. They refuse our proposal for no reason.
  42. We express our concern regarding the current issue.
  43. Joya left the place a few weeks ago.
  44. Does she understand the lesson properly?
  45. The boys stand outside the classroom.
  46. We are three friends sitting under the tree.
  47. My brother feels sorry for his mistake.
  48. You make me laugh for the entire day.
  49. Do you accept my request for the first time?
  50. My mother stands next to me on this chair.

To sum up we can say that, it’s very easy to understand simple sentences. We need one thing that is we need to understand the definition of the simple sentence carefully. These 50 examples of simple sentences will help you get a clear conception of this sentence.

Azizul Hakim is the founder & CEO of englishfinders.com. He is a passionate writer, English instructor, and content creator. He has completed his graduation and post-graduation in English language and literature.

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