When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?

All elasticities measure responsiveness.

In this case, the two key words are 'price' and 'demand', so the price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a given price change. In the last 'topic' we discussed demand at some length. In most cases, the demand for a good rises when the price falls, ceteris paribus. The question is, by how much?

The following formula can be used to measure exactly how responsive demand is to a given price change:

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?

So the algebraic terms mean: Ed = The price elasticity of demand
Δ = 'change in'
Qd = Quantity demanded
P = Price

Using the formula

You will only face questions that specifically ask you to calculate an elasticity in multiple-choice papers. Having said that, essay questions often appear where you need to analyse the significance of certain elasticities. Either way, it is important that you are confident in dealing with this, relatively simple, arithmetic formula.

Calculating the elasticity

Let's start with the easiest questions you might face:

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?
The price of a CrispyChoc Bar in the local newsagent rises from 25p to 30p. As a result, the newsagent finds that the demand for this product falls from 80 bars a day to 40 bars a day. Find the price elasticity of demand.

At this point, it might be worth reviewing how to calculate percentage changes. Basically, you work out the change, divide this change by the original figure and then multiply the result by 100. Or, if you prefer the algebraic form:

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?

So, the percentage change in quantity demanded is -40 (the change, or fall in demand) divided by 80 (the original amount demanded) multiplied by 100. -40 divided by 80 is -0.5. Multiply this by 100 and you get -50%.

The percentage change in price is +5 (the change in price) divided by 25 (the original price) multiplied by 100. 5 divided by 25 is 0.2. Multiply by 100 and you get 20%.

Now we can use the formula for the price elasticity of demand:

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?

Notice that the answer is negative. This is because the price rose (positive) causing the quantity demanded to fall (negative). A negative divided by a positive is always negative. This is to be expected. The demand curve is nearly always downward sloping showing a negative relationship between price and quantity demanded. Because nearly all elasticities of demand are negative examiners often don't use the negative sign. The question will just state an elasticity of, say, 3. What they mean is -3, so don't get too confused!

Now try a couple for yourself. The answers will appear if you click the appropriate button:

A greengrocer decides to cut the price of his apples from 50p per lb to 45p per lb. He finds that his daily sales rise from 40lbs a day to 45lbs a day. What is the price elasticity of demand (ceteris paribus)?

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?

The price of a litre of unleaded petrol rises from 80p to 84p (not again!). As a result, the quantity demanded at a local forecourt falls from 4000 to 3880 litres a day. What is the price elasticity of demand (ceteris paribus)?

Calculating demand and price changes from a given elasticity

Often, you will face the following type of question:

A greengrocer decides to cut the price of his bananas from 40p per lb to 32p per lb. The price elasticity of demand for this product is 2. He currently sells 80lbs of bananas a day. How many will he sell after the price cut?

The maths doesn't really get any harder than this in A level economics. That's meant to be a good thing, by the way!

The formula has three parts: Ed, %Qd and %P. In the questions where you had to find the value of the elasticity, you were given two of the three parts and asked to find the third. In the question above, exactly the same thing has happened except the part you need to find has changed. Always write down the formula before you do your working:

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?

Remember that although the elasticity is stated as '2', it is, in fact, -2:

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?

Now we can rearrange the formula (remember that GCSE maths!):

(a minus times a minus is a plus).

So the demand for the greengrocer's bananas will rise by 40%. Initial sales were 80lbs a day, so sales after the price cut will be 112lbs a day (40% of 80 is 32. Add this to 80 to give 112.)

Now try a couple for yourself. Think carefully about the second question. The answers will appear if you click the appropriate button:

A publican decides to increase the price of Brand X lager from £2 a pint to £2.10 a pint. The price elasticity of demand for Brand X is 0.8. He currently sells 300 pints a day. What will the new demand be (ceteris paribus)?

The same publican sells best bitter for £1.50 a pint. He finds that, as a result of a price change, he is selling 242 pints of bitter compared with 220 pints before the price change. The price elasticity of demand for best bitter is 1.25. What is the new price (ceteris paribus)?

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Calculate the price elasticity of demand
  • Calculate the price elasticity of supply

Both the demand and supply curve show the relationship between price and the number of units demanded or supplied. Price elasticity is the ratio between the percentage change in the quantity demanded (Qd) or supplied (Qs) and the corresponding percent change in price. The price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a good or service divided by the percentage change in the price. The price elasticity of supply is the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price.

Elasticities can be usefully divided into three broad categories: elastic, inelastic, and unitary. An elastic demand or elastic supply is one in which the elasticity is greater than one, indicating a high responsiveness to changes in price. Elasticities that are less than one indicate low responsiveness to price changes and correspond to inelastic demand or inelastic supply. Unitary elasticities indicate proportional responsiveness of either demand or supply, as summarized in Table 1.

If . . . Then . . . And It Is Called . . .
[latex]\%\;change\;in\;quantity > \%\;change\;in\;price[/latex] [latex]\frac{\%\;change\;in\;quantity}{\%\;change\;in\;price)} > 1[/latex] Elastic
[latex]\%\;change\;in\;quantity = \%\;change\;in\;price[/latex] [latex]\frac{\%\;change\;in\;quantity}{\%\;change\;in\;price)} = 1[/latex] Unitary
[latex]\%\;change\;in\;quantity < \%\;change\;in\;price[/latex] [latex]\frac{\%\;change\;in\;quantity}{\%\;change\;in\;price)} < 1[/latex] Inelastic
Table 1. Elastic, Inelastic, and Unitary: Three Cases of Elasticity

Before we get into the nitty gritty of elasticity, enjoy this article on elasticity and ticket prices at the Super Bowl.

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?

To calculate elasticity, instead of using simple percentage changes in quantity and price, economists use the average percent change in both quantity and price. This is called the Midpoint Method for Elasticity, and is represented in the following equations:

[latex]\begin{array}{r @{{}={}} l}\%\;change\;in\;quantity & \frac { { Q }_{ 2 }-{ Q }_{ 1 } }{ ({ Q }_{ 2 }+{ Q }_{ 1 })/2 } \times 100 \\[1em] \%\;change\;in\;price & \frac { { P }_{ 2 }-{ P }_{ 1 } }{ ({ P }_{ 2 }+{ P }_{ 1 })/2 } \times 100 \end{array}[/latex]

The advantage of the is Midpoint Method is that one obtains the same elasticity between two price points whether there is a price increase or decrease. This is because the formula uses the same base for both cases.

Let’s calculate the elasticity between points A and B and between points G and H shown in Figure 1.

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?
Figure 1. Calculating the Price Elasticity of Demand. The price elasticity of demand is calculated as the percentage change in quantity divided by the percentage change in price.

First, apply the formula to calculate the elasticity as price decreases from $70 at point B to $60 at point A:

[latex]\begin{array}{r @{{}={}} l}\%\;change\;in\;quantity & \frac { { 3,000 }-{ 2,800 } }{ ({ 3,000 }+{ 2,800 })/2 } \times 100 \\[1em] & \frac { 200 }{ 2,900 } \times 100 \\[1em] & = 6.9 \\[1em] \%\;change\;in\;price & \frac { { 60 }-{ 70 } }{ ({ 60 }+{ 70 })/2 } \times 100 \\[1em] & \frac { -10 }{ 65 } \times 100 \\[1em] & -15.4 \\[1em] Price\;Elasticity\;of\;Demand & \frac { 6.9\% }{ -15.4\% } \\[1em] & 0.45 \end{array}[/latex]

Therefore, the elasticity of demand between these two points is [latex]\frac { 6.9\% }{ -15.4\% }[/latex] which is 0.45, an amount smaller than one, showing that the demand is inelastic in this interval. Price elasticities of demand are always negative since price and quantity demanded always move in opposite directions (on the demand curve). By convention, we always talk about elasticities as positive numbers. So mathematically, we take the absolute value of the result. We will ignore this detail from now on, while remembering to interpret elasticities as positive numbers.

This means that, along the demand curve between point B and A, if the price changes by 1%, the quantity demanded will change by 0.45%. A change in the price will result in a smaller percentage change in the quantity demanded. For example, a 10% increase in the price will result in only a 4.5% decrease in quantity demanded. A 10% decrease in the price will result in only a 4.5% increase in the quantity demanded. Price elasticities of demand are negative numbers indicating that the demand curve is downward sloping, but are read as absolute values. The following Work It Out feature will walk you through calculating the price elasticity of demand.

Calculate the price elasticity of demand using the data in Figure 1 for an increase in price from G to H. Has the elasticity increased or decreased?

Step 1. We know that:

[latex]Price\;Elasticity\;of\;Demand = \frac { \%\;change\;in\;quantity }{ \%\;change\;in\;price }[/latex]

Step 2. From the Midpoint Formula we know that:

[latex]\begin{array}{r @{{}={}} l}\%\;change\;in\;quantity & \frac { { Q }_{ 2 }-{ Q }_{ 1 } }{ ({ Q }_{ 2 }+{ Q }_{ 1 })/2 } \times 100 \\[1em] \%\;change\;in\;price & \frac { { P }_{ 2 }-{ P }_{ 1 } }{ ({ P }_{ 2 }+{ P }_{ 1 })/2 } \times 100 \end{array}[/latex]

Step 3. So we can use the values provided in the figure in each equation:

[latex]\begin{array}{r @{{}={}} l}\%\;change\;in\;quantity & \frac { { 1,600 }-{ 1,800 } }{ ({ 1,600 }+{ 1,800 })/2 } \times 100 \\[1em] & \frac { -200 }{ 1,700 } \times 100 \\[1em] & -11.76 \\[1em] \%\;change\;in\;price & \frac { { 130 }-{ 120 } }{ ({ 130 }+{ 120 })/2 } \times 100 \\[1em] & \frac { 10 }{ 125 } \times 100 \\[1em] & 8.0 \end{array}[/latex]

Step 4. Then, those values can be used to determine the price elasticity of demand:

[latex]\begin{array}{r @{{}={}} l}Price\;Elasticity\;of\;Demand & \frac { \%\;change\;in\;quantity }{ \%\;change\;in\;price } \\[1em] & \frac { -11.76 }{ 8 } \\[1em] & 1.47 \end{array}[/latex]

Therefore, the elasticity of demand from G to H 1.47. The magnitude of the elasticity has increased (in absolute value) as we moved up along the demand curve from points A to B. Recall that the elasticity between these two points was 0.45. Demand was inelastic between points A and B and elastic between points G and H. This shows us that price elasticity of demand changes at different points along a straight-line demand curve.

Assume that an apartment rents for $650 per month and at that price 10,000 units are rented as shown in Figure 2. When the price increases to $700 per month, 13,000 units are supplied into the market. By what percentage does apartment supply increase? What is the price sensitivity?

When a 25% change in price causes a 50% change in quantity demanded the price elasticity is?
Figure 2. Price Elasticity of Supply. The price elasticity of supply is calculated as the percentage change in quantity divided by the percentage change in price.

Using the Midpoint Method,

[latex]\begin{array}{r @{{}={}} l}\%\;change\;in\;quantity & \frac { { 13,000 }-{ 10,000 } }{ ({ 13,000 }+{ 10,000 })/2 } \times 100 \\[1em] & \frac { 3,000 }{ 11,500 } \times 100 \\[1em] & 26.1 \\[1em] \%\;change\;in\;price & \frac { { \$700 }-{ \$650 } }{ ({ \$700 }+{ \$650 })/2 } \times 100 \\[1em] & \frac { 50 }{ 675 } \times 100 \\[1em] & 7.4 \\[1em] Price\;Elasticity\;of\;Demand & \frac { 26.1\% }{ 7.4\% } \\[1em] & 3.53 \end{array}[/latex]

Again, as with the elasticity of demand, the elasticity of supply is not followed by any units. Elasticity is a ratio of one percentage change to another percentage change—nothing more—and is read as an absolute value. In this case, a 1% rise in price causes an increase in quantity supplied of 3.5%. The greater than one elasticity of supply means that the percentage change in quantity supplied will be greater than a one percent price change. If you're starting to wonder if the concept of slope fits into this calculation, read the following Clear It Up box.

It is a common mistake to confuse the slope of either the supply or demand curve with its elasticity. The slope is the rate of change in units along the curve, or the rise/run (change in y over the change in x). For example, in Figure 1, each point shown on the demand curve, price drops by $10 and the number of units demanded increases by 200. So the slope is –10/200 along the entire demand curve and does not change. The price elasticity, however, changes along the curve. Elasticity between points A and B was 0.45 and increased to 1.47 between points G and H. Elasticity is the percentage change, which is a different calculation from the slope and has a different meaning.

When we are at the upper end of a demand curve, where price is high and the quantity demanded is low, a small change in the quantity demanded, even in, say, one unit, is pretty big in percentage terms. A change in price of, say, a dollar, is going to be much less important in percentage terms than it would have been at the bottom of the demand curve. Likewise, at the bottom of the demand curve, that one unit change when the quantity demanded is high will be small as a percentage.

So, at one end of the demand curve, where we have a large percentage change in quantity demanded over a small percentage change in price, the elasticity value would be high, or demand would be relatively elastic. Even with the same change in the price and the same change in the quantity demanded, at the other end of the demand curve the quantity is much higher, and the price is much lower, so the percentage change in quantity demanded is smaller and the percentage change in price is much higher. That means at the bottom of the curve we'd have a small numerator over a large denominator, so the elasticity measure would be much lower, or inelastic.

As we move along the demand curve, the values for quantity and price go up or down, depending on which way we are moving, so the percentages for, say, a $1 difference in price or a one unit difference in quantity, will change as well, which means the ratios of those percentages will change.

Price elasticity measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded or supplied of a good to a change in its price. It is computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded (or supplied) divided by the percentage change in price. Elasticity can be described as elastic (or very responsive), unit elastic, or inelastic (not very responsive). Elastic demand or supply curves indicate that quantity demanded or supplied respond to price changes in a greater than proportional manner. An inelastic demand or supply curve is one where a given percentage change in price will cause a smaller percentage change in quantity demanded or supplied. A unitary elasticity means that a given percentage change in price leads to an equal percentage change in quantity demanded or supplied.

elastic demand when the elasticity of demand is greater than one, indicating a high responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied to changes in price elastic supply when the elasticity of either supply is greater than one, indicating a high responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied to changes in price elasticity an economics concept that measures responsiveness of one variable to changes in another variable inelastic demand when the elasticity of demand is less than one, indicating that a 1 percent increase in price paid by the consumer leads to less than a 1 percent change in purchases (and vice versa); this indicates a low responsiveness by consumers to price changes inelastic supply when the elasticity of supply is less than one, indicating that a 1 percent increase in price paid to the firm will result in a less than 1 percent increase in production by the firm; this indicates a low responsiveness of the firm to price increases (and vice versa if prices drop) price elasticity the relationship between the percent change in price resulting in a corresponding percentage change in the quantity demanded or supplied price elasticity of demand percentage change in the quantity demanded of a good or service divided the percentage change in price price elasticity of supply percentage change in the quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price unitary elasticity when the calculated elasticity is equal to one indicating that a change in the price of the good or service results in a proportional change in the quantity demanded or supplied