What to do when your dog is shaking because she scared of fireworks?

By Sharon L. Campbell, DVM, MS, DACVIM

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Is it noise aversion?

Does your dog run and hide or start panting and shaking when children in the neighborhood set off firecrackers?  Has your dog run away during the Fourth of July celebration?  If so, your dog likely suffers from noise aversion, also commonly known as noise anxiety or noise phobia.  Noise aversion affects two-thirds1 of dog in the U.S.  In fact, shelters report that July 5 is the day that they have the highest number of intakes due to dogs running away during firework displays.2  Other common signs of noise aversion include barking and whining, excessively seeking attention from the owner, cowering, and hypervigilance. Even lip licking and yawning are signs that your dog is stressed.

Noise aversion is not just something that dogs experience as a reaction to fireworks, but to many other noises including thunder, construction, celebration, sporting events, traffic noises, etc.  Often dogs who have noise aversion to fireworks also react to some of these other noises.

Is noise aversion a medical condition?

Did you know that noise aversion indicates that your dog is anxious and fearful of these noises and is a serious medical condition? This is because what your dog is experiencing when she or he reacts to the noise is similar to what a person experiences when they have a panic attack.

Noise aversion not only affects your dog; it might also have a negative impact on your relationship with your dog, either due to repeatedly having to repair property your dog damaged trying to escape or visits to the veterinarian because your dog hurt himself trying to escape. Additionally, the worry and concern for the dog’s quality of life or loss of sleep can ultimately lead to a fracture in the human-animal bond.

What do I do?

The good news is your veterinarian has many options to help address your dog’s noise aversion. Therefore, it is important for you to tell your veterinarian how your dog reacts to the noises associated with the Fourth of July well before the holiday. Preparation is key for reducing the fear, anxiety and stress for your pet during this time.

What are some of your options? The first is to minimize your dog’s exposure to the sound of fireworks.You can pull the shades and play music or white noise. You can also create a safe haven for your dog. If your dog runs to the bathroom, into a closet, or heads for the basement at the first “boom,”  you can put a bed in their preferred location and amp it up by feeding them treats or putting your dog’s toys in that area to train them to associate a positive experience with that place. Other techniques, called behavior modification, can be used to teach your dog how to better tolerate fireworks; your veterinarian can provide you with this information or may refer you to a veterinary behaviorist or certified trainer.

There are also medications that can help. One option is Sileo (dexmedetomidine oromucosal gel), the first FDA-approved treatment for canine noise aversion. Sileo can be given 30-60 minutes before the noise event or at the time you first hear the noise, or when your dog begins to show signs of noise aversion. Sileo calms your dog without sedation, so that he or she can enjoy the holiday with the family. There are other medications that may also help your dog. Once you discuss your dog’s noise aversion with your veterinarian, she will be able to determine what treatment options are best for your dog.

So before the Fourth comes around again, take this quiz to see if your dog suffers from noise aversion. Then bring it to your veterinarian to begin the conversation and start the treatment that will help improve your dog’s quality of life, and as a result, yours as well.


Do not use SILEO in dogs with severe cardiovascular disease, respiratory, liver or kidney diseases, or in conditions of shock, severe debilitation, or stress due to extreme heat, cold. or fatigue or in dogs hypersensitive to dexmedetomidine or to any of the excipients. SILEO should not be administered in the presence of preexisting hypotension, hypoxia, or bradycardia. Do not use in dogs sedated from previous dosing. SILEO has not been evaluated in dogs younger than 16 weeks of age or in dogs with dental or gingival disease that could have an effect on the absorption of SILEO. SILEO has not been evaluated for use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs or for aversion behaviors to thunderstorms. Transient pale mucous membranes at the site of application may occur with SILEO use. Other uncommon adverse reactions included emesis, drowsiness or sedation. Handlers should avoid direct exposure of SILEO to their skin, eyes or mouth. Failure to lock the ring-stop on the syringe before dosing SILEO could potentially lead to an accidental overdose. Always review INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE before dispensing and dosing.  See full Prescribing Information.

This article was reviewed/edited by board-certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. Kenneth Martin and/or veterinary technician specialist in behavior Debbie Martin, LVT.

This article is brought to you in collaboration with our friends at Zoetis Petcare. SIL-00387


Published May 17, 2019

A common concern among pet owners is dealing with an excited or nervous dog when fireworks are set off nearby. Unfortunately, many dogs get scared when they hear fireworks and might start shaking, barking, or hiding. Fortunately, there's a lot you can do to help keep your dog calm when fireworks are going off.

Why Are Dogs Afraid of Fireworks?

Quite a few factors can cause your dog to be scared of fireworks. To start with, dogs simply hear better than we do. They can hear more frequencies from farther away, which means sounds that aren't scary to us might be scary to them.1 Some older dogs might develop new fears because they can't hear as many frequencies, so they're unsure where the sounds of the loud fireworks are coming from.

But there are more reasons that might cause a dog to be scared of fireworks. Early life experiences can contribute, causing your dog to associate loud sounds with something bad, like being left alone as a puppy. Sometimes genetics can play a role, or even the mother dog experiencing stress while pregnant.2

Signs Your Dog Is Scared of Fireworks

Sometimes it's obvious when your dog is scared of fireworks. She may tremble and shake, feeling so scared that she cowers under the bed. She might bark loudly or howl. Some dogs may even pee or poop in the house or act out by tearing up something.3 Others may try to escape. They might try to push out a window screen or dash past you if you open a door. That's why you need to be extra careful, keeping doors and windows shut.

For other dogs, the signs might be more subtle. Maybe she starts pacing or holding her ears back. She might whine softly, sit in a corner when she's usually outgoing, or yawn frequently.

How You Can Help Calm Your Dog During Fireworks

It may not be possible to avoid fireworks altogether, so what can you do to help calm your dog? Talk with your veterinarian, get a full health checkup to make sure there are no underlying heath issues, and ask about any of the ideas below to see which you should try first.

Mimic their Mother's Heartbeat

Your dog might find comfort in the K&H pet products that use a Mother's Heartbeat device, which mimics the heartbeats of the parents. The device comes in three heartbeats-per-minute options based on small, medium, and large breeds. The Mother's Heartbeat Heated Puppy Pet Bed with Bone Pillow has a heated bed, a heartbeat device, and a bone pillow to help puppies feel comforted. You can also get a separate Mother's Heartbeat pillow in either a Puppy Bone or Heart style.

If your dog finds comfort in a crate during fireworks, consider the Mother's Heartbeat Puppy Crate Pad in a fleece or water-resistant style. The pad has a heartbeat device inside. Keep your dog's favorite toy or blanket in the crate with him.

Try Relaxation Methods

A recent study found that techniques like counter-conditioning, relaxation training, or prescription medications can lessen fear of fireworks in dogs by about 70 percent.4 Noise CDs and pressure vests can also help.

Counter-conditioning involves giving something positive, like your dog's favorite tasty snack, when fireworks begin, so your dog can develop positive associations with the unpleasant sound.5 If your dog's a puppy and doesn't seem scared yet, try this technique anyway to help build positive experiences around loud noises.

Create a Quiet Zone

Insulating your dog from the sound can also help. Create a quiet zone in an interior room, away from windows, and play more pleasant, alternative sounds to distract your dog.6 You might play a movie, white noise on your phone, or use fans to help mask the sound. Make sure you take your dog for a walk or potty break before the fireworks start, so he doesn't get caught outside with the loud noises.

Try to Desensitize Your Pup

Some professionals recommend desensitization techniques, where you play softer versions of the fireworks sounds and give your dog treats, helping him get used to the noise. Slowly increase the volume over time. Eventually, your dog might become so accustomed to the sound that it doesn't trigger a fear reaction.

Fireworks can be stressful to your dog. You don't want your pup to suffer every time he hears the loud noises on the Fourth of July or New Year's Day. Try these techniques and see if they help. You might also consult a dog trainer or behaviorist if your pup seems especially distressed.

1. Sexton, Courtney. "Why Fireworks Scare Some Dogs But Not Others." Smithsonian Magazine, 26 June 2020, //www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/firework-fear-why-your-dog-does-or-doesnt-react-and-how-you-should-180975182/.

2. Ibid.

3. VetsNow. "My dog is scared of fireworks, what do I do?" VetsNow, //www.vets-now.com/pet-care-advice/dogs-and-fireworks/.

4. Reimer, Stefanie. "Effectiveness of Treatments for Fireworks Fears in Dogs." Journal of Veterinary Behavior, May-June 2020, //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S155878782030037X#!.

5. Sexton, Courtney, //www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/firework-fear-why-your-dog-does-or-doesnt-react-and-how-you-should-180975182/.

6. Hecht, Julie. "Good (And Bad) Ways to Help a Dog Afraid of Fireworks." Scientific American, 30 June 2017, //blogs.scientificamerican.com/dog-spies/good-and-bad-ways-to-help-a-dog-afraid-of-fireworks/.

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