What time did the 1st tower fall?

NEW YORK -- Here's how the 9/11 terror attacks unfolded on September 11, 2001, at the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and on Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa.5:45 a.m. - Hijackers pass through security in Portland, Maine, and board a flight to Boston, where they connect to American Airlines Flight 11.6:00 a.m. - Polling stations open, as September 11 was a primary election day in New York City.7:59 a.m. - Flight 11 takes off from Boston for Los Angeles. Eleven crew members, 76 passengers, and five hijackers are on board.8:15 a.m. - Flight 175 takes off from Boston for Los Angeles. Nine crew members, 51 passengers, and five hijackers are on board.8:19 a.m. - Flight 11 crew members alert ground personnel that a hijacking is underway. Shortly before, one hijacker stabbed a passenger, Daniel Lewin, who was seated in front of him. Officials speculate that Lewin may have tried to stop the hijackers and was likely the first victim of the attacks.

MORE: 9/11 attacks by the numbers

What time did the 1st tower fall?

9/11 attacks: By the numbers

8:20 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 77, en route to Los Angeles, takes off from Washington, D.C. Six crew members, 53 passengers, and five hijackers are on board.8:24 a.m. - Attempting to communicate with passengers, a hijacker contacts air traffic control, unwittingly alerting controllers to the attacks.8:37 a.m. - Boston air traffic control alerts the military. Air National Guard jets in Massachusetts are mobilized to follow Flight 11.8:42 a.m. San Francisco-bound United Airlines Flight 93 takes off at Newark following a delay. Seven crew members, 33 passengers, and four hijackers are on board.8:46 a.m. - Flight 11 crashes into floors 93 through 99 of the North Tower.8:50 a.m. - President George W. Bush is alerted. His advisors assume this is a tragic accident.8:55 a.m. - The South Tower is declared secure.8:59 a.m. - Port Authority police order the evacuation of both towers. A minute later, the order is expanded to the entire World Trade Center complex.9:00 a.m. - A flight attendant aboard Flight 175 alerts air traffic control that a hijacking is underway.9:03 a.m. - Flight 175 crashes into floors 77 through 85 of the South Tower.9:05 a.m. - President Bush learns that a second plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. Twenty-five minutes later, he addresses Americans, saying that "terrorism against our nation will not stand."9:05 a.m. - Flight 77 passenger Barbara Olson calls her husband, U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson, who alerts other federal officials of the hijacking.9:36 a.m. - Secret Service agents evacuate Vice President Dick Cheney to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center beneath the White House.9:37 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon. The crash and fire kill 59 on the plane and 125 on the ground.9:42 a.m. - The FAA grounds all flights.9:45 a.m. - The White House and U.S. Capitol are evacuated.9:59 a.m. - The South Tower collapses in 10 seconds after burning for 56 minutes. More than 800 people in and around the building are killed.10:03 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 93 crashes near Shanksville, Pennsylvania after passengers and crew storm the cockpit. Forty passengers and crew on board perish.10:15 a.m. - The Pentagon's outer ring collapses.10:28 a.m. - The North Tower collapses after burning for 102 minutes. More than 1,600 in and around the building are killed.11:02 a.m. - New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani orders the evacuation of Lower Manhattan.12:16 p.m. - The last flight still in the air above the continental United States lands.12:30 p.m. - A group of 14 survivors emerge from a North Tower stairwell.3:00 p.m. - A survivor, Pasquale Buzzelli, is rescued from the rubble of the North Tower.5:20 p.m. - After burning for hours, 7 World Trade Center collapses, There are no casualties.8:30 p.m. - President Bush addresses the nation from the White House, assuring Americans that a search is underway for "those who are behind these evil acts."

10:30 p.m. - Rescuers locate and extract two PAPD officers injured but alive in debris of the World Trade Center.

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September 11 attacks: What happened on 9/11?

What time did the 1st tower fall?
What time did the 1st tower fall?

Image source, Getty Images

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 suicide attackers seized US passenger jets and crashed them into two New York skyscrapers, killing thousands of people.

The attack remains one of the most traumatic events of the century, not only for Americans but also for the world.

What were the targets?

Four planes flying over the eastern US were seized simultaneously by small teams of hijackers.

They were then used as giant, guided missiles to crash into landmark buildings in New York and Washington.

Two planes struck the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

The first hit the North Tower at 08:46 Eastern Time (12:46 GMT). The second crashed into the South Tower at 09:03.

The buildings were set on fire, trapping people on the upper floors, and wreathing the city in smoke. In less than two hours, both 110-storey towers collapsed in massive clouds of dust.

At 09:37 the third plane destroyed the western face of the Pentagon - the giant headquarters of the US military just outside the nation's capital, Washington DC.

The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania at 10:03 after passengers fought back. It is thought the hijackers had meant to attack the Capitol Building in Washington DC.

What time did the 1st tower fall?
What time did the 1st tower fall?

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New Yorkers fleeing the debris from the attack

How many people died?

In all, 2,977 people (not counting the 19 hijackers) lost their lives, most of them in New York.

  • All 246 passengers and crew aboard the four planes were killed
  • At the Twin Towers, 2,606 people died - then or later of injuries
  • At the Pentagon, 125 people were killed

The youngest victim was two-year-old Christine Lee Hanson, who died on one of the planes with her parents Peter and Sue.

The oldest was 82-year-old Robert Norton, who was on another plane with his wife Jacqueline, en route to a wedding.

When the first plane struck, an estimated 17,400 people were in the towers. Nobody survived above the impact zone in the North Tower, but 18 managed to escape from the floors above the impact zone in the South Tower.

Citizens of 77 different countries were among the casualties. New York City lost 441 first responders.

Thousands of people were injured or later developed illnesses connected to the attacks, including firefighters who had worked in toxic debris.

What time did the 1st tower fall?
What time did the 1st tower fall?

Image source, Getty Images

Who were the attackers?

An Islamist extremist network called al-Qaeda planned the attacks from Afghanistan.

Led by Osama Bin Laden, al-Qaeda blamed the US and its allies for conflicts in the Muslim world.

Nineteen people carried out the hijackings, working in three teams of five and one of four (on the plane which crashed in Pennsylvania).

Each group included someone who had received pilot training. This was carried out at flying schools in the US itself.

Fifteen hijackers were Saudis like Bin Laden himself. Two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Egypt and one was from Lebanon.

What time did the 1st tower fall?
What time did the 1st tower fall?

How did the US respond?

Less than a month after the attacks, President George W Bush led an invasion of Afghanistan - supported by an international coalition - to eradicate al-Qaeda and hunt down Bin Laden.

However, it was not until 2011 that US troops finally located and killed Bin Laden in neighbouring Pakistan.

The alleged planner of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, was arrested in Pakistan in 2003. He has been held in US custody at Guantanamo Bay since then, and is still awaiting trial.

Al-Qaeda still exists. It is strongest in Sub-Saharan Africa but even now has members inside Afghanistan.

US troops left Afghanistan this year after nearly 20 years, stoking fears from many that the Islamist network could make a comeback.

What time did the 1st tower fall?
What time did the 1st tower fall?

Image source, Getty Images

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A collection of photos of the victims of 11 September 2001, in the 9/11 museum in New York

The legacy of 9/11

Flight safety was tightened around the world in the years following 9/11.

In the US, the Transportation Security Administration was created to beef up security at airports and on planes.

It took more than eight months to clean up "Ground Zero" - the site of the fallen Twin Towers.

A memorial and a museum now stands on the site, and buildings have risen up again, to a different design.

The completed centrepiece - One World Trade Center, or "Freedom Tower" - stands even higher (1,776ft (541m) than the original North Tower, which was 1,368ft.

Reconstruction at the Pentagon took just under a year, with staff back in their offices by August 2002.