What temperature would be necessary to double the volume of gas initially at STP if the pressure is decreased by 50%?


What temperature would be necessary to double the volume of a gas, initially at S.T.P., If the pressure is decreased to 50%

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What temperature would be necessary to double the volume of a gas initially at s.t.p. if the pressure is decreased by 50%?

P1 = 1 atm

P2 = `1 xx 50/100 = 1/2` atm

V1 = x cc

V2 = 2x cc

T1 = 273 K

T2 = ?

Using gas equation `("P"_1"V"_1)/"T"_1 = ("P"_2"V"_2)/"T"_2`

∴ T2 = `("P"_2"V"_2"T"_1)/("P"_1"V"_1)`

`"T"_2 = 1/2 xx (2"x" xx 273)/(1 xx "x") = 273` K

T1 = 273 - 273 = 0°C

Concept: Standard Temperature Pressure (S.T.P.)

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