What skill related component is essential when a dancer has to quickly change direction from one place to another?

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Dancers are not just performing artists; their bodies are also the instruments through which the art is created. The quality of this art, therefore, necessarily depends on the physical qualities and skills that dancers possess. The stronger and more flexible a dancer’s body, the more capable it is of a wide range of movement. Nearly all professional dancers start training at a young age in order to shape and develop their bodies correctly. Strength is built up in the right muscles, for example, and the bone-connecting ligaments on which flexibility of the joints is so dependent are lengthened early before they begin to harden.

As well as strength and mobility, a good dancer must also possess great coordination (the ability to work different parts of the body together), a highly developed kinesthetic awareness (in order to know and control the position and state of the body), control over weight and balance in motion, a developed awareness of space, a strong sense of rhythm, and an appreciation of music. Particularly in dramatic dance, the dancer must be able to project movement clearly and make its expressive qualities intelligible to the audience. Grace, fluidity, and harmony of body are also frequently desired in the dancer, as is physical beauty, but these are subjective qualities that differ from one culture to another and change according to fashion. (The 21st-century physical ideal of the ballerina—long-limbed and slender—is quite different from the late 19th-century preference for a more rounded figure.)

Wendy Whelan

Though modern avant-garde choreographers sometimes work with untrained dancers to take advantage of the qualities of natural, untutored movement, most dancers in the West are trained either in a strict technique based on classical ballet or in techniques introduced by the 20th-century modern-dance choreographers Martha Graham and Merce Cunningham. (Other kinds of dance, such as jazz or tap, are usually taught in conjunction with these techniques.) Training generally begins early, between 8 and 12 years of age for girls and 14 for boys, although some ballet dancers and many more modern dancers begin later. Ballet training closely follows the rules published in 1828 by the Italian dancing master Carlo Blasis in his Code of Terpsichore. Blasis advocated at least three hours of dance classes a day, involving exercises that progressively developed different parts of the body.

kancet laki

Daily classes are necessary not only to mold the body and develop the necessary physical skills but also to maintain the body in its proper condition and prevent injury. Many dance movements make strenuous and unnatural demands on the joints, muscles, and tendons, and it is easy to strain or damage them if the body is not properly maintained. Some bodies are more suitable for training than others, and in the West many aspiring dancers undergo extensive medical scrutiny to ensure that they have no weaknesses or disabilities, such as a weak or crooked spine, that would make them unfit for dancing.

The exercises involved in a dancer’s training depend on the style of the dance. Ballet dancers have to work hard to attain a full turnout (the outward rotation of the legs in the hip socket so that the heels touch back to back and the feet form a 180° angle), which enables them to lift their legs high in the air in jumps or arabesques. While ballet dancers rarely use the torso, African dancers and certain modern dancers have to be extraordinarily supple in the torso and pelvis in order to execute the ripples, twists, and percussive thrusts that their particular dances require. Indian classical dancers, while developing great strength and flexibility in the legs, must also achieve great control over the face and neck muscles and flexibility and control in the joints and muscles of the hands. This is necessary to execute their elaborate mudras, conventional symbolic gestures, with accuracy and grace.

The skill-related components of fitness include movement activities that are necessary for various skilled performances and athletic competitions. There are six skill-related components of physical fitness: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed. All of these components can be improved with proper training and practice within a physical education program. The skill-related components are distinct from the health-related fitness components in that they focus more on performing sports and physical activities rather than concentrating on body composition and health.

In this blog post, I will explore the six skill-related fitness components in detail, with a list of definitions and examples to help students become more proficient at several PE movement skills. I'll go through these ideas in more depth by highlighting some of my PE Super Friends visuals to illustrate them. I will also examine how the skill-related components of fitness can be integrated into a typical physical education class.

Definition and National PE Standard

Skill-related fitness refers to the physical abilities that contribute to success in performance-based sports or other forms of exercise. Addressing the skill-related components and including them in our movement experiences during PE classes is important because people who acquire motor skills as youngsters are more likely to be active for a lifetime than those who don't.

The skill-related components of physical fitness directly correlate well with SHAPE America Standard 3, which states: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.*

What are the six skill-related components of fitness?

1. Agility, 2. Balance, 3. Coordination, 4. Power, 5. Reaction Time, and 6. Speed.

All six of these fitness components are

important for students to develop so they can participate in a variety of movement activities and sports. The PE Super Friend visuals highlighted below allow for a better understanding of each component concept.


Agility is the ability to rapidly and accurately change the direction of the whole body in space while maintaining balance. For example, when playing soccer, a player needs to be able to quickly change directions to keep up with the play of the game. Another example would be if someone was playing tennis and they needed to quickly get to the ball that was hit by their opponent.

To improve your agility, try activities where you move quickly and in a variety of directions such as basketball, volleyball, pickleball, or flag football. Also, agility drills such as the shuttle run or dot jumping help too.


Balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium (control of your body) while stationary or moving. There are two types of balance: Static and dynamic. Static balance is when you are stationary and maintaining equilibrium like a gymnast performing a stationary handstand. Dynamic balance is when you are moving and still maintaining equilibrium such as a person skiing down a snow hill.

To improve your balance, try activities such as yoga, gymnastics, or ballet. Sports such as football, hockey, basketball, and water skiing also require great balance and a solid center of gravity.


Coordination is the ability to use the senses and body parts to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately. It’s the ability to skillfully execute movements while performing other tasks. For example, dribbling a soccer ball and then kicking it toward the goal.

To improve your coordination, try activities in which you use several parts of your body such as biking, swimming, skiing, or golf. Also, activities in which you use an object or different objects to catch, toss, throw, strike or kick like juggling, tennis, and base games help you become more coordinated.


Power is the ability to perform a task quickly and forcefully; strength x speed. An example of power would be a weightlifter quickly and forcefully lifting a heavy weight overhead or a sprinter accelerating as fast as possible to reach top speed. Power can be improved through activities like doing push-ups or jumping rope.

To improve your Power, try a variety of “explosive” activities such as plyometrics (ex. box jumps, jump squats, and medicine ball throws), track and field, and creative dance. Also, activities such as football, gymnastics, and tennis help your power level too.

Reaction Time

Reaction time is the ability to react or respond quickly to what you hear, see, or feel. An example of reaction time would be a goalkeeper diving to save a soccer ball heading for the net or a batter hitting a fastball thrown by a pitcher.

To improve your reaction time, try activities in which you must react quickly during a game situation such as sprint starts, table tennis, badminton, racquetball, or cup stacking.


Speed is the ability to move quickly from one point to another. An example of speed would be a sprinter running as fast as possible over 100 meters or a defender running across the field to intercept a football.

To improve your speed, try activities that you must move quickly from point A to point B such as sprinting, bicycling, or rowing. Also, speed training with intervals and strength exercises such as squats and burpees help increase your overall speed.

If you're searching for a platform to make any sort of visuals like the ones above, the simplest way to do so is to use Canva. It is a design website that makes it easy for anyone to create professional-looking visuals. You can use Canva to create posters, activity sets, social media posts, infographics, and more. Click here to sign up and use for FREE.

Incorporating the skill-related fitness components into a PE class

Keep these few things in mind when trying to incorporate skill-related fitness components into a PE class. First, it's important to focus on activities that will provide ample opportunities for students to practice whatever component you are targeting. For example, jumping rope is an excellent skill to help a student develop better coordination. Second, make sure the activities are developmentally appropriate for the students. What you do with a Kindergarten student would be much different than what you would do with a 6th grader. Third, provide clear and concise instructions so that students can be successful in performing the given tasks. And fourth, create a safe environment for students to practice and learn.

By incorporating these components into a PE class, students will be better able to improve their motor skill development.

Now that we are all familiar with the definition, different aspects, and some examples of the skill-related components, let's explore some physical activity examples we could use in our PE classes.

1. Skill-Related Fitness Circuits


Fitness Circuit training involves short sequences of movements that you perform one after the other, with only a brief rest in between. Using circuits that concentrate solely on one of the skill-related components works best (i.e. balance circuit with 12 balance movements or holds). A timer can be used (for example 30 seconds to 1 minute) to time the circuit movement.


  • Create some skill-related movement/exercise signs (with or without graphics). Print and laminate for future use

  • Place the movement/exercise cards in set areas around your learning area (spread them out)

  • Place students in small groups and have them start at one of the fitness circuit signs


  • When the music starts playing or the teacher gives a start cue, students read their circuit sign and begin moving according

  • At each station, students read and do an exercise for 30 seconds to a minute

  • Students move to the next circuit card when the music changes or when the teacher gives a cue

  • The students continue from circuit sign to circuit sign for a specified time (i.e. 5 to 10 minutes)

Balance and Kinesthetic Awareness Circuit

2. Skill-Based Fitness Stations


Skill-based fitness stations involve a series of focused movements/actions, with or without PE equipment that students rotate throughout the entire class period. The stations last longer than circuits (usually 5 to 15 minutes) and each station can represent a different skill-related component of fitness. For example, you could have an agility station that is an obstacle course and a reaction time cup-stacking station.


  • Make some exercise signs that are skill-related (with or without graphics). Print them out and laminate them so you can use them again in the future

  • Place the station signs in various locations around your learning area

  • Assign students to small groups and have them start at one of the stations


  • When the music starts playing or the teacher gives a start cue, students read their station sign and take turns or work on their own to perform the station tasks

  • At each station, students read and do the designated task for 5 to 10 minutes

  • When the instructor gives a signal, the students move to the next station area

  • The students continue from the station for a specified time (i.e. 20 to 30 minutes)

3. Large Group PE Games


Large group games are PE activities that many students can play simultaneously. They usually involve multiple skills and incorporate several of the skill-related components within the game. They are often semi-competitive and they offer abundant opportunities for practicing skills and permit students to perform different roles within the game. Large group physical education games work well for students with limited PE skills and also for those that have a greater ability to perform the tasks.


  • Usually takes up the whole learning space or a good part of it

  • Place all the equipment needed for the game out before the students arrive

  • Instruct or review the rules and use students to demonstrate how to play. Discuss the skills that the game helps you practice


  • When the music starts playing or the teacher gives a start cue, students begin the large group game

  • Stop the game often to discuss strategy, rules, and/or behavioral issues

  • Re-set up the game when the class is over for the next group of students

Survivor 2- Great Large Group Agility and Reaction Time Game

4. Skill-Based Task Cards


Skill-based task cards are graphic activities or movements that students can perform independently, at their own pace and developmental level. They often have multiple challenges that students can pick and choose from. The cards make it easy for students to first read and then perform a variety of engaging fitness-based movements in a gym, classroom, or home. Teachers can easily walk around and provide individual feedback during a class period.


  • Create some skill-related task cards (with or without graphics). Print and laminate for future use

  • Place appropriate PE equipment in pods around your learning space

  • Distribute a task card to each student at the beginning of a lesson. Note- The teacher can also project the visual on a whiteboard or screen for all the students to do at the same time.

  • Place the extra cards in piles around the learning area


  • When the music starts playing or the teacher gives a start cue, students read their task card and then begin to move around accordingly.

  • Students perform the task in their own personal space

  • When they are finished, they can trade with another student or get another one from the pile

In summary

The skill-related fitness components of fitness are important elements for students to learn in physical education classes. These components can help students improve their motor skills and increase their overall level of fitness. The six skill-related fitness components are agility, balance, coordination, reaction time, and speed. They can be easily incorporated into a variety of activities and games and ultimately become a part of a student's healthy fitness routine.

Large group games are a great way to practice many skills at once, while skill-based task cards are a more independent way for students to improve their skills. By incorporating these activities into a physical education class, students will be able to improve their fitness levels and skills.

What other ways have you incorporated the skill-related fitness components in your physical education classes...in high school, middle school, or elementary? What are your students' favorite activities? Let me know in the comments below!

*SHAPE America. (2013). National Standards for K-12 Physical Education. Reston, VA: Author

Check my last blog post that examined the five health-related components of fitness. Ideas for incorporating health-related fitness in a PE class are included.

Need resources?

Do you need some PE Component of Fitness Task Cards for your physical education program that includes detailed instructions and state-of-the-art graphics and visuals? If you do, Cap'n Pete's Power PE has you covered!

Fill in the form below to download 20 FREE Component of Fitness Task Cards. The set is a PDF digital download that includes two visuals (cards/signs) from the following sport stations sets: 1. Cardiovascular Endurance, 2. Flexibility, 3. Muscular Endurance, 4. Muscular Strength, 5. Agility, 6. Balance, 7. Coordination, 8. Power, 9. Reaction Time and 10. Speed.

They are simple to use and effective for learning PE fitness movements. Just print laminate, cut out and then place them in sections of your learning area for your students to use during physical education lessons.

If you're searching for a way to take your PE program to the next level, Cap'n Pete's PE Components of Fitness Task Card Series- 10 Set SUPER BUNDLE is the perfect resource for you! It is a combination of 10 of Cap’n Pete’s DYNAMIC, health-related and skill-related fitness-based task card sets for students to use in a variety of educational or community settings. You'll find over 240 engaging, self-guided fitness-based movement station signs/cards (24 stations per component) in this super bundle.

You can download them from either of the following platforms: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website or Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store

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