What refers to the layout of a computer network that specifies how a computer network is configured to facilitate information exchange and resource sharing?

A Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of computers or other devices interconnected within a single, limited area, typically via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.

What refers to the layout of a computer network that specifies how a computer network is configured to facilitate information exchange and resource sharing?

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What is a Local Area Network?

A LAN is a computer network that consists of access points, cables, routers, and switches that enable devices to connect to web servers and internal servers within a single building, campus, or home network, and to other LANs via Wide Area Networks (WAN) or Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). Devices on a LAN, typically personal computers and workstations, can share files and be accessed by each other over a single Internet connection.  

A router assigns IP addresses to each device on the network and facilitates a shared Internet connection between all the connected devices. A network switch connects to the router and facilitates communication between connected devices, but does not handle Local Area Network IP configuration or sharing Internet connections. Switches are ideal tools for increasing the number of LAN ports available on the network.

What are the Basic Layouts of Local Area Networks

The Local Area Network layout, also known as Local Area Network topology, describes the physical and logical manner in which devices and network segments are interconnected. LANs are categorized by the physical signal transmission medium or the logical manner in which data travels through the network between devices, independent of the physical connection.

LANs generally consist of cables and switches, which can be connected to a router, cable modem, or ADSL modem for Internet access. LANs can also include such network devices as firewalls, load balancers, and network intrusion detection.

Logical network topology examples include twisted pair Ethernet, which is categorized as a logical bus topology, and token ring, which is categorized as a logical ring topology. Physical network topology examples include star, mesh, tree, ring, point-to-point, circular, hybrid, and bus topology networks, each consisting of different configurations of nodes and links.

How Does Local Area Network Work

The function of Local Area Networks is to link computers together and provide shared access to printers, files, and other services. Local area network architecture is categorized as either peer-to-peer or client-server. On a client-server local area network, multiple client-devices are connected to a central server, in which application access, device access, file storage, and network traffic are managed. 

Applications running on the Local Area Network server provide services such as database access, document sharing, email, and printing. Devices on a peer-to-peer local area network share data directly to a switch or router without the use of a central server. 

LANs can interconnect with other LANs via leased lines and services, or across the Internet using virtual, private network technologies. This system of connected LANs is classified as a Wide Local Area Network or a metropolitan area network. Local Area and Wide Area Networks differ in their range. An Emulated Local Area Network enables routing and data bridging an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network, which facilitates the exchange of Ethernet and token ring network data.

How to Design a Local Area Network

The first step in Local Area Network design is determining network needs. Before building a Local Area Network, identify the number of devices, which determines the number of ports required. A switch can extend the number of ports as the number of devices increases.

In order to connect devices wirelessly, a router is required to broadcast a wireless LAN. A router is also required to establish an internet connection for devices on the network. The distance between hardware devices should be measured in order to determine the length of cables required. Switches can connect cables for very long distances.

The setup simply requires connecting the router to a power source, connecting the modem to the router, connecting the switch to the router (if using), and connecting the devices to the open LAN ports on the router via Ethernet. Next, set up one computer as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server by installing a third-party utility. This will enable all of the connected computers to easily obtain IP addresses. Turn on “Network Discovery” and “File and Printer Sharing” capabilities.

For wireless Local Area Network Installation, start by connecting the computer into one of the router's LAN ports via Ethernet. Enter the router's IP address into any Web Browser and log in with the network administrator account when prompted for a username and password. Open the “Wireless” section in the router settings and change the name of the network in the “SSID” field.

Enable “WPA-2 Personal” as the security or authentication option. Create a password under “"Pre-Shared Key," ensure that the wireless network is “enabled,” save changes, restart the router, and connect wireless devices to the wireless network, which should appear on the available network list of devices within range.

Characteristics of wireless Local Area Network include: high capacity load balancing, scalability, network management system, role-based access control, indoor and outdoor coverage options, performance measuring abilities, mobile device management, web content and application filtering, roaming, redundancy, wireless Local Area Network Application prioritization, network switching, and network firewalls.

A common Local Area Network issue is a disabled Local Area Network adapter or adapter error, which can be caused by faulty network adapter settings or by VPN software. Typical solutions include: updating the network adapter driver, resetting the network connection, and checking WLAN AutoConfig dependency services.

How to Secure a Local Area Network

The majority of Local Area Network problems and solutions are concerned with the matter of security. There are a variety of strategies for designing a secure Local Area Network. A common approach is to install a firewall behind a single access point, such as a wireless router. Another valuable measure is to use security protocols such as WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) or WPA2 for password encryption on incoming Internet traffic.

Implementing specialized authentication policies enables network administrators to inspect and filter network traffic in order to prevent unauthorized access. Specific access points can be secured with the use of technologies such as VPNs. Internal Local Area Network security can be managed by installing antivirus or anti-malware software.

Virtual Local Area Network Definition

A Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a logical grouping of devices that can assemble together collections of devices on separate physical LANs, and is configured to communicate as if the devices were attached to the same wire. This enables network administrators to easily configure a single switched network to match the security and functional requirements of their systems without requiring any additional cables or significant changes to the current network infrastructure. VLANs are categorized as Protocol VLAN, Static VLAN, or Dynamic VLAN.

Importance of Local Area Network in an Organization

There are several advantages of Local Area Networks in business:

  • Reduced Costs: LANs present a significant reduction in Local Area Network hardware costs and efficient resource pooling.
  • Increased Storage Capacity: By pooling all data into a central data storage server, the number of storage servers required is decreased and the efficiency of operations is increased.
  • Optimized Flexibility: Data can be accessed by any device from anywhere via Internet connection.
  • Streamlined Communication: Files and messages can be transferred in real time and accessed easily from anywhere on any device.

Does HEAVY.AI Offer a Local Area Network Solution?

Real-time monitoring of network activity is essential to the security of a network. When linked together, LANs create Wide Area Networks and Metropolitan Area Networks, which are sometimes inundated with data sets that are too massive for the capabilities of a traditional analytics platform. With HEAVY.AI, telecommunications network operators and data scientists can monitor, analyze, and visualize billions of rows of data in real-time to diagnose and mitigate issues, optimize performance, improve the customer experience, and maintain the network’s high standards of reliability.

What refers to the layout of a computer network that specifies how a computer network is configured to facilitate information exchange and resource sharing?

A network protocol is an established set of rules that determine how data is transmitted between different devices in the same network. Essentially, it allows connected devices to communicate with each other, regardless of any differences in their internal processes, structure or design. Network protocols are the reason you can easily communicate with people all over the world, and thus play a critical role in modern digital communications.

Similar to the way that speaking the same language simplifies communication between two people, network protocols make it possible for devices to interact with each other because of predetermined rules built into devices’ software and hardware. Neither local area networks (LAN) nor wide area networks (WAN) could function the way they do today without the use of network protocols.

Network protocols take large-scale processes and break them down into small, specific tasks or functions. This occurs at every level of the network, and each function must cooperate at each level to complete the larger task at hand. The term protocol suite refers to a set of smaller network protocols working in conjunction with each other.

Network protocols are typically created according to industry standard by various networking or information technology organizations.

The following groups have defined and published different network protocols:

While network protocol models generally work in similar ways, each protocol is unique and operates in the specific way detailed by the organization that created it.

Who Uses Network Protocols?

Network protocols aren’t only relevant to certified network specialists or IT professionals. Billions of people use network protocols daily, whether they know it or not.

Every time you use the internet, you leverage network protocols. Though you may not know how network protocols work or how frequently you encounter them, they are necessary for using the internet or digital communications in any capacity.

List of Network Protocols

There are thousands of different network protocols, but they all perform one of three primary actions:

  • Communication
  • Network management
  • Security

Each type is necessary to use network devices swiftly and safely, and they work together to facilitate that usage.


Communication protocols allow different network devices to communicate with each other. They are used in both analog and digital communications and can be used for important processes, ranging from transferring files between devices to accessing the internet.

Common types of communication protocols include the following:

  • Automation: These protocols are used to automate different processes in both commercial and personal settings, such as in smart buildings, cloud technology or self-driving vehicles.
  • Instant messaging: Instantaneous, text-based communications on smartphones and computers occur because of a number of different instant messaging network protocols.
  • Routing: Routing protocols permit communication between routers and other network devices. There are also routing protocols specifically for ad hoc networks.
  • Bluetooth: Ever-popular Bluetooth devices — including headsets, smartphones and computers — work due to a variety of different Bluetooth protocols.
  • File transfer: If you have ever moved files from one device to another, either via a physical or digital medium, you’ve used file transfer protocols (FTP).
  • Internet Protocol: Internet Protocol (IP) allows data to be sent between devices via the internet. The internet could not operate as it currently does without IP.

Network Management

Network management protocols define and describe the various procedures needed to effectively operate a computer network. These protocols affect various devices on a single network — including computers, routers and servers — to ensure each one, and the network as a whole, perform optimally.

The functions of network management protocols include the following:

  • Connection: These protocols establish and maintain stable connections between different devices on the same network.
  • Link aggregation: Link aggregation protocols allow you to combine multiple network connections into one link between two devices. This works to increase the strength of the connection and helps sustain the connection should one of the links fail.
  • Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting protocols allow network administrators to identify errors affecting the network, evaluate the quality of the network connection, and determine how administrators can fix any issues.


Security protocols, also called cryptographic protocols, work to ensure that the network and the data sent over it are protected from unauthorized users.

Common functions of security network protocols include the following:

  • Encryption: Encryption protocols protect data and secure areas by requiring users to input a secret key or password in order to access that information.
  • Entity Authentication: Entity authentication protocols create a system that requires different devices or users on a network to verify their identity before accessing secure areas.
  • Transportation: Transportation security protocols protect data while it is transported from one network device to another.

Network Protocol Example

Whether you know it or not, you’ve absolutely encountered network protocols when using electronic devices – and some of them are readily identifiable.

Here are a few examples of the most commonly used network protocols:

  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): This Internet Protocol defines how data is transmitted over the internet and determines how web servers and browsers should respond to commands. This protocol (or its secure counterpart, HTTPS) appears at the beginning of various URLs or web addresses online.
  • Secure Socket Shell (SSH): This protocol provides secure access to a computer, even if it’s on an unsecured network. SSH is particularly useful for network administrators who need to manage different systems remotely.
  • Short Message Service (SMS): This communications protocol was created to send and receive text messages over cellular networks. SMS refers exclusively to text-based messages. Pictures, videos or other media require Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), an extension of the SMS protocol.

Network protocols do not simply define how devices and processes work; they define how devices and processes work together. Without these predetermined conventions and rules, the internet would lack the necessary infrastructure it needs to be functional and useable. Network protocols are the foundation of modern communications, without which the digital world could not stand.

CompTIA Network+ covers computer networking topics including network protocols. Download the exam objectivesto see all the topics covered by this IT certification.

Read more about Computer Networks.