What occurs during spontaneous recovery?

In psychology, spontaneous recovery deals with the emergence of a behavior which was previously regarded as no more. Psychological conditioning also plays a role in this, seeing as behaviors which resurface during spontaneous recovered were supposed to be weeded out by either classical or operant conditioning. There are a series of factors which can contribute to spontaneous recovery, but more often than not, reduced exposure to conditioning can increase the changes of an emergence.

An Overview Of Spontaneous Recovery

To understand spontaneous recovery, one must first grasp conditioning and how much classical conditioning impacts the individual psyche and their subsequent responses to various elements.

The Role Of Classical Conditioning

Put simply; classical conditioning takes place when someone begins to associate a certain response with exposure to a particular element. Classical conditioning can generate both positive and negative associations. For instance, someone who puts their hand on a hot stove eye will rapidly associate this action with a negative response, seeing as the heat will hurt their hand. However, someone who works hard and gets a promotion at their job will come to associate hard work with economic rewards and benefits.

What occurs during spontaneous recovery?

When someone repeatedly associates a specific response with a certain action, this forms a psychological imprint. However, if the exposure and subsequent association become separate from one another for extended periods, this can increase the likelihood of spontaneous recovery. If a spontaneous recovery becomes habitual and is not programmed away with classical conditioning from before, the associations within a person's mind can change altogether.

Is Spontaneous Recovery The Same As Psychological Extinction?

In various psychological circles, there are debates about whether or not spontaneous recovery is merely extinction. However, the two conditions are not the same, nor should they be regarded as such. Spontaneous recovery has to do with the re-emergence of behaviors which were previously thought to be conditioned away. Extinction, on the other hand, takes place when someone picks up a new response to certain stimuli due to lessened exposure to a negative response or classical conditioning.

When dealing with spontaneous recovery, it's important to grasp that associations between stimuli and subsequent responses play a role. When exposure to these associations decreases for extended periods, this leads to spontaneous recovery, not psychological extinction. There's a difference between learning a new response to a certain stimulus and merely seeing the emergence of past behaviors which previously had negative responses as subsequent associations.

What Causes Spontaneous Recovery?

Thus far, there are two determined circumstances which are liked to spontaneous recovery: traumatic memories and retroactive inhibition. Understanding both of these causes and the impacts which they have on classical conditioning is very enlightening to spontaneous recovery.

Traumatic Memories

What occurs during spontaneous recovery?

Traumatic memories can prompt spontaneous recoveries due to an essential override of prior classical conditioning. It's important to understand that the intensity of said past trauma can also impact the frequency or regularity of traumatic memories. Look at it this way: in a sense, classical conditioning programs individuals to associate certain actions with either positive or negative responses. With time and consistency, a pattern is eventually established. However, the emergence of trauma has the power to disrupt previously established patterns psychologically.

There are various things which can lead to the return of traumatic memories. It can be as simple as overhearing a certain conversation, hearing a song lyric which brings back an unpleasant memory, or merely an experience that causes the person to undergo deja vu. There is no precise rhyme or reason for the return of traumatic memories; however, experiencing these memories is a clear sign that someone needs help. Unresolved trauma can ripple out in a variety of negative ways which spontaneous recovery only being the tip of a seriously dangerous iceberg.

Retroactive Inhibition

Retroactive inhibition takes place when someone learns new information or behavior patterns which override previous conditioning. This override manifests itself in the form of spontaneous recovery. There are so many factors which can generate retroactive inhibition, and it's more common than many people would like to think or believe. Each day, individuals are living and being exposed to new people, things, situations, and experiences. Sometimes, new exposure can reinforce what someone has already learned; in other cases, it can generate new insight and subsequent spontaneous recoveries.

While retroactive inhibition can occur to people of all ages, this is especially common in younger people, particularly those who are going through their formative years and growing up. When children are very young, they're typically taught certain behaviors, skills, and views from their parents or guardians. However, as children progress into adolescents and teenagers, their exposure increases, and the people who care for them are not their only influences. This creates such a vast window for retroactive inhibition. Depending on the circumstances at hand, retroactive inhibition can be positive or negative.

Is Spontaneous Recovery Good Or Bad?

Like most things in life, spontaneous recovery comes with its pros and cons. However, in this particular case, the pros and cons of spontaneous recovery have to do with which behaviors have re-emerged. Psychological conditioning can be a double-edged sword; people are not always conditioned to behave in ways which are good for them. Sometimes, positive associations are made with negative behaviors; the emergence of spontaneous recovery can change this and place someone on a path which is more conducive to their overall well-being.

Should Spontaneous Recovery Be Expected?

This is a very open-ended question, and in all honesty, there is no set answer regarding whether or not spontaneous recovery ought to be an expected phenomenon. This all depends upon the nature of classical conditioning, the temperament and makeup of the individuals who have associated certain behaviors with various outcomes. As previously stated, younger people who are going through their formative years of life and being exposed to additional, new influences may be more susceptible to spontaneous recovery via retroactive inhibition.

In Cases Of Trauma

Since traumatic memories are one of the catalysts of spontaneous recovery, it's not uncommon to expect changes in behaviors following trauma. This is because trauma can have very severe mental impacts and significantly change who an individual is, how they view life, and so much more. At this time, there is no way to predict exactly which behaviors may be altered following experiences of trauma, but someone who goes through a very upsetting experience is likely to undergo certain changes.

Because of the inherent negativity associated with traumatic memories, spontaneous recoveries may not be positive. It's not uncommon for people who experience trauma to pull away from others, make lifestyle changes, and otherwise behave in ways which are out of character for them. In situations like these, it's generally advisable for survivors of trauma to seek psychological help, particularly therapy or counseling.

Is Spontaneous Recovery Via Retroactive Inhibition Natural?

Learning new information and behavior patterns which override previous ones is natural in certain regards. If no one changed, and if everyone stuck to the same habits and choices, humanity wouldn't grow or evolve. Now, there are certain behavior patterns which are beneficial to human beings and should remain intact; however, as times change and as society progresses, retroactive inhibition should be expected to a certain extent. After all, the total absence of retroactive inhibition would ultimately result in the stagnation of the human race.

What If You Are Experiencing Spontaneous Recovery?

If you're noticing certain changes in your behavior, this can be a sign of spontaneous recovery. Depending on the nature of the change and the reason which prompted your spontaneous recovery, this can be a positive or negative occurrence. Sometimes, retroactive inhibitions can lead to personal growth and development. Conversely, if you believe that certain differences in your behavior are a result of previous trauma, then this could be indicative of an underlying issue which needs to be resolved.

Seeking Professional Guidance

What occurs during spontaneous recovery?

Therapy is one of the best ways to seek professional guidance, particularly for behavioral changes or memories which you find to be traumatic or disturbing. If you feel uncertain or confused about certain things which you are experiencing or remembering, that's OK. Working with a professional can truly benefit you and help you find answers. Sometimes, the causes of specific spontaneous recoveries are not always readily obvious.

When working with a therapist, it's OK to have questions or uncertainties. Although it may be challenging, you should know that you can talk to your therapist about anything. They are not there to judge you but to serve as a guide and provide help, which will be most beneficial to you. There's nothing wrong with asking for help; as a matter of fact, having a support system comes with many benefits, especially when someone is going through a tough or challenging time.

Here at BetterHelp, we are proud of have a great team of professionals who would be more than thrilled to work with you. No matter you are or what your story is, you deserve to have someone in your corner. You can contact BetterHelp at any time and from anywhere, simply by clicking here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an example of spontaneous recovery?

There is a plethora of spontaneous recovery examples from everyday life. See below for two of such examples involving a dog and a cat.

A dog is taught to bark when a door is opened. Later, he is taught to bark when the doorbell is rung. The dog stops responding when the door is opened. Months later, when the door is opened the dog begins to bark again.

A cat immediately runs to the food bowl when it wakes in the morning. One day the cat starts to going to the window when it wakes instead of going to the food bowl. Then, a few weeks later, the cat returns to its original response of going to the food bowl after it wakes.

What is a spontaneous recovery in psychology?

Spontaneous recovery is a behavioral mechanism often associated with Russian psychologist, Ivan Pavlov. Spontaneous recovery refers to the unexpected re-emergence of a previously extinct conditioned response. Spontaneous recovery is closely linked with two types of conditioning, and these are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is an involuntary learning procedure that employs the use of a neutral stimulus to produces an unconditioned response. Operant conditioning is a voluntary learning procedure that employs the use of reward and punishment to strengthen a particular behavior.

What is the difference between extinction and spontaneous recovery?

Extinction is used to describe the disappearance of an unconditioned or conditioned response, while spontaneous recovery refers to the reappearance of an unconditioned or conditioned response after a period of extinction. In other words, without the occurrence of extinction, there can’t be a spontaneous recovery.

What produces spontaneous recovery of a learned response?

Spontaneous recovery is a type of classical conditioning, whereby a subject produces a particular behavior following the extinction of that behavior. This targeted behavior is known as a learned response, and can occur even without reinforcement.

Why does spontaneous recovery happen?

Spontaneous recovery happens either as a result of a traumatic memory or retroactive inhibition even when the subject has not been exposed to the conditioned stimulus. Sometimes a spontaneous recovery occurs due to the intensity of the memory of the learned condition, to the point where the behavior becomes an innate habit or instinctive reaction to the organism.

What happens when spontaneous recovery occurs?

When spontaneous recovery occurs, the subject responds to a stimulus that had been previously extinguished during a break period. This response can happen after only a few days, and in some instances, it may also occur after a period of months.

When should extinction not be used?

It is generally recommended that extinction procedures should not be used as the only way to stop or reduce the occurrence of targeted behavior. In instances when an extinction procedure will cause harm or negatively affect the well-being of the subject and those within the environment, other forms of reinforcements are recommended that would lead to an adaptive response from the subject Instead. Since behaviors happen for a reason, it is best to understand the function of the behavior before extinguishing its reinforcement.

How is spontaneous recovery created?

Spontaneous recovery can occur when the subject is exposed to reminder cues that relate to its previous behavior. Spontaneous recovery can also be triggered as a result of the subject acquiring new experiences, behaviors, and information, which overrides the previous conditioning. This is known as retroactive inhibition.

Memory is also considered as a catalyst for spontaneous recovery, with the severity and impact of a memory leading to recollections that can facilitate the re-emergence of a previously forgotten or abandoned behavior. This can be caused by objects, words, events, and situations that remind the subject of past experience. The spontaneous recovery that leads to the reappearance of a traumatic experience can be particularly problematic, and it is important that individuals dealing with the effect of an unresolved trauma speak with a therapist.

What is an example of positive punishment?

Positive punishment is the use of an unpleasant consequence to decrease and discourage the reoccurrence of the undesired behavior. An example of positive punishment is when a child throws a tantrum in class, and the teacher scolds him in front of his classmates to prevent the child (or any other child) from repeating the act.

Can you condition yourself?

Through a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, and various other intentional routines, it is possible for an individual to condition themselves towards a particular behavior. For example, if you want to condition yourself to wake early for work, you would have to start going to bed early and ensuring you set an alarm that would wake you up at a specific time. This may involve taking out distractions and behaviors that keep you up late, and addressing circumstances that prevent you from having a good night of sleep.

How long does an extinction burst last?

The exact duration of an extinction burst largely depends on the nature of the subject, the intensity of the stimulus, and the peculiarity of the situation. In some cases, an extinction burst can occur during the first week and may last between three to five days.

Which statement correctly defines extinction burst?

An extinction burst can be defined as ‘a temporary increase in the frequency, duration, or magnitude of the target response.’ An extinction burst refers to the disappearance of behavior through withholding or preventing the specific response that reinforces it.

What is spontaneous recovery in ABA?

ABA is an acronym for Applied Behavior Analysis, a therapy-based method used to improve learning and change behaviors. Spontaneous recovery in ABA involves the sudden reoccurrence of a condition that had previously been extinguished.

What is the renewal effect?

The renewal effect is a phenomenon that refers to when a conditioned response reappears due to a change of context after extinction has occurred. A change of environment can also be used to prompt a renewal effect. There are three versions of the renewal effect, and these are the ABA renewal, the ABC renewal, and the AAB renewal. Each renewal method deals with the relationship between context and conditioning.

Which of the following is an example of negative punishment?

Negative punishment is the removal of a reinforcing stimulus to decrease and discourage the reoccurrence of undesired behavior. Consider the situation of a child hitting a classmate in school. The teacher could either scold the child in a bid to make the child understand his action is unacceptable, or the teacher could prevent the child from taking part in a fun game as a consequence of his action. Scolding the child is a form of positive punishment while taking away the child’s eligibility to participate in a favorite activity is an example of negative punishment.