What is the term used for searching sifting and reorganizing pools of data to uncover useful information?










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33) What is the name of the application used for searching, sifting, and reorganizingpools of data to uncover useful information?A) data warehousingB) data accessC) data tappingD) data cleaningE) data miningAnswer:Explanation:E) Data mining is a powerful tool that aids managers in a range of tasksincluding costing, planning, and setting production targets.E

The application of electronic technologies for searching, sifting, and reorganizing pools of data to uncover useful information is called data warehousing.

Which term refers to the unauthorized stealing of personal information from a computer system?

Which term refers to the unauthorized stealing of personal information from a computer system? d. identity theft. What type of network links computers and workstations, usually within one building?

What is the name of software and hardware that prevent hackers from accessing a company’s internal network group of answer choices?

A firewall is a security device computer hardware or software that can help protect your network by filtering traffic and blocking outsiders from gaining unauthorized access to the private data on your computer.

Which of the following is a system that allows outsiders limited access to a company’s internal information network?

An intranet is a computer network for sharing information, easier communication, collaboration tools, operational systems, and other computing services within an organization, usually to the exclusion of access by outsiders.

Which term refers to the unauthorized stealing of personal information from a computer system quizlet?

A firewall is a security device computer hardware or software that can help protect your network by filtering traffic and blocking outsiders from gaining unauthorized access to the private data on your computer.

What feature does a firewall provide?

Which term refers to the unauthorized stealing of personal information from a computer system? d. identity theft. What type of network links computers and workstations, usually within one building?

What is the most common type of network used in businesses?

Firewalls provide protection against outside cyber attackers by shielding your computer or network from malicious or unnecessary network traffic. Firewalls can also prevent malicious software from accessing a computer or network via the internet.

Which term refers to the unauthorized use of personal information from a computer system?

Unauthorized computer access, popularly referred to as hacking, describes a criminal action whereby someone uses a computer to knowingly gain access to data in a system without permission to access that data.

What is computer information theft?

Data theft also known as information theft is the illegal transfer or storage of personal, confidential, or financial information. This could include passwords, software code or algorithms, and proprietary processes or technologies.

What is meaning identity theft?

Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.

What is identity theft in cyber security?

Identity theft is a crime in which an attacker uses fraud or deception to obtain personal or sensitive information from a victim and misuses it to act in the victim’s name.

What software prevents hackers?

Firewalls. A firewall is a software program or piece of hardware that blocks hackers from entering and using your computer. Hackers search the internet the way some telemarketers automatically dial random phone numbers.

Which security hardware or software is used to prevent any type of attacks?

Firewall defined A firewall is a security device computer hardware or software that can help protect your network by filtering traffic and blocking outsiders from gaining unauthorized access to the private data on your computer.

What device hardware or software prevents unauthorized users from accessing networks?


What is the name given to hardware or software that monitors network traffic and helps prevent Unauthorised access to a network?

A firewall is software or firmware that prevents unauthorized access to a network. It inspects incoming and outgoing traffic using a set of rules to identify and block threats.

Which allows limited access to users in the same Organisation?

Intranet: It allows limited access to users in the same organization.

Is a private network that allows access to restricted external users?

In some cases organizations make the decision to allow external parties such as customers and suppliers to have access to their intranet. When these outside parties are provided access to a subset of the information accessible from an organization’s intranet the intranet becomes an extranet.

What is intranet or extranet?

An intranet is a private – internal – business network that enables your employees to share information, collaborate, and improve their communications. An extranet enables your business to communicate and collaborate more effectively with selected business partners, suppliers and customers.

Is an extranet a WAN?

The following are examples extranet-style networks: LANs or WANs belonging to multiple organizations and interconnected and accessed using remote dial-up. LANs or WANs belonging to multiple organizations and interconnected and accessed using dedicated lines.

What is the term for someone who attempts to steal information from a computer quizlet?

criminal hacker. a computer savvy person who attempts to gain unauthorized or illegal access to computer systems to steal passwords, corrupt files and programs, or even transfer money. cyberterrorism.

Which of the following is a cybercriminal who gains unauthorized access to a computer or network?

A firewall is a security device computer hardware or software that can help protect your network by filtering traffic and blocking outsiders from gaining unauthorized access to the private data on your computer.