What is the purpose of a discharge petition?

Senior editor David Hawkings breaks down the seldom-used House tactic that members are wielding to try to force an immigration vote to the floor: the discharge petition. Below is a transcript of the video: HAWKINGS: There’s only so much that a group of disaffected House members can do when their efforts to push controversial legislation get bottled up by the leadership. There is one creaky, politically risky and rarely successful piece of parliamentary machinery at their disposal, though. It’s the discharge petition. And here’s how it works. The procedure has been around in its current form essentially since the New Deal. If a bill has been stalled without action in a legislative committee for at least 30 days — or if the Rules Committee has kept a bill bottled up on its way to the floor for more than seven days, then members can get behind a motion to discharge the legislation. It’s kind of like a depth charge — it dislodges the bill from the murky depths and propels it toward the House floor. It used to be that dissident members could get on one of these petitions in secret — their identities unmasked only when the magical 218 signatures were secured. But 25 years ago, new transparency was put on the process. Now, the names of the signatories, and the order in which they sign, are available for all to see on the website of the Clerk of the House. This makes it easier for both sides to apply their well-practiced discharge petition pressure tactics. “Now that you have dared to sign, the retaliation will be swift!” the majority leadership can say to members of the rank and file who break ranks. “How come you haven’t signed? We know that you’re with us,” the dissidents will say to their super-cautious allies. In the rare instances when an absolute majority of the House has signed on, there’s still a seven-day waiting period to give those committees one more chance to look at least like they’re acting on their own without their hands being forced. Then, any signer can make a motion on the floor to discharge. It gets debated for just 20 minutes, on the second or fourth Mondays of each month — the cutoff being before the final week of the session. Once that formality is done, the controversial measure is supposed to get debated right away. It sounds a bit convoluted. But when a grass-roots majority wants something that the bosses don’t want, then getting through all those hoops should be pretty straightforward. Right? Isn’t that what we saw recently with the growing momentum for a Republican-led discharge petition that would force a wide-ranging debate on immigration? In fact, only twice in the last quarter-century has a successful discharge petition led to the enactment of an actual law. There was the campaign finance overhaul of 2002, and the revival of the Export-Import Bank in 2015. Before those, the last totally successful drive was in 1960. With both of the most recent examples, it was a rump group of Republicans who defied their leadership and put legislation on the floor that was going to pass with mostly Democratic votes. That sort of insurrection, though, usually gets tamped down with this pretty solid political argument: What’s the good of being in the majority party, and having our folks run the House, unless we’re going to be able to set the legislative agenda — and unless we stick together, we’re going to effectively hand over our majority powers to the other side.

In 1986, after Peter W. Rodino, the Democratic congressman from New Jersey, who was then the chairman  of the House Judiciary Committee, said he wouldn't consider a gun-rights bill the Senate had passed with a large bipartisan majority, the National Rifle Association decided to go for an end-run around the chamber's leadership.

After the Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform legislation Thursday, supporters of the bill are in a similar situation. Now, some on the left are suggesting that Democrats in the House do what the NRA did then: Gather signatures for what is known as a discharge petition.

The discharge petition allows an absolute majority of the House of Representatives (218 lawmakers) to force a floor vote on a bill, even if the leadership, who usually controls what legislation makes it to the floor, is opposed. The opposition party can, in theory, use the technique to hijack the legislative agenda on an issue that divides the majority.

The NRA's tactic worked back in the 80s. The bill passed the House 292 to 130, significantly weakening the 1968 Gun Control Act by requiring evidence of "willful" violations in prosecutions of gun dealers, among other provisions.

A discharge petition succeeded again in 2002, forcing a vote in the House on the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform legislation. (McCain-Feingold, of course, was partially struck down by the Supreme Court in the Citizens United case in 2010.)

But these are the only two examples of successful discharge petitions on major legislation in recent history. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) threatened to bring a discharge petition this winter during the fiscal cliff negotiation, but never made good on the threat.

The problem with the discharge petition is that it requires an issue to be so important to members that they are willing to disobey their party's leadership. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has said very clearly that he will not bring the Senate's immigration bill to a vote unless a majority of his caucus supports it. Boehner has struggled with party discipline recently, with the unexpected failure of the farm bill last week, but the agitators are to his ideological right. It's difficult to imagine a significant group of centrist Republicans alienating their most powerful ally by signing a discharge petition.

Another way a discharge petition could succeed would be with the G.O.P. leadership's tacit consent, as Kevin Drum has argued:

If Republicans really do want to pass immigration reform just to get it over and done with, but they want to do it without getting their fingerprints all over it, the discharge petition is easily their best bet. As Steve says, all it requires is 20 or 30 Republicans in safe seats to vote for it, while the entire rest of the caucus gets to continue railing against it while secretly breathing a sigh of relief. That's totally logical.

Yet as Drum points out, this "House-of-Cards" strategy makes more sense in theory than it would in practice. First, Boehner would have to keep the entire scheme secret from the more conservative members of his party. Second, there's no reason to assume that Boehner agrees with the donors in the Republican establishment who think that the party needs to find a way to appeal to Hispanic voters and move beyond the fight over immigration reform.

Even if Boehner does agree with the sentiment that the party needs to alter its position on immigration, the spectacle of most of the GOP conference voting against the bill while the leadership remained silent would not be the sort of thing that rehabilitates the the party -- or is even a first step in that process -- with Hispanic voters.

Of course, no one expected the NRA to succeed in 1986, when the Democratic leadership was taken by surprise. But for now, a discharge petition on immigration reform appears very unlikely.

Max Ehrenfreund is a staff writer for the Washington Post.

By Jonah Barron

Much attention has recently been directed towards Rep. Carlos Curbelo’s (R-FL) discharge petition to bring several immigration amendments addressing DACA to the House floor. Normally, discharge petitions are both complex and risky, often proving difficult to pull off and politically costly. However, this petition, introduced on May 13th, has already come farther than most and shows no sign of stopping. We asked BPC’s Don Wolfensberger (BPC Fellow and former Chief of Staff, House Rules Committee) to explain the ins and outs of how it is being used here, and this is what we found:

Q: What is a discharge petition, and what kinds of things can it be used for?

A: A discharge petition is a method of, well, discharging a single bill or special rule pertaining to a bill from its assigned committee and bringing it directly to the House floor, should its committee refuse to hear it.

Q: What are the requirements for a bill or special rule to qualify for a discharge petition?

A: It depends on a couple of factors. Normally, discharge petitions are used for bills and special rules that have not yet been heard in committee. In the case of a bill, it must have been pending before a committee for at least 30 legislative days without being reported. In the case of a special rule for consideration of a bill that has been pending for 30-days in committee, the rule must have been pending for at least seven legislative days before a discharge petition can be filed on it. The special rule can also apply to a bill that has been reported without losing its viability. In both cases, any voting Member can file a discharge petition so long as the correct amount of time has passed. The petition is in writing at the clerk’s desk in the House chamber for any member to sign when the House is in session.

Q: So, how does a discharge petition get adopted?

A: After the petition has been signed by 218 members, it is placed on the discharge calendar and, after being on the calendar for seven legislative days, the motion to discharge can be offered by any signer on the second or fourth Monday of the month. If the motion to discharge receives a majority vote, the House proceeds immediately to consider either the special rule or bill involved. In the case of a special rule, the House proceeds immediately to vote on it, and, if adopted, the House then proceeds to consider the bill under the terms of the special rule (which usually specified the amount of general debate time and type of amendment process).

Q: This seems like a very direct way to get legislation passed, why is it not used more often?

A: Despite sounding effective, there are several very real obstacles facing any would-be discharge petition, the largest being the acquisition of the needed signatures. Generally, this is a tactic rarely used by representatives of the majority party, because their leadership is usually inclined to allow legislation their party supports to be heard. Because of this, petitions come most frequently from the minority party, facing issues they feel the majority is ignoring. Furthermore, regardless of origin, majority party Members are unlikely to sign due to pressure from above. Rare is the representative who will knowingly defy party leadership, making each majority signature an uphill battle.

There is also the fact that a successful discharge petition in the House does not make the Senate any more likely to pass the bill, so it still faces a major hurdle.

Also hurting any chance for a petition is the fact that discharge motions can only be considered on the second or fourth Mondays of a given month, excluding any such Mondays within the final six days of session. This may still sound somewhat permissive, but under the current schedule for this session of the House, June 25th and July 23rd are the only days this year meeting that criteria. This means that even if the DACA petition gained the needed signatures the first day the House is back in session, signatories would still have to wait until June 25th to see it acted upon. Should that not occur, they would need to wait an entire month to try again, a period of time in which signatories could well choose to withdraw their signatures.

Q: So how does all of this apply to the discharge petition being made for the DACA bills?

A: The petition for DACA will have to follow all of the above procedures, of course, though it is strange for two reasons. The first is that this petition actually was filed by a member of the majority party. However, only 23 Republicans have signed it so far, with the lack of action on the issue at the helm. Second, this petition is different in that it allows for consideration four alternative substitutes rather than a single bill.

Q: How does that work? Don’t discharge petitions only apply to one bill or rule?

A: Normally, that is true, but it is possible here because the petition is not directed at four separate bills but rather at four substitute amendments to a single bill by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Robert Goodlatte (R-VA) under an obscure procedure known as “queen of the hill” that allows for separate votes on multiple substitute amendments, with the one with the most votes prevailing. In the case of a tie vote, the last one adopted prevails. The idea is to increase the likelihood of adopting the special discharge rule which allows for a variety of alternative approaches.

Q: So, what substitute amendments would be allowed under the rule?

A: The rule would allow for votes on four amendments in the nature of a substitute in the following order: (1) by Chairman Goodlatte; (2) by Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA); (3) by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI); and, (4) by Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA), one of the discharge petition’s original signatories.

Currently, the petition is just three votes shy of the 218 needed signatures and there is optimism among supporters that it will get over the line once members return from the Memorial Day break. If so, it’s looking more and more likely that the House could be taking votes under the Queen of the Hill rule as soon as June 25.

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