What is the name of the system which brings together several technologies into a coherent system?

MCQs of Flexible Manufacturing System

Showing 1 to 10 out of 30 Questions


Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) are reported to have a number of benefits. Which is NOT a reported benefit of FMS?


More flexible than the manufacturing systems they replace


Lead time and throughput time reduction


Increased quality


Increased utilization


Which materials-processing technology gives the advantage of precision, accuracy, and optimum use of cutting tools, which maximize their life and higher labor productivity?


Industrial robots


Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)


Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)


NC (and CNC) machine tools


What do Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) do?


Moves and manipulates products, parts or tolls


Moves materials between operations


Co-ordinates the whole process of manufacturing and manufactures a part, component or product


Completely manufactures a range of components without significant human intervention during the processing


The type in which the range or universe of part styles that can be produced on the system


Mix flexibility


Production flexibility


Volume flexibility


Product flexibility


FMS can be classified basing on


Kinds of operation they perform


Number of machines


Level of flexibility


All of the given


One of the classifications of FMS based on the number of machines in the system


Flexible manufacturing cell


Random-order FMS


Dedicated FMS


None of the above


VMC and HMC can be categorised as__________.




Load and unload stations




Workpiece transport equipment


Fullform of AGV is__________.


Automated Guard Vehicle


Automated Guided Vehicle


Automated Grinding Vehicle


Automated Ground Vehicle


AGVs can be used as__________.




Load and unload stations


Workpiece transport equipment




__________ are used to locate parts precisely on pallets.






Load and unload stations



Showing 1 to 10 out of 30 Questions

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