What is the difference between compare and contrast essay

As we all know, essay writing is an important part of a student’s academic life. During the course of their journey, each student has to write at least a handful of essays. Consequently, they may be as a part of the academic curriculum or maybe a requisite for some extracurricular activity or the other. Thus, the bottom line is that essay writing is an essential part of getting good grades in academics. As a result, compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 are exciting and thought-provoking.

Like other essays, compare and contrast essays are also very important for the cognitive growth of an individual. Additionally, compare contrast essays are important because they enable students to enlist the positive and negative sides to any subject at hand. Subsequently, once students are able to understand both sides of the story, their learning is more comprehensive and robust. 

What is the difference between compare and contrast essay

What are Compare and Contrast Essays?

As the name suggests, compare and contrast essays focus on comparison and contrast. As a form of academic assignment, compare and contrast essays discuss two or more subjects. Subsequently, the objective is to explore and produce differences and similarities about the subjects at hand.

Let us take a small example here. Suppose you have to prepare a compare and contrast essay on the topic ‘Growing up in a nuclear family, v/s growing up in a joint family’ The essay should explore sub-topics on similarities, for instance, presence of immediate relations (parents, siblings, etc). Additionally, it should discuss the differences like the social and emotional connection with grandparents, etc. 

Building a Compare and Contrast Essay

If you have to build a compare and contrast essay, you should break down the phrase into individual words. Compare here refers to identifying the similarities that exist in the 2 unique subjects you have chosen. The similarities can vary in nature, scope, degree, and magnitude. The only rule of thumb is that some commonalities must exist.

The similarities, thus, become the basis of comparison. The other part discusses the contrast. As the name suggests, contrast refers to differences between the subjects in hand. As two unique topics of discussion, these subjects will have ample differences to discuss and elucidate. Therefore, compare and contrast essays are all about understanding and highlighting what is common and what is different between two topics.

How to pick Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020?

Picking the right compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 is an important task. The key point is to ensure that the two subjects you pick have a relation to share. For instance, if you pick 2 subjects like ‘why dogs bark’ ‘ humans on the moon, building a compare and contrast essay is impossible. The reason simply is that these two subjects can neither be compared nor be contrasted.

Therefore, if you are picking compare and contrast essay topics for 2020, make sure that the topics have something in common. However, you also need to make sure that they are not identical in nature. In such a situation, you will be unable to distinguish between the two. Thus, you will not be able to contrast the subjects. This will again defeat the purpose of a compare and contrast essay. 

What is the difference between compare and contrast essay

Write a winning essay

To write a winning essay, divide it into the proper sections. Introduce your essay by highlighting why you think the subjects at hand should be compared and contrasted. Consequently, this is set the tone of the essay. Next in line would be to deal with the two sections on comparison and contrast. Again, divide these broader sections into sub-sections grouping together various categories of similarities and differences.

It might be a good idea to add facts and figures to your essay, wherever possible, to lend it authenticity. When you are building on your comparison section, think as though you are defending your stand from someone who can only see differences between the two subjects. Imagine you have to convince them of the similarities. Similarly, focus on advocating differences to a believer in the commonalities of the subjects when working on the contrast. If you are absolutely clear about how the two or more subjects in hand are related and how they are similar or different from another, writing a compare and contrast essay will be a piece of cake for you.

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020

At this point, if might be a good idea to take a sneak peek into the top Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020. Make sure to pick a topic that you can build both sides on. Simply focusing on either comparison or contrast will not solve your purpose.

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Healthcare

  • To use chemical drugs or not
  • Homeopathic vs allopathic medication
  • Using alternative healthcare or not
  • Psychologist vs psychiatrist: What’s the difference?
  • Medicines vs natural remedies
  • Plastic surgery or not
  • Clinics or hospitals: Better for care?
  • Female vs male doctors
  • Mobile healthcare units or stationary clinics
  • Care at hospital vs care at home

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Technology

  • iOS or android
  • Mobile phones vs tablets
  • Netflix vs amazon prime
  • Facebook vs twitter
  • 3D movies or 4D movies
  • To be on social media or not
  • Conversations with humans or bots
  • E-learning vs classroom learning
  • Apple or One Plus
  • Machine learning or IoT

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on College

  • Saving money or not
  • Getting a part time job vs partying in college
  • High school vs college
  • Public vs private college
  • E-books or text books
  • Virtual vs real classrooms
  • Cloud classrooms or not
  • Picking right disciplines and career success
  • Attending classes vs attending seminars
  • Taking college seriously or not

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Economy

  • Economics as a compulsory discipline or not
  • Economic growth and political unrest
  • Importance of understanding economics vs no need
  • Economics vs sociology
  • Economy vs Economics
  • Economics or business studies
  • Economic upliftment vs better standard of living
  • Economic growth or per capita income
  • Rich vs poor
  • Economic growth: good or bad?

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Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Politics

  • Monarchy vs democracy
  • Capitalism vs communism
  • Socialism vs communism
  • Free trade: merits and demerits
  • Presidential system or parliamentary system
  • Political system of US vs UK
  • Legislature vs executive
  • Fundamental rights or directive principles of state policy
  • Equal opportunities vs affirmative action
  • Freedom of expression and restraints on freedom

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Education

  • Theory vs practical
  • Research paper writing or creative writing
  • Study from home vs studying in school
  • Homework help online or home tuitions
  • Indian vs American education system
  • Professional vs vocational courses: What’s better?
  • Oral learning vs written learning
  • Report writing vs research paper writing
  • What is easier: learning from books or learning from the internet?
  • Visiting the library or studying in room: what is more productive?

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Sports 

  • Football vs basketball
  • Marathons vs walkathons
  • Indoor sports or outdoor sports
  • Spending time in sports vs studying
  • Early morning workout vs late night workout
  • Running vs gymming
  • Exercising at home or exercising at the gym
  • Tennis vs badminton
  • Rugby vs soccer
  • Indigenous sports or modern sports

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Career

  • Joining a startup vs joining a corporate
  • Higher education or job
  • Working as a freelancer or an employee
  • Joining an MNC vs a small organization
  • Marketing or sales
  • Engineering or medical
  • Science vs arts
  • Spending or saving your first salary
  • Internship vs fellowship
  • Stipend vs salary

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Teenagers

  • Paying for college or getting a scholarship
  • Life in high school vs life in college
  • Online tuitions or home tuitions
  • Getting a college degree or getting a job
  • Working in college vs freelancing in college
  • Spending money on education vs spending money on fun
  • Math vs english: which class is easier?
  • Community projects vs school games
  • Extracurricular activities vs academics
  • Boys vs girls: differences in behaviour

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Science

  • Physics vs chemistry: what’s better for you
  • Mechanical help vs chemical help: which topic engineering to choose
  • Renewable energy vs non renewable energy
  • Plastic vs paper
  • Traditional methods or modern scientific methods
  • Nuclear power or other forms of energy
  • Hurricanes vs tornadoes
  • Herbs vs shrubs vs trees
  • Mammals vs reptiles
  • Bacteria or viruses

Are you stuck in writing your compare and contrast essay and the deadline is approaching? Just shift the pressure to our shoulder at TutorBin. Our expert writers have in-depth knowledge about a range of subjects and can deliver state-of-the-art essays on the top compare and contrast essay topics for 2020. So if you ever find yourself stuck and unable to write the top essays, count on us. We will make sure that you submit the best compare and contrast essays and get the best grades.

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