What is the cyclical process of collecting and Analysing data during a single research study called interim analysis inter analysis inter item analysis constant analysis?

DA MCQ's from all units for online SPPU exam

77.    Here are two very short texts to compare and find the cosine similarity measure? I.    Julie loves me more than Linda loves me II.    Jane likes me more than Julie loves me a. 0.6 b.   0.7

c.   0.8

d.   0.9

78.  ____________is based on the availability of item descriptions and a profile that assigns importance to these characteristics. a.    Item-Based Recommendation b.    User-Based Recommendation

c.    Content-Based Recommendation.

d.    None of these

79.    Consider the features of a movie which are not relevant to a recommendation system. a.    The set of actors of the movie. b.    The Director c.    The Year in which the movie was made

d.    The Budget of the movie.

80.    A _____________  has been implemented, for similarity based retrieval under nearest neighbors.
a.    k-nearest-neighbor method (kNN) b.    Conventional Neural Network (CNN) c.    Bayes Theorem

d.    Naïve Bayes Classifier

81.    Case-based recommenders focus on the retrieval of similar items on the basis of different types of similarity measures
a.    TRUE
b.    FALSE

82.    In    recommendation approaches, items are retrieved using similarity measures that describe to which extent item properties match some given user’s requirements. a.    Item-Based

b.    Case-Based

c.    Content-Based

d.    User-Based

83. _________________are based on a sequenced order of techniques, in which each succeeding recommender only refines the recommendations of its predecessor. a.    Weighted Hybrids b.    Mixed Hybrids

c.    Cascade Hybrids

d.    Switching Hybrids

84. ________________require an oracle that decides which recommender should be used in a specific situation, depending on the user profile and/or the quality of recommendation a.    Weighted Hybrids b.    Mixed Hybrids c.    Cascade Hybrids

d.    Switching Hybrids

85.    Classification task referred to 1.    A subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classes 2.    A measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a certain theory

3.    The task of assigning a classification to a set of examples

4.    None of these

86.    The maximum value for entropy depends on the number of classes so if we have 8 Classes what will be the max entropy.

a.    Max Entropy is 1 b.    Max Entropy is 2

c.    Max Entropy is 3

d.    Max Entropy is 4


87. Data Analysis is a process of?

A. inspecting data B. cleaning data C. transforming data

D. All of the above


Explanation: Data Analysis is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions and supporting decision-making.

88. Which of the following is not a major data analysis approaches?

A. Data Mining
B. Predictive Intelligence C. Business Intelligence

D. Text Analytics


Explanation: Predictive Analytics is major data analysis approaches not Predictive Intelligence.

89. How many main statistical methodologies are used in data analysis?

Explanation: In data analysis, two main statistical methodologies are used Descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics.

90. In descriptive statistics, data from the entire population or a sample is summarized with ?

A. integer descriptors B. floating descriptors

C. numerical descriptors

D. decimal descriptors


Explanation: In descriptive statistics, data from the entire population or a sample is summarized with numerical descriptors.

91. Data Analysis is defined by the statistician?

A. William S. B. Hans Peter Luhn C. Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro

D. John Tukey

Explanation: Data Analysis is defined by the statistician John Tukey in 1961 as "Procedures for analyzing data.

92. Which of the following is true about hypothesis testing?

A. answering yes/no questions about the data B. estimating numerical characteristics of the data C. describing associations within the data

D. modeling relationships within the data


Explanation: answering yes/no questions about the data (hypothesis testing)

93. The goal of business intelligence is to allow easy interpretation of large volumes of data to identify new opportunities.

A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Can be true or false

D. Can not say

Explanation: The goal of business intelligence is to allow easy interpretation of large volumes of data to identify new opportunities.

94. The branch of statistics which deals with development of particular statistical methods is classified as

A. industry statistics B. economic statistics C. applied statistics

D. applied statistics

Explanation: The branch of statistics which deals with development of particular statistical methods is classified as applied statistics.

95. Which of the following is true about regression analysis?

A. answering yes/no questions about the data B. estimating numerical characteristics of the data

C. modeling relationships within the data

D. describing associations within the data


Explanation: modeling relationships within the data (E.g. regression analysis).

96. Text Analytics, also referred to as Text Mining?

A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Can be true or false

D. Can not say

Explanation: Text Data Mining is the process of deriving high-quality information from text.

97. What is a hypothesis?

a. A statement that the researcher wants to test through the data
collected in a study.
b. A research question the results will answer. c. A theory that underpins the study. d. A statistical method for calculating the extent to which the results

could have happened by chance.


98. Qualitative data analysis is still a relatively new and rapidly developing branch of research methodology.

a. True

b. False


99. The process of marking segments of data with symbols, descriptive words, or category names is known as _______. a. Concurring

b. Coding

c. Colouring

d. Segmenting


100. What is the cyclical process of collecting and analysing data during a single research study called?

a. Interim analysis

b. Inter analysis c. Inter-item analysis

d. Constant analysis


101. The process of quantifying data is referred to as _________. a. Typology b. Diagramming

c. Enumeration

d. Coding


102. An advantage of using computer programs for qualitative data is that they _______. a. Can reduce time required to analyse data (i.e., after the data are transcribed) b. Help in storing and organising data c. Make many procedures available that are rarely done by hand due to time constraints

d. All of the above

103. Boolean operators are words that are used to create logical combinations.

a. True

b. False


104. __________ are the basic building blocks of qualitative data.
a. Categories b. Units c. Individuals

d. None of the above


105. This is the process of transforming qualitative research data from written interviews or field notes into typed text. a. Segmenting b. Coding

c. Transcription

d. Mnemoning


106. A challenge of qualitative data analysis is that it often includes data that are unwieldy and complex; it is a major challenge to make sense of the large pool of data.

a. True

b. False


107. Hypothesis testing and estimation are both types of descriptive statistics. a. True

b. False


108. A set of data organised in a participants(rows)-byvariables(columns) format is known as a “data set.”
a. True
b. False


109. A graph that uses vertical bars to represent data is called a ___ a. Line graph

b. Bar graph

c. Scatterplot

d. Vertical graph


110. ___________ are used when you want to visually examine the relationship between two quantitative variables. a. Bar graphs b. Pie graphs c. Line graphs

d. Scatterplots


111. The denominator (bottom) of the z-score formula is
a. The standard deviation b. The difference between a score and the mean c. The range

d. The mean


112. Which of these distributions is used for a testing hypothesis? a. Normal Distribution

b. Chi-Squared Distribution

c. Gamma Distribution

d. Poisson Distribution


113. A statement made about a population for testing purpose is called? a. Statistic

b. Hypothesis

c. Level of Significance

d. Test-Statistic


114. If the assumed hypothesis is tested for rejection considering it to be true is called?

a. Null Hypothesis

b. Statistical Hypothesis c. Simple Hypothesis

d. Composite Hypothesis


115. If the null hypothesis is false then which of the following is accepted? a. Null Hypothesis b. Positive Hypothesis c. Negative Hypothesis

d. Alternative Hypothesis.


116. Alternative Hypothesis is also called as? a. Composite hypothesis

b. Research Hypothesis

c. Simple Hypothesis

d. Null Hypothesis



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