What is the correct way to correct an error in the medical record?

Click here for the main story, "Open Notes Shines Light on Errors in Patient Medical Records."

Changing a medical record to correct an error is anything but an easy process.

Under federal HIPAA rules, patients have the right to request that doctors fix errors, but the provider has up to 60 days to respond, and can ask for a 30-day extension.

The provider also can refuse, but must specify the reason in writing.

If the fix moves forward, the doctor can't alter the original note, but the patient has the right to have an amendment with his or her version of the facts placed in their electronic medical record (EMR).

Most EMR program modules do not let the patient edit or question something in an electronic note, although software entrepreneurs are working on solutions that will enable that feature.

"There's not a smooth process for doing that in today's EMRs. They didn't really build that into the certification criteria," said Deven McGraw, an attorney and chief regulatory officer for Ciitizen, a consumer health technology startup.

Then there's the question of who is responsible for actually making the fix and whether there even is a process. The doctor might refer the patient to the office staff or the doctor's nurse, who might refer the patient to the practice's health information or medical records office, which may send the patient back to the doctor.

It's also unclear whether any federal rules require the doctor to post the patient's requested amendment in the patient's portal so other providers can see the change. In one case relayed to MedPage Today, a doctor told a patient that he accepted the amendment but did not download it into the portal.

When asked to amend a chart note that incorrectly diagnosed this reporter with osteoporosis, the physician replied that it was inserted only so that Medicare would cover bloodwork for a vitamin D level, for which the patient would otherwise have to pay. "I was trying to save you money," the physician said.

That's not just wrong, it's potentially harmful, said Heather Gantzer, MD, immediate past chair of the American College of Physicians' Board of Regents.

If the patient came to the ED with acute back pain and compression fracture on a plane x-ray, and the ED team sees osteoporosis in the patient's history, a treating physician might say, "this happens" in people with osteoporosis, and initially discount any idea of something more serious, Gantzer said.

If the patient's record didn't indicate osteoporosis, she said, "maybe you are worked up with an MRI sooner rather than later, to be sure it's not a tumor."

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Did you know that nearly 1 in 10 people who access their medical records request corrections to errors for a number of different reasons? This estimate from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology illustrates the importance of checking your medical records for potential errors that could lead to serious problems down the road.

Failing to correct errors in your medical records can result in devastating injuries or worse, according to a recent report from ABC News.

“I tell people, ‘Collect all your medical records, no matter what’ so you can ask all kinds of questions and be on the alert for errors,” Susan Sheridan, director of patient engagement with the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine, told ABC for its report.

What Can Go Wrong If Medical Records Are Incorrect?

In the worst cases of errors in medical records, mistakes such as an incorrect diagnosis, wrong scans, missing lab results, erroneous allergy information, and medication errors can lead to an incorrect medical evaluation and treatment. This can cause complications to current medical issues and allow the underlying medical problem to get even worse before the error is discovered and corrected. It can also lead to additional injuries or even death to patients when errors in medical records are not identified.

Even aspects of your medical records that do not pertain specifically to your medical history can cause problems for you and your medical treatment. Incorrect contact information, including address and phone number, could mean missing important test results or bills. The accidental addition of services provided in your records, such as a lab test, could cause problems if you want to contest your bill.

If errors in your medical records lead to significant and/or permanent injuries caused by your doctor, pharmacist, or other medical professionals, you may have a valid claim for medical malpractice.

How to Correct Errors in Medical Records

Experts suggest requesting and reviewing your medical records with all of your doctors and other medical professionals to check for errors. If you do find errors in your records, you have recourse to fix the mistakes that could cause serious injury or death if not corrected.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) allows you the right to ask for a correction to errors in your medical records. Some doctor’s offices will have a form to fill out to request a change to errors in records.

For basic errors, such as an incorrect address or phone number, you can usually cross out the incorrect information and fill in the correct information. However, for more serious medical record errors, such as an incorrect diagnosis, allergies, or medications, you may need to include a description of the error and what the record should be corrected to reflect.

Under the law, doctors are required to respond to a request for error corrections in writing within 60 days. However, doctors do not have to accept the request. If your corrections request is denied, you can contest the decision with your state agency that licenses physicians.

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If you are the victim of medical malpractice in the Indianapolis area, the office of Baker & Gilchrist is here to help. Call our law firm or contact us today to schedule a free, confidential consultation of your case.

The injury attorneys at Baker & Gilchrist take great pride in helping injured people when their injuries occur due to someone else’s negligent, careless, or reckless actions. With over 60 years of combined litigation experience, we can offer you the knowledge and assistance necessary to help you win the compensation you rightfully deserve for your injuries.

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Version 1.0, September 2019

Key points

  • You must take reasonable steps to make sure the health information you hold is correct (given the purpose for which you hold it).
  • This requirement applies where:
    • the patient requests that you correct the information
    • you otherwise become aware that health information you hold is incorrect.
  • Generally, you must respond to a patient’s correction request within 30 days.
  • If you refuse to correct information, you must give notice to the individual.

You must take reasonable steps to correct health information you hold about a patient if:

  • you are satisfied the information is incorrect, or
  • a patient asks you to correct the information.

Health information is ‘incorrect’ if, given the purpose for which you hold it, it is:

  • Inaccurate: Health information is inaccurate if it contains an error. An example is incorrect personal details held about a patient.

    Your medical opinion is not inaccurate just because a patient disagrees with it. Your opinion may be ‘accurate’ provided you present it as an opinion, it accurately records your view, and takes into account competing information and views.

  • Out-of-date: Health information is out-of-date if it is no longer current.

    Health information may be out-of-date for some purposes but not others. For example, the fact your patient previously took a medication is out-of-date for the purposes of a current medications list. However, that same fact may not be out-of-date for the purposes of maintaining the patient’s medical record in accordance with your professional obligations.

  • Incomplete: Health information is incomplete if it presents a partial or misleading picture, rather than a true or full picture. For example, a physiotherapist’s record for a patient seeking treatment for should pain is incomplete if it fails to note that the patient suffered a prior shoulder dislocation.

  • Irrelevant: Health information is irrelevant if it does not have a bearing on or connection to the purpose for which it is held.

  • Misleading: Health information is misleading if it conveys a meaning that is untrue or inaccurate.

Overlap with other privacy obligations

In addition to correction obligations, the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) also requires you to take reasonable steps to ensure the quality of the health information you collect, use or disclose. ‘Quality’ of information refers to its accuracy, completeness, relevance, and whether it is current. Taking reasonable steps to ensure the quality of health information reduces the likelihood of information needing correction. Similarly, by taking reasonable steps to correct health information, you are helping to meet your obligations to ensure the quality of the health information you hold.

Helpful hint

An example of a step you can take to help ensure the quality of the information you hold is to periodically ask patients to confirm their details and emergency contact information.

You are required to take reasonable steps to correct the health information you hold if you are satisfied that it is incorrect.

This requirement means that you should be alert to the possibility that health information you hold may be incorrect and require correction. Examples of when you may become aware that information you hold is incorrect include where you notice inconsistent information, where you are told by another party, and where practices, procedures or systems implemented in compliance with Australian Privacy Principle (APP) 1.2 that detect incorrect information.[1]

Dealing with a patient’s correction request

The flow chart below sets out the key steps to help you respond to a request from a patient for correction of health information. Each step is explained further below the chart.

Long text description

Receiving a correction request

A patient can ask you to correct health information you hold about them. Your privacy policy and privacy notice should set out how patients can make this request. While you can ask your patients to follow a particular process (such as filling out a form), you cannot require them to use that procedure.

You must respond to the patient’s correction request (either by correcting the information or notifying the patient of your refusal to do so) within a reasonable period after the request is made. In most cases, a reasonable period will not exceed 30 calendar days.

You cannot charge a patient for making a correction request, for correcting the health information, or for associating a statement with the health information.

Verifying the patient’s identity

You should ensure that a correction request is made by the patient concerned, or by another person who is authorised to make a request on the patient’s behalf (such as a legal guardian).

In some cases, you may be confident of the patient’s identity, such as where a regular patient asks you to correct information during a consultation. However, where it is less clear, you should ask the patient for any evidence you may reasonably need to confirm identity. It is preferable just to sight identity documents, rather than to make and retain copies.

If you are not sure of the requesting patient’s identity, you should not correct the information.

Review your records to determine whether you hold the health information that needs correcting.

You must correct the health information if you are satisfied that, given the purpose for which you hold it, it is incorrect. You may ask the patient for further information or explanation if you are not satisfied that the health information is incorrect.

What are reasonable steps to take will depend on the circumstances. Reasonable steps include making appropriate additions, deletions or alterations to a record, or declining to correct health information if it would be unreasonable to take such steps.

Given the sensitivity of health information and the potential impact of it being incorrect, more rigorous steps are likely to be considered ‘reasonable’ than might be the case for other personal information.

Helpful hint

For practitioners in NSW, Victoria and the ACT, local legislation on correcting health information may contain more specific requirements. For example:

If you are a Victorian or ACT practitioner and consider that leaving incorrect information on a patient’s record could result in harm, you may be required to place the incorrect information on a separate record. This record should not be generally available to other persons providing health services to the patient.

Victorian practitioners may be required under local legislation to record the name of the person who made a correction to health information, and the date it was made.

Where the deletion of incorrect health information is legally permitted, local legislation may require Victorian practitioners to make a written record of the name of the individual to whom the health information related, the period covered and the date the information was deleted.

Contact the Health Complaints Commissioner (Victoria), Information and Privacy Commission NSW, or the ACT Health Services Commissioner to find out about additional requirements.

Taking reasonable steps to notify another entity

If the patient asks you to, you must take reasonable steps to notify a third party[2] of corrections made to health information where you previously provided that information to that party. You are not required to do this if it would be impracticable or unlawful.

When you correct information, you should tell the patient you can be asked to notify third parties.

What are ‘reasonable steps’ depends on factors such as:

  • the risk of adversity to the patient, for example if the information is clinically significant
  • the nature of the correction, for example if the incorrect information is likely to impact on treatment by a third party
  • the length of time since the information was disclosed, for example if the information is very old a third party may be less likely to rely on it
  • the likelihood of it being used or disclosed again by a third party
  • the practicability of notifying a particular third party.

Providing written notice

If you refuse to correct health information, you must give the patient written notice setting out:

  • the reasons for your refusal (except where it would be unreasonable to do so)
  • that the individual may request a statement be associated with the health information noting that the patient believes the information to be incorrect
  • how the individual may make a complaint about your decision, how you will deal with the complaint and include information about external complaint avenues such as the OAIC.

If you do correct a patient’s information, it would also be good practice to notify the patient of the correction and of the identity of any third parties you have notified about the change.

If you refuse to correct health information, you should tell the patient that you can be asked to associate a statement with the information noting that the patient believes the health information to be incorrect.

If the patient asks you to associate a statement, you must take reasonable steps to associate it in a way that will make it apparent to other users of the health information. For electronic information, this may involve placing a flag on the information with a link to alert users where the statement is.

The content and length of any statement will depend on the circumstances, but generally, a statement would not be more than one page.

[1] For further information see the APP guidelines Chapter 1: APP 1 — Open and transparent management of personal information, ’Implementing practices, procedures and systems to ensure APP compliance’

[2] This applies to third parties covered by the Privacy Act (including all private sector health service providers and Australian government agencies). However, it would be best practice to inform other third parties.

Long text descriptions

Flowchart: Correction request received

  1. Correction request received. Can you verify the individual's identity?
    • No: Notify individual that you can’t correct the personal information. End.
    • Yes: Continue to 2.
  2. Can you locate the requested personal information?
    • No: Notify individual that you can’t locate the personal information. End.
    • Yes: Continue to 3.
  3. Are you satisfied the personal information is incorrect?
    • No: Continue to 5.
    • Yes: Continue to 4.
  4. Can you correct the personal information?
    • No: Continue to 5.
    • Yes: Continue to 6.
  5. Associate a statement to the personal information, if possible. Notify individual that you can’t correct personal information and why, but that you have associated a statement. End.
  6. Correct the personal information. Notify any third parties if necessary. Notify the individual that you have corrected the information. End.

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