What is the area of the face of a clock described by its minute hand between 9 am and 9.35 am If the minute hand is 18 cm long?

the minute hand of a clock is 12cm long. find the area of the face of the clock described by the minute hand between 9A.M.  and 9:35 A.M

The minute hand of a clock is 10 cm long. Find the area of the face of the clock described by the minute hand between 9AM and 9:35 AM.

Asked by Topperlearning User | 02 Apr, 2014, 10:08: AM

Angle described by the minute hand in 1 minute=60 (Since in 60 minutes, the angle described is 360o)

Angle described by the minute hand in 35 minutes


Area swept by the minute hand in 35 minutes


What is the area of the face of a clock described by its minute hand between 9 am and 9.35 am If the minute hand is 18 cm long?
x (10)2

= 183.3 cm2.

Answered by | 02 Apr, 2014, 12:08: PM