What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

Header    Click a built-in header in the Header box or click Custom Header to create a custom header for the worksheet that you want to print. The built-in header is copied to the Header dialog box, where you can format or edit the selected header.

Footer    Click a built-in footer in the Footer box or click Custom Footer to create a custom footer for the worksheet that you want to print. The built-in footer is copied to the Footer dialog box, where you can format or edit the selected footer.

Different odd and even pages    Select the Different odd and even Pages check box to specify that the headers and footers on odd-numbered pages should be different from those on even-numbered pages.

Different first page    Select the Different first page check box to remove headers and footers from or to create custom headers and footers for the first printed page. To create a custom header or footer for the first page, select this check box, click Custom Header or Custom Footer, and then on the First Page Header or First Page Footer tab, you can add the header or footer information that you want to appear on the first page.

Scale with document    Select the Scale with document check box to specify whether the headers and footers should use the same font size and scaling as the worksheet. This check box is selected by default. To make the font size and scaling of the headers or footers independent of the worksheet scaling to create a consistent display across multiple pages, clear this check box.

Align with page margins    Select the Align with page margins check box to make sure that the header or footer margin is aligned with the left and right margins of the worksheet. This check box is selected by default. To set the left and right margins of the headers and footers to a specific value that is independent of the left and right margins of the worksheet, clear this check box.

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The Page Layout Tab allows the user to control the visual appearance of the worksheet when it is printed. The Page Layout Tab consists of five major groups: Themes, Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options, and Arrange.

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?
What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

Microsoft Excel provides a variety of themes- fonts, colors, and backgrounds that go together to make Excel very customizable and visually appealing to the viewer. If none of the stock Excel themes interest the user, they can always make their own theme by customizing the Colors, Fonts, and Effect icons to the left of the Themes Icon

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

Users can select the Margins icon if they wish to print their worksheets. Margins allow the user to specify how close to the top, bottom, left, and right of the printed page cell information is placed. Narrower margins allow more information to be placed on a printed page, wider margins will contain less information. The Orientation icon allows the user to determine whether the worksheet is created in a portrait or landscape view. Portrait orientations are best suited when a worksheet contains many rows of data, as the orientation provides more vertical room. Landscape orientation is best when a document has more column views.

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

The Size icon allows the user to set up their worksheet page height and width relative to the paper size they wish to print in Excel. For example, if the user selects Tabloid, Excel will allow more room in a worksheet to match the print area of the larger document (11” X17”). If a user would like to create a custom area on their excel document that they would like to print, for example- they have created charts that correspond to a table, but they only want to print the charts from a worksheet, they can select the cells they would like to print and then select the Print Area icon. They can also remove the print area by selecting the same icon and then clicking on Clear Print Area. Excel Users may also create custom page breaks and separate sections of their worksheet by selecting the Breaks icon. After selecting the cell where they wish to be the top right corner of the second page, they should click on the Breaks icon

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?
If a user wishes to remove the Page Breaks, they can select the Breaks icon again and click on Remove Page Break. A user may also insert a background image into their worksheet by selecting the Background Icon
What is Page Layout tab in Excel?
. When selected, Excel will allow a user to find an image online using Bing Search, search their OneDrive Account for a picture, or find a picture on their computer.

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

Once an image is inserted, the icon changes to Delete Background

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?
, allowing the user to delete the image from their worksheet. Finally, Print Tiles
What is Page Layout tab in Excel?
provides the user with many options to best display your worksheet on a printed page. When selected, Print Tiles will launch the Excel Page Setup menu, which allows the user to select the Print Area, Rows to repeat at the top of each page, columns to repeat on each page on the left, and whether to print Gridlines, Comments, Row and Column Headings, and the order or the worksheet will print.

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

Using the Page Setup menu, users can also adjust the Header/Footer text, the Margins, and the Page Settings, which provide a number of formatting changes that have already been discussed. On the Page tab, a few help options for printing are the Fit to settings which allow the user to specify how many total pages should be printed for their worksheet. A commons choice is to fit 1 page.

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

The Scale to Fit group provides similar controls to the Page Setup menu. Users may determine the page width and height to specify how many pages in a worksheet to print, depending on the settings selected for Width and Height, the Scale percentage box will adjust. Selecting the more options arrow,

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?
will launch the Page Setup menu again.

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?

The Sheet Options group allows the user to control whether they can view gridlines and headings in their worksheet on their computer screen and/or on the printed page. The Arrange icon is used to manipulate images to allow them to be aligned with cells or appear on top of or behind other cell information. Objects can also be rotated and placed in groups.

What is Page Layout tab in Excel?