What is intermediate sanctions in criminal justice system?

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  • Sentencing Enhancements
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  • Situational Action Theory
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  • Social and Intellectual Context of Criminology, The
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  • State Dependence and Population Heterogeneity in Theories ...
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  • Surveillance, Public and Private
  • Sutherland, Edwin H.
  • Technology and the Criminal Justice System
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  • Trajectory Methods in Criminology
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  • Truth-In-Sentencing
  • Urban Politics and Crime
  • US War on Terrorism, Legal Perspectives on the
  • Victimization, Adolescent
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  • White-Collar Crime
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  • White-Collar Crime, Women and
  • Wilson, James Q.
  • Wolfgang, Marvin
  • Women, Girls, and Reentry
  • Wrongful Conviction


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