What is first step in the appraisal process?

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the steps in the appraisal process

The appraisal process consists of six steps (see Figure 1). We’ll dive into each step below.

What is first step in the appraisal process?

Figure 1. Steps in the Appraisal Process

Step 1: Establish performance standards

Performance standards are set to ensure achievement of departmental goals and objectives and the organization’s overall strategy and objectives. Standards are based on the position, rather than an individual. In order to be clearly understood and perceived as objective, standards should adhere to the same rules that apply to goal-setting; that is, they should be “SMART:” specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound.

Indiana University’s Human Resource department explains that “while a list of major job duties tells the employee what is to be done, performance standards provide the employee with specific performance expectations for each major duty.” Performance standards include both observable behaviors—the how—and the expected results that comprise satisfactory job performance.

Step 2: Communicate performance standards

In order to be effective, performance standards must be clearly communicated and understood to be expectations. Performance standards assume that an individual is competent, so initial and corrective training should be factored into the performance management process. If there is a specific training period after which an employee is assumed to be competent and performing to standards, that should be communicated as well.

Step 3: Measure performance

Performance that is expressed in numeric terms—for example, cost, quantity, quality, timeliness—is relatively easy to measure. Performance in the area of soft skills—for example, communication, customer service and leadership—is more difficult to evaluate. DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst recommend using a variety of sources of information including personal observation, oral reports and written reports. They note, however, that what is measured is probably more critical than how an aspect is measured. The focus should be on measuring what matters rather than measuring what’s easy to measure.

Focus measurement—and, thus, employee effort—on activities that make a significant contribution to organizational goals and objectives.

Step 4: Compare actual performance to performance standards

In this step of the appraisal process, actual performance is compared to the performance standards. Documentation should highlight actions and results. For example, “Amir left confidential documents on the printer even after he had been warned to maintain control of confidential information.” Or “Amir’s process improvement recommendations saved the department $3,500.”

Indiana University’s Human Resource department identifies the following characteristics of effective documentation:

  • Accurate
  • Specific
  • Consistent (covering the entire review period)
  • Factual (not based on conjecture)
  • Balanced, including instances of both positive and unsatisfactory performance
  • In writing

Step 5: Discuss the appraisal with the employee

This is generally the step in the process that is the most difficult for managers and employees alike and it can be a challenge to manage emotions and expectations. Even when performance is strong, there can be differences of opinion on the next action. A significant difference of opinion regarding performance can create an emotionally-charged situation. If the manager is providing feedback and coaching on a regular basis, this shouldn’t be the case. Related point: If an employee has consistently poor performance, the issue should be addressed—corrective action taken—in a timely manner and not deferred to an annual review. To identify and prepare for differences of opinion, management can ask employees to complete and submit a self-evaluation prior to the appraisal meeting. A key point to keep in mind is that the manager’s ability to remain calm and civil will have a significant impact on the employee’s confidence, motivation and future performance.

Step 6: Implement personnel action

The final step in the appraisal process is the discussion and/or implementation of any next steps: a reward of some sort—a raise, promotion or coveted development opportunity—or corrective action—a performance plan or termination. Note, however, that corrective action that might help an employee achieve expectations shouldn’t be tabled until the next formal appraisal. As performance gaps are identified, supervisors and managers should take the time to identify why performance is not meeting expectations and determine whether the employee can meet expectations with additional training and/or coaching. As mentioned above, if performance is such that termination is warranted, that action should be taken in a timely manner as well.


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1. The first step in the appraisal process is the determination of standards of performance based on the organisational objectives and the job description. The performance standards and objectives have to be determined by the employee and the supervisor together.Feb 9, 2022

How to conduct an appraisal step by step?

  • Let your employee talk. ...
  • Give an overview of the session. ...
  • Focus on objectives. ...
  • Focus on performance results. ...
  • Focus on critical incidents. ...
  • Focus on competencies. ...
  • Focus on points of agreement. ...
  • Focus on points of disagreement. ...
  • Focus on the overall rating. ...
  • Focus on raises. ...

What to expect during the appraisal process?

During the home appraisal process, the appraiser makes a thorough inspection of the house, inside and which usually takes about 1 – 3 hours to complete depending on the size of the house and property. They measure each room and the lot the property sits on while photographing each room and the exterior of the home.

How do you prepare for an appraisal?

Appraisal preparation is straightforward – most of the value of your home is already set and there isn’t much you can do at the last minute to improve the outcome. Three Short House Appraisal Tips: 1. Declutter so the appraiser can SEE your home. 2. Make sure each room is accessible. 3. Prepare a written list of recent improvements. FHA Note

How to prepare for your appraisal?

NJ Advance Media spoke to some local real estate appraisers to find out more about the process and things you can do to make your home appraise higher ... Then they do a market analysis using National Uniform Appraisal Data to rate the conditions and ...

What is the 1st step in the appraisal process?

Human Resources ManagementStep 1: Establish performance standards. ... Step 2: Communicate performance standards. ... Step 3: Measure performance. ... Step 4: Compare actual performance to performance standards. ... Step 5: Discuss the appraisal with the employee. ... Step 6: Implement personnel action.

What are the steps in appraisal process?

The steps in the appraisal process are:State the purpose.List the data needed and its sources
.Gather, record and verify the data.Gather, record and verify the specific data, such as site development.Gather, and record and verify the data for each approach.Analyze and interpret the data.More items...

What is the first step in the appraisal process quizlet?

The first step in the appraisal process i s to gather and verify the specific data. Considerations in a building analysis would include the age and condition of the structure, its interior layout, and its energy efficiency.

What's the correct order for the first two steps in the appraisal process?

Step 1: Define the Appraisal Problem. ... Step 2: Determine the Scope of Work. ... Step 3: Analyze the Property's Use, Select Most Appropriate Market,Step 4: Collect and Analyze Data, Apply Most Appropriate.Step 5: Analyze Subject Property Listings or Prior Sales.More items...

What is the last step of the appraisal process?

The final step in the appraisal process, in which the appraiser combines the estimates of value received from the sales comparison cost, and income approaches to arrive at a final estimate of market value the subject property.Mar 1, 2020

What is the first step in the appraisal process Mcq?

The first step in the appraisal process is the determination of standards of performance based on the organisational objectives and the job description.Feb 9, 2022

What is the first objective of an appraiser?

An appraiser's goal is to produce an objective opinion about the market value of a property. The appraisal report should be supported with data from the market.

What is the final step in the appraisal process quizlet?

The final step in the appraisal process is to reconcile estimated values for the final value estimates. This appraiser reconciles the estimates of value received from the sales comparison, cost and income approaches to arrive at a final estimate of market value for the subject property.

What is the first step in an appraisal?

In this step, prepare for the assignment, conduct the inspection and make use of outside assistance as necessary to help appraise, identify and/or authenticate. In this step the appraiser analyzes the subject property within the context of the most appropriate market and considers how the subject property compares with similar properties that have sold in the past or that are currently for sale.

What is an appraisal?

An appraiser develops an opinion of value that is based on fact. Developing appraisals and reporting the results in an orderly manner following a tested and proven series of steps will help ensure that all relevant information is considered and that the appraiser's conclusions are sufficiently supported by facts so that they are credible (i.e., worthy of belief), understandable, and not misleading. In order to achieve this result, the appraiser follows a set of steps which, taken from the beginning and extending to the completion of an appraisal assignment, is referred to as the Appraisal Process.

Is an appraisal report credible?

In general, the appraisal report must be credible and must not be misleading. It should contain sufficient information to allow the client and all intended users to understand the report including:

What is first step in the appraisal process?