What is Balmers equation used for?

The key difference between Rydberg and Balmer formula is that Rydberg formula gives the wavelength in terms of the atomic number of the atom whereas Balmer formula gives the wavelength in terms of two integers – m and n.

Rydberg and Balmer’s formulas are important in determining the wavelength of photons emitted from the electron excitations. These formulas were developed for the hydrogen atomic spectrum. Therefore, these formulas are used with the Bohr model.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Rydberg Formula
3. What is Balmer Formula
4. Side by Side Comparison – Rydberg vs Balmer Formula in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is Rydberg Formula?

Rydberg formula is a mathematical expression which predicts the wavelength of light emitted from electron excitations in atoms. In other words, this formula finds the wavelength of photons that are emitted when an electron moves back to the ground state from its excited state. Rydberg formula was developed by the physicist Johannes Rydberg who attempted to derive a mathematical relationship between the wavenumbers of adjacent spectral lines of the hydrogen line spectrum. The formula is as follows:


Where, λ wavelength of the emitted photon, R is the Rydberg constant, Z is the atomic number of the atom that is being considered, and n1 and n2 are integers. Always n1 < n2. Later, it was found that these two integers are related to the principal quantum number, which is involved in the photon emission.

However, this formula is applicable with the hydrogen atom and some other small atoms. But, when it comes to large and complicated atoms, Rydberg formula gives incorrect results because of the screening effect that arises due to the presence of multiple electrons (inner electrons are screened from outer electrons).

What is Balmers equation used for?

Figure 01: Hydrogen Spectrum

Moreover, by assigning different values to n1 and n2 integers, we can get the wavelengths corresponding to the different line series such as Lyman series, Balmer series, Paschen series, etc. When solving problems regarding the Rydberg formula, we have to use the values of principal quantum numbers for n1 and n2. Since n1 < n2, n1 is the quantum number of the energy level to which the electron moves while n2 is the quantum number of the energy level from which the excited electron is released.

What is Balmer Formula?

Balmer formula is a mathematical expression that can be used to determine the wavelengths of the four visible lines of the hydrogen line spectrum. This formula was developed by the physicist Johann Jacob Balmer in 1885. He developed this formula using two integers: m and n. The formula is as follows:


However, this formula is entirely empirical. That means; it is not a formula that is derived from a particular theory. Moreover, the Balmer formula was true, but at the time of its development, there were less experimental data to prove that it is a true formula. Later, another physicist named Rydberg modified this formula, stating that Balmer formula has wide applicability, introducing the concept of wave number instead of wavelength.

What is the Difference Between Rydberg and Balmer Formula?

Rydberg and Balmer’s formula are important formulas in chemistry. Actually, Rydberg formula is a derivative of the Balmer formula. Besides, the key difference between Rydberg and Balmer formula is that the Rydberg formula gives the wavelength in terms of the atomic number of the atom, but Balmer formula gives the wavelength in terms of two integers: m and n.

Below infographic summarizes the difference between Rydberg and Balmer formula.

Rydberg and Balmer’s formula are important formulas in chemistry. Rydberg formula is a derivative of the Balmer formula. The key difference between Rydberg and Balmer formula is that Rydberg formula gives the wavelength in terms of the atomic number of the atom, but Balmer formula gives the wavelength in terms of two integers, m and n.


1. Helmenstine, Todd. “What Is the Rydberg Formula and How Does It Work?” ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2019, Available here.

Image Courtesy:

1. “HydrogenSpectrum” By Caitlin Jo Ramsey – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia

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The Bohr Model

Niels Bohr proposed a model for the hydrogen atom in 1913 that described discrete energy states are associated with a fixed electron orbit around the nucleus. Importantly, an atom cannot discharge energy while its electrons are in stationary states. An electron can only emit energy by changing energy states. To change energy states, an electron must move from one orbit to another by either absorbing or emitting energy. This change can only occur if the absorbed or emitted energy equals the difference between the two states. Electrons cannot exist between orbits.

The quantum number, n, is used to label the different energy states. The lowest energy state is the ground state, which is n equal to one. The excited states are labeled n equal to 2, 3, 4, and so on. When an electron at the ground state absorbs a photon whose energy equals the difference between the ground and second state, the electron becomes excited and transitions from the ground state to the n= 2 excited state. If the energy of the photon equals the difference between the ground and third state, the electron moves to the n=3 state.

According to Bohr’s model, the potential energy of an electron in the nth level can be calculated using the following equation:

What is Balmers equation used for?

where En is the potential energy, R is the Rydberg constant (1.0974 × 107 m-1), h is Planck's constant (6.62607004 × 10-34 m2·kg/s), and c is the speed of light (~ 3 × 108 m/s). Electrons can also spontaneously return to the ground state or any other lower excited state. When this happens, the excess energy is released in the form of an emitted photon. The energy of the photon is equal to the energy difference between the higher and lower energy states. That energy corresponds to wavelengths of light. Since each type of atom has different energy levels, the light emitted from each transition varies for each atom. For a sample of mixed molecules, the emitted light contains a range of wavelengths in what is called a continuous spectrum. For a sample containing atoms of a single element, the emitted light contains only certain wavelengths, which can be viewed as discrete lines once separated by a prism.

Looking specifically at the hydrogen atom, the excitation of its electrons requires the absorption of sufficient energy to split the bond in the diatomic molecule H2. Since more energy is used to split the molecule than needed, the electrons in the hydrogen atom absorb the excess energy and are excited to a higher energy level. When the electrons spontaneously return to a lower energy level, light is emitted, which corresponds to the energy difference between the excited level and lower level.

When discussing the emission of energy, the higher energy level is considered the initial level, or ni, while the lower level is considered the final level, or nf. The wavelengths of emitted light ultimately depend on the energy difference between the two levels.

In a pure sample of hydrogen gas, the emission spectrum appears as distinct lines of discrete wavelengths that are specific to the element hydrogen. Some of these lines are in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum, while some are in the ultraviolet or infrared range.

The Balmer Series

The series of visible lines in the hydrogen atom spectrum are named the Balmer series. This series of spectral emission lines occur when the electron transitions from a high-energy level to the lower energy level of n=2. Johann Balmer observed these spectral lines at 410.2 nm, 434.1 nm, 486.1 nm, and 656.3 nm, which correspond to transitions from the n=6, n=5, n=4, and n=3 energy levels to the n=2 level, respectively.

Balmer was able to relate these wavelengths of emitted light using the Balmer formula.

What is Balmers equation used for?

Here, λ is the observed wavelength, C is a constant (364.50682 nm), n is the lower energy level with a value of 2, and m is the higher energy level, which has a value greater than 3. This observation was then refined by Johannes Rydberg, where R is the Rydberg constant.

What is Balmers equation used for?

Remember that this equation describes emitted light, so the higher energy level is considered the initial level, or ni, while the lower level is considered the final level, or nf. In the case of the Balmer series, nf is equal to 2. This equation was combined with the Bohr model to calculate the energy needed to move an electron between its initial and final energy levels, ΔE.

What is Balmers equation used for?

Later, other spectral series for the hydrogen atom were discovered. For example, the Lyman series contains emission lines with energies in the ultraviolet region.


  1. Kotz, J.C., Treichel Jr, P.M., Townsend, J.R. (2012). Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
  2. Silderberg, M.S. (2009). Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.

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