What is bad bunnys net worth

This bunny may be bad, yet Bad Bunny’s career is anything but. After being named one of TIME’s Most Influential People in 2020 and being the first non-English language act to become the most streamed artist on Spotify (for two years in a row!), Bad Bunny—real name Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio—has the world at his feet. You have to wonder, what is Bad Bunny’s net worth with all of this success?

And we didn’t even mention his appearances in the WWE! Now, the Puerto Rican artist is taking the movie world by storm, too. He made his movie debut in 2021’s F9 and is following that up with the Brad Pitt action movie Bullet Train.

Here is everything you could ever wonder about Bad Bunny’s net worth in 2022.

What's Bad Bunny's net worth in 2022?

Ah yes, the question of the hour! According to Celebrity Net Worth, Bad Bunny’s net worth in 2022 is $18 million. Considering the fact that he has become one of the most streamed artists in the world —often the most streamed— with his songs totaling over 14.8 billion plays, it’s no surprise Bad Bunny is rolling in money. Plus, he now has acting roles and appearances in the WWE to add to his growing fortune.

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How much money does Bad Bunny make per concert?

A weekly list published by Pollstar estimates that Bad Bunny earns as much as $2.7 million for each performance. However, keep in mind that all of this money would not go directly to the singer, as there are many people who earn a percentage of this performance money. But still, that’s an impressive haul! In fact, he is currently the artist who generates the most money per performance at this time.

How much does Bad Bunny make for a show?

According to a Pollstar list, Bad Bunny earns more for every performance than any other artist at this time, taking in an astounding $2.7 million for each show.

Who is the richest reggaeton artist 2021?

As of last year, it would appear that Daddy Yankee is the richest reggaeton artist in the world. This would make sense as Daddy Yankee has been around for decades and has had many hit songs, so he has had plenty of time to amass his reported $40 million fortune. However, considering the fact that Bad Bunny is already No. 6 on this same list in just a short period of time, it is likely he will be able to surpass Daddy Yankee’s success at some point in the near future. So… watch out, Daddy Yankee!

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How much does Bad Bunny make on Spotify?

For his estimated 14.8 billion streams on the platform, Bad Bunny has reportedly made $36.2 million from Spotify. However, keep in mind that this money does not go directly into Bad Bunny’s pocket. He has to pay a percentage to his label, for instance. Even so, because he is often the most streamed artist on the platform, Bad Bunny has been able to earn a pretty penny from Spotify.

How much does Bad Bunny make per year?

Because Bad Bunny had a meteoric rise in a relatively short period of time, we cannot know exactly how much the artist makes in a year. This is especially true as the number will be changing frequently as his star power continues to grow. However, it has been reported that he makes over $4 million annually. Not bad for a year’s work!

How much does Bad Bunny make per album?

It is not known exactly how much Bad Bunny makes per album. Because of streaming, artists can be earning money on their entire discography each year. However, it has been reported that Bad Bunny has earned over $20 million from his songs and albums. In his six years of selling music, he has reached 44,589,000 equivalent album sales, with his best-selling album, YHLQMDLG, selling over 2,279,000 copies.

How much did Bad Bunny get paid for WWE?

Bad Bunny and the WWE have not publicized how much the artist makes per appearance in the WWE ring. However, wrestling experts have estimated that the 28-year-old could be earning upwards of $100,000 per appearance. Remember, he once won the WWE 24/7 Championship, so clearly the partnership is working out!

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How much did Bad Bunny get paid for Narcos?

Bad Bunny was lucky enough to earn the role of Everardo Arturo "El Kitty" Paez in the third season of Narcos: Mexico. But, it has not been revealed how much he was paid for his role. Considering his notoriety and the payment actors on streaming shows usually receive, we can imagine his salary was anywhere in the tens of thousands of dollars range.

In Entertainment Weekly, showrunner Carlo Bernard discussed the reggaeton artist’s casting. ​​“Everybody under 30 in the office lost their s**t. I was like, ‘Oh, I should probably pay more attention to this!’ He put himself on tape, and—to no surprise—he’s very watchable, and you’re innately drawn to him.” In fact, Bernard’s one regret about the casting decision was that he felt the young star didn’t have enough to do, adding, “Whatever we gave him, he killed.”

How much does Bad Bunny make on tour?

Bad Bunny’s El Último Tour del Mundo earlier this year became the highest-grossing tour ever by a Latinx artist, taking in more than $116 million. However, as with other figures, we must keep in mind that all of that money does not go directly into the artist’s pocket. Even just earning a percentage of that amount means Bad Bunny had a pretty freakin’ great year!

This does not mean Bad Bunny has or will earn this same amount with every tour, as that will depend on each individual tour's success and sales. Many artists report that the majority of the money they earn is from touring, and with numbers like this, that does track!

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If you're newly obsessed with Bad Bunny, hello and welcome, we're here to stan. Bad Bunny (aka Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio) has become a household name in every part of the world thanks to his super catchy songs and completely epic shows—and he does it all on his terms.

As he told Trevor Noah, “People can feel me. I’m Latino; I’m Puerto Rican. Yo soy de Puerto Rico. People can feel that, you know? No matter…no importa de tu sea, lo vas sentirlo, como que, why do I have to change? Nadie le pide a una artista gringo que cambien. No one has told a gringo artist that you have to change. People love your music. This is who I am. This is my music. This is my culture. If you don’t like it, don’t listen to me. If you like it, you know.”

And now that Bad Bunny is starring in Bullet Train alongside Brad Pitt, he can go ahead and add "blockbuster movie actor" to his list of achievements. Along with "millionaire," because Bad Bunny has been making money.

What Is Bad Bunny's Net Worth in 2022?

That would be $18 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. And a huge amount of that was made in 2020, when he was Spotify's most-streamed artist globally (with 8.3 billion streams). His album YHLQMDLG was also the most streamed album of 2020, casual.

Also, keep in mind that $18 million is what Bad Bunny has in the bank after taxes and expenses, meaning he's actually made wayyyyyYYYyyYYyYYyy more than this.

This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Tragically a reliable outlet hasn't confirmed this information (rude), but there are unverified claims that Bad Bunny took home about $150,000 for his part. And this obviously wasn't his first time acting. Bad Bunny was also in Narcos: Mexico, though his salary for the role is unknown.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

The World's Hottest Tour has been pretty much selling out consistently, and it's pulling in massive amounts of money. Forbes, who calls Bad Bunny the "biggest concert draw in music in 2022" reports that tickets in L.A. were selling for ~$600 through resellers. And according to Pollstar's data, Bad Bunny also made $120.1 million in box office revenue for his El Último Tour del Mundo tour.

“It had such unprecedented success in terms of being one of the fastest and highest selling tours of all time, breaking records left and right,” Bad Bunny's music agent at UTA, Jbeau Lewis, told Pollstar. “There were situations where we would sell out one of the arenas, and we would know that there were 200,000 or 300,000 people still waiting in the online queue to try and buy tickets. We were able to extrapolate that data to know how many more tickets we could have sold had they simply been available.”

Remember: He's a WWE Star

And he makes an estimated $100,000 per appearance in the ring. Plus, there's his merch sales. According to Fightful Select, Bad Bunny drove more than $500,000 in merch sales to WWE during their first run.

And speaking of merch, let's end our time together contributing to Bad Bunny's net worth and buying this T-shirt, kay? Kay!

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