What is august 19 zodiac sign

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August 19 Zodiac Birthday Signs – Dynamic and bright, with a gregarious personality, you need to shine and be noticed. As a Leo, you are also proud and self-confident, with a creative mind and a desire for self-expression.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Aries, provides an added boost to your already energetic nature and suggests that you act with great assurance. Usually you seek a central role in situations and often take the lead. Mars’s influence implies that you are enterprising and spontaneous, with an inclination to speculate, but should avoid get-rich-quick schemes. Since you like to have things your own way, you may need to develop a less dominant or egoistic character.

Although you are quick at assessing situations, you may need to overcome a tendency to overreact, become frustrated, or worry too much about money. Clever and shrewd, with a good mental potential, you like to keep yourself occupied and well informed. A mixture of cynicism and innocence indicates that you need to take responsibility for developing your fine mind and intuition. You are likely to possess a youthful quality, although work usually plays a prominent role in your life, especially as you get older. No matter what difficult situations you encounter in life, deep down you know that you possess the power to triumph over adversity.

When you are at the early age of three, your progressed Sun enters Virgo for a thirty-year period. This emphasizes the growing importance of creating a practical and orderly framework for yourself and accents the importance of service and paying attention to detail. When your progressed Sun moves into Libra, as you reach the age of thirty-three, there is a turning point in your life. At this time your relationships start to become more important and you may develop new diplomatic, social, or creative skills. At the age of sixty-three, when your progressed Sun moves into Scorpio, you may desire more emotional depth, intensity, and transformation.

Your Secret Self

Inspired by knowledge and wisdom, you need to stay positive and develop patience and tolerance. This helps you to keep your restless and active mind occupied and constructive. Quick and assertive, you have the ability to present new ideas to others and influence them with your thinking. Since you are a good evaluator, you are likely to work extremely hard in order to make a project you believe in a reality.

Strong willpower and determination help you accomplish in the material world, but to achieve total fulfillment, it is necessary to balance these forces with your intuitive insight. This indicates that you need to learn how to listen to the wisdom of your inner voice. When you combine your fine mind, courage, and originality, you can receive brilliant inspiration.




Alphard; Adhafera, also called Al-Serpha; Al Jabhah, also called the Forehead


Star’s name: Alphard

Degree position: 26° 17’-27°8’ Leo,
between the years 1930-2000

Magnitude: 2

Strength: ********

Orb: 2°10’

Constellation: Alpha Hydrae

Applicable days: August 19, 20, 21, 22

Star qualities: varied interpretations:
Saturn/Venus and Sun/Jupiter

Description: a giant orange star located
in the neck of the Hydra


Alphard’s influence bestows natural wisdom and a deep understanding of human nature. You appreciate the arts and have keen ambitions and a sensitive nature. Alphard warns against overindulgence, intemperance, and lack of self-control. This star suggests turbulence and at times upheaval. Alphard also warns against all forms of poisoning and infections.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star bestows executive abilities, positions of authority and great opportunities for advancement. You tend to seek prominent positions and to be in the limelight. Nevertheless, you must always be fair and just, otherwise others will push you out. This applies also to work and relationships, where jealousy can creep in, although often you attempt to hide it.

• Positive: confidence, can make a name for yourself, fame

• Negative: legal entanglement and disputes, loss of self-control, jealousy

See Appendix for additional fixed star readings.

Work & Vocation

Highly ambitious, you can present a friendly and confident front. You possess a mental vitality that is good for debates and can win you arguments. This usually can help you prosper in law or politics. Similarly, you may prefer a career in sales or as an agent. As well as being analytical, you possibly possess technical skills that can aid you in your career. Your strong dramatic sense may attract you to the theater or entertainment world, but whatever you do, you will probably want to be in charge or direct the action. Alternatively, being so determined and businesslike, you may decide to work for yourself.

Famous people who share your birthday include President Bill Clinton, fashion designer Coco Chanel, philosopher P. D. Ouspensky, tycoon Malcolm Forbes, inventor Orville Wright, drummer Ginger Baker, and actress Jill St. John.


Sunny, ambitious, and humanitarian are some of the ways people describe those with the number 19 birthday. Decisive and resourceful, you possess depth of vision, but the dreamer side of your nature is compassionate, idealistic, and creative. Although you are sensitive, the need to be someone may be the very thing that pushes you to be dramatic and claim center stage. Often there is a strong desire to establish an individual identity. To do so, you may first need to overcome the influence of peer group pressure. To others you may appear confident, resilient, and resourceful, but inner tensions may cause emotional ups and downs. Artistic and charismatic, you will find that the world is there for you to explore. The subinfluence of the number 8 month indicates that you possess stamina and vitality. Astute and determined, you rise to positions of authority and influence. Alternatively, your business and executive skills lead you to the world of commerce.

• Positive: dynamic, centered, creative, leader, lucky, progressive, optimistic, strong convictions, competitive, independent, gregarious

• Negative: self-centered, depressive, worry, fear of rejection, ups and downs, materialistic, egotistical, impatient

Love & Relationships

Assured and self-motivated, you can be understanding and considerate. Socially inclined, you have an ability to attract others that means you can always find friends and admirers. You are liable to be particularly interested in hardworking and intellectually stimulating people. Highly intuitive, you can sense what others are thinking or feeling; however, you need time to develop and build a trusting long-term relationship. Once committed, you can be a generous and kind partner.


You may be more likely to make a serious commitment with someone born on one of the following dates.

Love & friendship: Jan. 11, 21, 28, 31, Feb. 9, 19, 26, 29, Mar. 17, 24, 27, Apr. 5, 15, 22, 25, May 13, 20, 23, June 1, 11, 18, 21, July 9, 16, 19, Aug. 7, 14, 17, 31, Sept. 5, 12, 15, 29, Oct. 3, 10, 13, 27, 29, 31, Nov. 1, 8, 11, 25, 27, 29, Dec. 6, 9, 23, 25, 27

Beneficial: Jan. 9, 12, 18, 24, 29, Feb. 7, 10, 16, 22, 27, Mar. 5, 8, 14, 20, 25, Apr. 3, 6, 12, 18, 23, May 1, 10, 16, 21, 31, June 2, 8, 14, 19, 29, July 6, 12, 17, 27, Aug. 4, 10, 15, 25, Sept. 2, 8, 13, 23, Oct. 6, 11, 21., Nov. 4, 9, 19, Dec. 2, 7, 17

Fatal attractions: Jan. 3, Feb. 1, 15, 16, 17, Apr. 30, May 28, June 26, July 24, Aug. 22, Sep. 20, Oct. 18, Nov. 16, Dec. 14

Challenging: Jan. 7, 8, 19, 28, Feb. 5, 6, 17, 26, Mar. 4, 3, 15, 24, Apr. 1, 2, 13, 22, May 11, 20, June 9, 18, July 7, 16, Aug. 5, 14, Sept. 3, 12, Oct. 1, 10, Nov. 8, Dec. 6

Soul mates: Jan. 3, 19, Feb. 1, 17, Mar. 15, Apr. 13, May 11, June 9, July 7, Aug. 5, Sept. 3, Oct. 1

As a Leo born on August 19th, you are well-known for being ambitious, honest and active. While those around you seem content with their current status, you are always looking to reach the next level. As a goal-oriented individual, you rarely recall a situation where you accepted failure. You inspire others with your ambition and vigor. If your friends and family had one complaint, it would probably be your straightforward nature, which makes you painfully honest at times. While others call this being blunt, you would appreciate if others talked to you the same way.

Fire is your paired element, and as a Leo, you have the most fundamental relationship with fire of all the zodiac signs. Fire's influence burns within you, usually materializing in the passionate way you deal with life. If there is a cause or challenge that sparks your interest, your flame does not falter as you push to conquer it. Fire's influence can become one of your greatest assets in life, but be careful to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that are amongst its negative qualities.

The Sun is your sign's planetary ruler, but because you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive some influence from Mars. If the Sun could be considered responsible for your creativity and willpower, it would be Mars that is responsible for your assertiveness and dynamism. You are the most highly motivated of all the Leo Decans, which explains why you are among the most well geared towards success. Seeing as blind ambition can lead to an aggressive nature, make sure to meet your goals with positivity and focus. As long as you give yourself time to enjoy the less serious side of life as well, you will remain on a path towards success.

While picking a career is difficult for everyone, you may have an especially hard time choosing a path. Your determination would be well-suited for business, advertising or law. In the same sense, your abilities as a natural leader may lead to a successful pairing with a career in politics, which was the path of Bill Clinton, who was also born on August 19th. Your creativity may allow you to have the next great idea, similarly to Orville Wright, another of your birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is many little birds on the limb of a big tree. You may soon be finding many potential opportunities in your path. While this is an obvious sign of good fortune, it can also be quite confusing. It's understandable to be overwhelmed with new possibilities, but you have the inner-strength to make the best decision.

Here are a few Leo celebrities born on August 19 and their past or present romantic connections:

Bill Clinton (Leo) and Hillary Clinton (Scorpio)
Kyra Sedgwick (Leo) and Kevin Bacon (Cancer)

August 19 is associated with Birthday Number 9
August 19 is associated with Tarot Card 7 of Wands