What is a normal ear temperature

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Fever is one of the symptoms of COVID-19. Even if your symptoms are mild, get tested for COVID-19 immediately — use the fever Symptom Checker if you're not sure what to do.

You probably have a fever if your temperature is 38°C or higher.

A normal temperature is around 36-37°C, although it depends on your age, what you’ve been doing, the time of day and how you take the measurement.

A high temperature can be caused by:

CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the fever Symptom Checker and find out if you need to seek medical help.

What should I do when I have a fever?

If you have a high temperature there are several things you can do to help manage the condition:

  • it's important to stay well hydrated so drink plenty of clear non-alcoholic fluids
  • ice blocks or iced drinks may be soothing
  • wear lightweight clothing and avoid using blankets, doonas or quilts in bed as this may make you too hot and increase your temperature
  • keep the room at a comfortable temperature
  • rest and avoid heavy activity until your symptoms go away
  • avoid cold baths or sponging — this can actually make you or your child feel more uncomfortable
  • see your doctor if your fever doesn't go away or you are concerned

If you are caring for a sick child, go here for information about fever and high temperature in children or view this infographic.

What is a normal ear temperature

Typhoid fever is an infection caused by Salmonella typhi. Most cases in Australia occur in travellers returning from developing countries.

Read more on myDr website

What is a normal ear temperature

Dengue virus is spread by two types of mosquitoes that prefer to live indoors. Travellers are at risk if they visit an area that has the dengue mosquito. ​fact sheet

Read more on NSW Health website

What is a normal ear temperature

Find out what is a normal temperature for your baby, if your baby might have a fever and how to take your baby's temperature.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

What is a normal ear temperature

A fever is when the body temperature rises above normal. Find out about taking a temperature, how to treat a fever, and when to see your doctor.

Read more on myDr website

What is a normal ear temperature

Fever often occurs with a viral infection or with a bacterial infection. Normal body temperature is about 37 degrees C when measured by mouth.

Read more on myDr website

What is a normal ear temperature

What is a febrile convulsion? A febrile convulsion (also known as a febrile seizure) is common

Read more on Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website

What is a normal ear temperature

Read more on Better Health Channel website

What is a normal ear temperature

Trusted advice on serious symptoms and illnesses in babies and children including high fevers, diabetes, meningitis, and when to seek professional advice.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

What is a normal ear temperature

Febrile convulsions are seizures caused by fever. Symptoms include stiffness, jerkiness or unconsciousness. These convulsions usually aren’t serious.

Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website

What is a normal ear temperature

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