What is -a in linux

Linux Shell Used in this Guide

This guide uses the Bash shell for command formats. Refer to your operating system shell documentation for any variations required on your particular system.

Last modified date: 03/29/2022

show sysctl --entry <name>


set sysctl --entry <name> --value <0|1>


how to use range in golang

posted on 2022-05-03 08:28:11 - Go lang Tutorials

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What Is the Command Line?

Accessing the Command Line

User Accounts

Reading Documentation

Understanding the Linux File System Hierarchy

Navigating the Linux File System

Working with Permissions

Working with Files

Working as Root

Commonly Used Commands and Programs


The Linux command line is one of the most powerful tools available for computer system administration and maintenance. The command line is also known as the terminal, shell, console, command prompt, and command-line interface (CLI). For the purposes of this chapter and the next, these terms are interchangeable, although fine-grained differences do exist between them.

Using the command line ...

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What is -a in linux