What happens to the email messages you receive while the autoresponder feature is enabled?

Valid for versions 82 through the latest version



Last modified: July 6, 2022


This feature allows you to configure automatic email response messages. This is useful, for example, when the recipient is unavailable.

To view the autoresponders for a specific domain on your account, select that domain from the Managing menu on the top right side of the Autoresponders interface. A list of that domain’s autoresponders will appear.

To find an autoresponder’s specific email address, enter a keyword in the Search text box and click Go.


User-defined autoresponders ignore messages to which the Spam Filters feature assigns a score of 5 or higher.

To add an autoresponder, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Add Autoresponder. A new interface will appear.

  2. Select a character set from the Character Set menu.

  3. Enter the interval, in hours, for the autoresponder to wait between responses to the same email address.

    • For example, an autoresponder with an interval of 24 that receives an email at 8:00 AM on Monday immediately responds to the message. The autoresponder does not respond again if it receives a message from the same email address before 8:00 AM on Tuesday.
  4. In the Email text box, enter the email address for which to respond.


    You can only add one autoresponder for each email address. If you attempt to add multiple autoresponders for an email address, an error message will appear in the interface.

  5. In the From text box, enter the username to appear in the response.

  6. In the Subject text box, enter the subject to appear in the response.

  7. If the response message includes HTML tags, select the HTML checkbox.

  8. In the Body text box, enter the text of the response, for example:

    I am out of the office until July 2nd. You can reach me on my cell phone in case of emergencies.

  9. Select a start time. You can choose Immediately or Custom.

  10. Select a stop time later than the given start time. You can choose Never or Custom.

  11. Click Create.


You can only add autoresponders for non-default email accounts in Webmail. You cannot add an autoresponder for the default email account in Webmail.

You can add an autoresponder for your email account in Webmail. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Webmail interface at //example.com:2096, where example.com represents your email address’s domain.

  2. From the email address menu at the top right corner of the interface, select Autoresponders. The Autoresponders interface will appear.

  3. Follow the directions in the add an autoresponder section to add the autoresponder.

All email messages to your email account will receive this autoresponse until you remove it.

To edit an autoresponder, perform the following steps:

  1. Locate the autoresponder that you want to edit in the Current Autoresponders table and click Edit. A new interface will appear.

  2. Edit the autoresponder’s information.

  3. Click Modify.

To delete an autoresponder, perform the following steps:

  1. Locate the autoresponder that you want to delete in the Current Autoresponders table and click Delete. A confirmation message will appear.

  2. Click Delete Autoresponder.

  • Article
  • 03/31/2022
  • 2 minutes to read
  • Applies to: Exchange Server 2016 Enterprise Edition, Exchange Server 2016 Standard Edition, Exchange Server 2013 Standard Edition, Exchange Server 2013 Enterprise, Exchange Server 2010 Enterprise, Exchange Server 2010 Standard, Exchange Online

When the Out of Office Assistant is enabled, only one reply is sent to each sender, even if you receive multiple messages from that person.

The Out of Office Assistant sends an automatic reply to notify users who send you messages that you are away from the office. Your reply is only sent once to a message sender. The count is reset when you toggle the Out of Office Assistant. Microsoft Exchange clears its internal "sent to" list when you disable the Out of Office Assistant.

If you would like to have a reply sent for every message, use Rules instead of the Out of Office Assistant.

If you'll be away from your Gmail account, like on a vacation or without access to the Internet, you can set up a vacation responder to automatically notify people that you won't be able to get back to them right away. When people send you a message, they'll receive an email response containing what you've written in your vacation auto reply.

  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. In the top right, click Settings See all settings.
  3. Scroll down to the "Vacation responder" section.
  4. Select Vacation responder on.
  5. Fill in the date range, subject, and message.
  6. Under your message, check the box if you only want your contacts to see your vacation reply.
  7. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Note: If you have a Gmail signature, it will be shown at the bottom of your vacation response.

When your vacation reply is on, you'll see a banner across the top of your inbox that shows the subject of your vacation response.

To turn off your vacation response, click End now.

Your vacation reply starts at 12:00 AM on the start date and ends at 11:59 PM on the end date, unless you end it earlier.

In most cases, your vacation response is only sent to people the first time they message you.

Here are the times someone may see your vacation response more than once:

  • If the same person contacts you again after four days and your vacation reply is still on, they'll see your vacation response again.
  • Your vacation response starts over each time you edit it. If someone gets your initial vacation response, then emails you again after you've edited your response, they'll see your new response.
  • If you use Gmail through your work, school, or other organization, you can choose whether your response is sent to everyone or only people in your organization.

Tip: Messages sent to your spam folder and messages addressed to a mailing list you subscribe to won't get your vacation response.

You can find the out-of-office statuses in Gmail.

If someone is away from the office, Gmail shows their out of office status when you compose an email to them. You can still send the email, but they might not reply until they return. If you have Chat enabled in Gmail, you'll also get their out of office status when you send a direct message.

If someone doesn't have permission to view your out of office event, Gmail won't show you're out of office.

Jotform has two email alerts that you can set up, we have the Email Notification and the Autoresponder.

The Email Notification is an email alert sent to you, as the form owner, when someone fills your form. By default, when you reply to an Email Notification, it’s received by the person who submitted your form.

The Autoresponder email on the other hand is the email alert sent to the form filler. When a user replies to it, the message gets sent to your email.

How to Access Your Email Alerts

  1. Go to the Settings tab in the Form Builder.
  2. Click Emails on the left.

Here, you can create, edit, or delete email alerts.

How to Create, Edit, or Delete Email Alerts

You can see the options to edit or delete an email alert when you hover your mouse over it.

To create a new email alert, click the Add an email button.

How to Set Up an Email Notification

If you want to send an Email Notification. You can simply follow this guide on “Setting Up Email Notifications”.

The Email Notification has 3 main tabs:




  • Email – here you can change the email subject line and the body of the email template.
  • Recipients – set up the sender name, reply-to, and recipient email here.
    • Sender Name – the name displayed in the recipient’s inbox. Jotform is the default sender name but you can select any supported elements on your form.
    • Reply-To Email – mapped to one of your form’s Email elements by default. This is the email address that the reply message is sent to when you click the “Reply” button in your email client.
    • Recipient Email – this is the email address that the message is sent to when after form submission. It’s set to your account’s email address by default.
  • Advanced – you can find more options for your Email Notification here.
    • Send Email On – set up the triggers on when to send the email alert here.
    • Send Uploads as Attachment – enable this option if you want to receive files uploaded in the form via email.
    • PDF Attachment – enable this option if you want to receive a PDF copy of the submission as an attachment.
    • Hide Empty Fields – this option will hide empty fields from received emails when enabled.
    • Update Email – while this option is disabled, changes on the form will not affect the email content.
    • Sender Email – “” is the default sender email. To add a custom sender email, see “How to Add a Custom Sender Address to an Email Alert”.

If you want to send an Autoresponder email. You can follow this guide on “Setting up an Autoresponder Email”.

Here, the same with the Email Notification, we have 3 main tabs:




  • Email – here you can change the email subject line and content.
  • Recipients – set up the sender name, reply-to, and recipient email here.
    • Sender Name – the name displayed in the recipient’s inbox.
    • Reply-To Email – This is the email address that the reply message is sent to when users click the “Reply” button in their email client. This is set to your account’s email address by default.
    • Recipient E-mail – mapped to one of your form’s Email elements by default. This is the email address that the message is sent to when after form submission.
  • Advanced – here you can find more options for your Autoresponder.
    • Send Email On – set up the triggers on when to send the email alert here.
    • PDF Attachment – enabling this option will allow you to attach a PDF of submitted data. You can choose a PDF layout from the available ones that you created.
    • Attach a File – you can attach a file that your customers will receive via email.
    • Send Emails Later – you can postpone the sending of the Autoresponder email and send it at a later date.
    • Hide Empty Fields – empty fields will not be shown in the email content when this option is enabled.
    • Update Email – enable this option so the changes you do on the form will reflect the email content.
    • Sender Email – “” is the default sender email. To add a custom sender email, see “How to Add a Custom Sender Address to an Email Alert”.

If you haven’t got started with an email form yet, please refer to the page in the link. 

Do you have any further questions? Please let us know below!

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