What food contains the most vitamin c and fiber

Last Updated: May 9th, 2022

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required for the maintenance of skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage, and wound healing. (1,2)

Vitamin C also helps protect cells against oxidative stress, which in turn provides protection against certain diseases, including cancer. (1,3)

Vitamin C, like zinc and vitamin A, also helps support your immune system. (4,5,6)

High vitamin C foods include guavas, bell peppers, kiwifruit, strawberries, oranges, papayas, broccoli, tomatoes, kale, and snow peas. The current daily value (DV) for vitamin C is 90mg. (7)

Below is a list high vitamin C foods ranked by a common serving size, use the nutrient ranking of over 200 foods high in vitamin C to see the foods highest in vitamin C by nutrient density (per gram), or see rankings of fruits high in vitamin C, and vegetables high in vitamin C.

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The fruit that contains vitamin C and fiber is the orange.

The vitamin c and fiber foods is a fruit that contains vitamin C and fiber. There are many different fruits that contain these two nutrients, but the vitamin c and fiber foods is one of them.

Fruits that are high in fiber

  • Avocado. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats, which are good for heart health.
  • Pear. Pears are high in fiber and C vitamins and A, as well as folate and calcium.
  • Apple. Apples are high in vitamins C and A, as well as folate.
  • Raspberries.
  • Blackberries.
  • Prunes.
  • Orange.
  • Banana.

Similarly, which fruit has the most vitamin C?

The following fruits have the highest vitamin C content:

  • Cantaloupe.
  • Orange and grapefruit juices are examples of citrus fruits and liquids.
  • Kiwi is a kind of fruit.
  • Mango.
  • Papaya.
  • Pineapple.
  • Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries are some of the most popular berries.
  • Watermelon.

Second, which fruit has the highest fiber content? Apples, bananas, oranges, and strawberries are all high in fiber, with 3 to 4 grams per serving. (Eat the apple skins since they contain the greatest fiber!) With 8 grams of fiber per cup, raspberries win the fiber race. Exotic fruits are high in fiber as well: A mango has 5 grams, a persimmon contains 6, and a cup of guava contains about 9.

Similarly, what fruits are high in vitamin C and fiber?

Vitamin C-rich fruits include the following.

Fruits’ Names Sizes of Portion Vitamin C Concentration (mg)
Kiwifruit 1 large (69 g) 64.0
Orange 1 large (151 g) 68.0
Strawberries a 12 cup (72 g) 42.3
Papaya a 12 cup (72.5 g) 44.2

What foods are the highest in vitamin C?

Broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, kale, kiwi, orange juice, papaya, red, green, or yellow pepper, sweet potato, strawberries, and tomatoes are all high in vitamin C.

Answers to Related Questions

Which kind of vitamin C is the most effective?

Calcium ascorbate is a common buffered vitamin C supplement that is claimed to be easily absorbed and soothing on the stomach. Plant chemicals called bioflavonoids act as antioxidants. According to several studies, bioflavonoids enhance ascorbic acid bioavailability.

Which vitamin is beneficial to the skin?

vitamins C

Vitamin C aids in the absorption of non-heme iron, which is present in leafy greens and other plant foods. Iron absorption may be aided by drinking a small glass of 100% fruit juice or eating a vitamin-C-rich dish with meals. Heat and light may both degrade vitamin C.

What are some vitamin C-rich beverages?

Orange Juice and Oranges

One 8-ounce glass of orange juice provides 124 milligrams of vitamin C3, thus a day’s worth of vitamin C may be obtained in just one meal. Potassium, folate, lutein, and vitamin A are all found in oranges and orange juice.

Do carrots have a lot of vitamin C?

Immune system health and healing

Vitamin C is another antioxidant found in carrots. Collagen synthesis is aided by vitamin C.

Is it the lemon or the orange that contains more vitamin C?

Lemon juice contains approximately 53 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. This is in addition to what apples, honeydew melons, raspberries, and mangoes have to offer. It’s similar to other citrus fruits like oranges and clementines. The vitamin C content of the acerola cherry is 1,700 mg per 100 g.

Which fruit has a higher concentration of vitamin C than an orange?


Which fruit is beneficial to the skin?

Blackcurrants, blueberries, broccoli, guava, kiwi fruits, oranges, papaya, strawberries, and sweet potatoes are the greatest sources. Vitamin C is required for the formation of collagen, which helps to strengthen the capillaries that feed the skin.

Compared to maize, wheat, and potatoes, raw, long-grain white rice is a reasonably excellent source of calories, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folate, and vitamin E. It lacks vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, and lutein+zeazanthin, as well as a significant amount of fiber.

Is it true that bananas are high in vitamin C and fiber?

Bananas are high in fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, among other things.

What foods are high in vitamin C and fiber?

Spinach with Mustard

Despite the fact that heating reduces vitamin C concentration in foods, one cup of cooked mustard greens contains 117 milligrams of vitamin C, or 130 percent of the daily value (31). Mustard spinach, like many dark, leafy greens, is rich in vitamin A, potassium, calcium, manganese, fiber, and folate.

While that reputation is well-deserved (a navel orange provides approximately 82mg of vitamin C), you should consider using sweet potatoes instead. Sweet potatoes, according to Accredited Practising Dietitian Sharon Natoli, have a lot going for them when it comes to staying healthy throughout the winter.

What can I do to boost the amount of fiber in my diet?

Here are 16 methods to increase your fiber intake.

  1. Carbohydrates from whole foods should be consumed.
  2. Include vegetables in your meals and consume them first.
  3. Popcorn should be consumed.
  4. Fruit is a good snack.
  5. Whole grains are preferable than refined grains.
  6. Take a Fiber Supplement if you’re not getting enough fiber in your diet.
  7. Chia Seeds should be consumed.
  8. Consume whole fruits and vegetables rather than juice.

Which fruits contain a lot of iron?

Sources of iron from plants (non-heme)

  • Beans, soybeans, and lentils are examples of legumes.
  • Spinach or kale, for example, are dark green leafy vegetables.
  • Breakfast cereals with added vitamins and minerals.
  • Rice or pasta with added nutrients.
  • Breads made with whole grains and fortified with vitamins and minerals.
  • Seeds from pumpkins.
  • Apricots, raisins, and prunes are examples of dried fruits.

What are some of the advantages of vitamin C?

All bodily tissues need vitamin C, commonly known as ascorbic acid, for growth, development, and repair. It’s engaged in a variety of physiological processes, including collagen production, iron absorption, the immune system, wound healing, and cartilage, bone, and tooth preservation.

Carrots are mostly made up of water and carbohydrates. Carrots are also an excellent source of fiber, with one medium-sized carrot (61 g) containing 2 g. Carrots have a low glycemic index (GI), which measures how fast meals increase blood sugar levels after a meal.

Pomegranates are high in fiber and vitamin C.

Nutrients. Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber are all abundant in pomegranates. The white seeds hidden under the juice pockets contain the bulk of the fiber. It has 48 percent of the daily vitamin C requirement, which is essential for a number of health activities.

What fiber-rich foods are there?


  • FRUITS. Bananas, oranges, apples, mangoes, strawberries, and raspberries are all high in fiber.
  • VEGETABLES. In general, the greater the fiber concentration, the deeper the hue.
  • LEGUMES AND BEANS Salads, soups, and chilis benefit from the taste and fiber included in beans and legumes.
  • NUTS.

When I’m constipated, what should I eat?

Fruit, both fresh and dried, should be consumed.

Fruit, particularly dried fruit, is high in fiber and one of the foods that may assist with constipation relief. Fiber, in conjunction with water, aids in the formation of a stool that is easy to pass. Raisins, prunes, figs, bananas, apples, and applesauce are all good options for a constipation diet.

The vitamin c foods and drinks is a fruit that contains vitamin C, fiber, and other nutrients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do bananas have vitamin C and fiber?

Bananas are a great source of fiber and vitamin C, which is why theyre considered to be one of the healthiest fruits.

Which fruits contain vitamin C Fibre?

Oranges, strawberries, grapefruit.

Do pomegranates have fiber and vitamin C?

Yes, pomegranates have fiber and vitamin C.

  • fruits rich in vitamin c
  • vitamin c and fiber banana
  • vitamin c vegetables
  • orange vitamin c
  • source of vitamin d

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