What does a theme contain?

A theme is a predefined set of colors, fonts, and visual effects that you apply to your slides for a unified, professional look.

Using a theme gives your presentation a harmonious appearance with minimal effort. For example:

  • When you add graphics (tables, shapes, and so on) to your slides, PowerPoint applies theme colors that are compatible with other slide elements.

  • Dark-colored text is shown on a light background (and vice versa), so that contrast is strong for ease of reading.

Here are four different themes applied to the same slide:

PowerPoint offers several preset themes. They are on the Design tab of the Ribbon on the left side.

  1. Open a slide. On the Design tab, point at a Theme thumbnail to get a preview of how it would affect the look of your slide.

  2. To see the full gallery of themes, click the More button:

  3. When you find a theme you want, click its thumbnail to apply it to all slides in your presentation.

To customize a theme, see Create your own theme in PowerPoint.

A template is a theme plus some content for a specific purpose—such as a sales presentation, a business plan, or a classroom lesson.

So a template has design elements that work together (colors, fonts, backgrounds, effects) along with sample slides and boilerplate content that you augment to tell your story.

You can create your own custom templates and store them, reuse them, and share them with others. See Create and save a PowerPoint template.

You can also find hundreds of different types of free templates for PowerPoint that you can apply to your presentation:

  Get pre-built PowerPoint templates at templates.office.com  

Templates.Office.com also has templates for other Office apps. Here are some examples of the free templates available there:


Award certificates



Business cards


Slides containing content



Design slides



Expense reports

Fax sheets


Common forms

Gift certificates

Greeting cards













Purchase orders








Time sheets

Here is an example of a one-slide template for an award certificate:

A template like this can include:

1 Subject-specific content, such as "Certificate of Achievement," "Soccer," and the soccer ball image. Generally this text or content is only editable from the slide master.

2 Background formatting, such as pictures, texture, gradient or solid fill color, and transparency. This example shows the light blue solid fill background.

3 Color, fonts, effects (3-D, lines, fills, shadows, etc.), and theme design elements (such as the color and gradient effects inside the word Soccer).

4 Text placeholders that allow people to enter unique information to customize the slide for their needs, such as "Player's name," "Name of coach," "Date of presentation," and any variable, such as the year.

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What is theme? Themes are a way of organizing and categorizing the things you do. A theme is what unites your work or gives it meaning.

In cinema, a theme is a central idea that the film is built around.

Themes can be anything, from an idea to a color concept. In this article, we’ll talk about how themes define movies (and other forms of story) and why you should think seriously about theme when you’re creating a narrative work.

Theme definition is an element in writing that can be difficult to define.

The word ‘theme’ comes from the Greek ‘thema’ meaning a subject, and it is often used interchangeably with the term ‘subject.’

Theme can also refer to the central idea of a work of art or literary text.

What Is Theme?

What is a theme? A theme can be defined as an idea that recurs in different forms in a work of art, literature, or music.

Themes are often abstract concepts, such as love and death but they can also take on more tangible forms like home and family, for example.

A good blog post should have an interesting intro paragraph that makes people want to continue reading it!

What Does Theme Mean In Literature And Film?

What is a theme? A theme is the central idea or point of a literary work. Themes are often quite complex and may be difficult to pinpoint. They can be moral, philosophical, emotional, social, etc.

Themes In Literature

Some examples of themes from famous novels are “Man’s struggle with nature” (Lord Of The Flies), “The human condition” (to kill a mockingbird), and “The woman question” (Jane Eyre).

Themes In Film

A good example of this would be ‘Toy Story’, where Woody’s main goal throughout the film is to keep Andy happy by entertaining him with his toys while he grows up.

What does a theme mean in literature and film?

A theme is the central idea or point that a work of art is trying to convey. Themes can be anything from love, war, death, etc. In literature and film, themes are often conveyed through symbolism and character development.

For example:

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel, “The Lord of the Rings,” he uses various symbols, such as Aragorn’s sword, Narsil, to represent hope for mankind’s future, and Gandalf represents wisdom while Sauron symbolizes evil power.

During this period of time (the 1940s), films were used as propaganda to promote patriotism for America during World War II. Films like “Mrs. Miniver” show how families cope with wartime life while also

What does a theme mean in literature and film? A theme is a central idea or topic explored in a literary work or film.

In literature, a theme often refers to ideas that are common topics of discussion at the time it was written.

For example, “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, deals with themes like decadence and societal change during the era of American history known as ‘The Roaring Twenties’.

In films, filmmakers use symbolism to explore their thematic ideas through visual images and dialogue. One example is how Alfred Hitchcock’s 1958 thriller “Vertigo” explores the concept of fear through its many twists and turns throughout the storyline.

The word “theme” is used in many different contexts but when it comes to literature and film, the term refers to a central idea. What does a theme mean in these two genres? Let’s explore this question together.

Major Theme Examples

What are some major themes that have been used in past literature?

In this blog post, we explore some of the most common major themes in literature.

Themes are used to convey a message or idea through symbolism or characterization. Themes may also be expressed through settings and plot development.

Some common themes in literature are coming of age, self-discovery, good versus evil, and love conquers all.

A theme is one of the most basic elements of a story and can manifest itself in many different forms. Themes are often abstract concepts that take on an emotional or moral significance through their representation in a literary work.

Some common themes have been used throughout literature, such as love, death, power, and faith.

Also, more obscure themes have been explored, such as:

  • food, which can be used symbolically to represent society’s obsession with materialism or lust for power; or
  • climate change (i.e., An Inconvenient Truth), which may serve as a warning about potential ecological disaster if we continue our current lifestyle habits unchecked into the future.

I’m going to talk about major themes in literature and their examples. I’ll start by talking about the theme of love.

Romance is a common theme in novels but it’s not always the most interesting or gripping one.

For example, The Great Gatsby takes place during the 1920s when America was experiencing an economic boom that made life seem like a party for some people while others struggled with poverty and unemployment.

Despite this period of time being ripe with drama, Fitzgerald chose to focus on Nick Carraway’s complicated relationship with his neighbor Tom Buchanan, who is married to Daisy Buchanan; Daisy is Nick’s cousin whom he has loved since childhood.

Minor Theme Examples

A theme is an integral part of any story that can be as small or large as the author wants. Some authors choose to include themes in their stories and others don’t but themes usually have a place in some way.

This blog post will give you examples of minor themes found within three different books: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and Lord Of The Flies by William Golding.

The Minor Theme Examples blog post is an informative and concise introduction to the basics of minor themes. The post contains a list of examples, as well as a description of what they are, how minor themes work in general, and their role in literature.

Minor Theme Examples is a blog post that talks about some of the more common minor themes in movies.

It’s important to note that this isn’t an exhaustive list and there are many more examples than those listed here.

For example, Thelma and Louise could be considered a double-minor theme because it’s really two distinct stories with one connecting thread: the bond between women.

One of the best ways to make your blog more interesting and captivating is by adding minor themes.

These are topics that you don’t want to focus on but can be briefly mentioned throughout the post.

You may want to mention or discuss a minor theme if it relates closely to what you’re talking about in your post.

It’s also good for mentioning something that might not have been much of an issue before but now has become an issue because of a recent occurrence in society (e.g., how people are dealing with money these days).

What Is The Theme Of A Story?

To write a blog post intro paragraph, it’s important to understand what the theme of a story means. The theme of a story is an idea or message that is explored throughout the text.

A theme can be as simple as “love conquers all” or more complex as “the power of love.” It’s important to consider what your audience might want and need when considering your topic for the blog post intro paragraph.

Do you know the theme of the story? The theme is often at the heart of any given piece and can be used to determine its meaning. A few themes are environmentalism, love, loss, and powerlessness, to name a few.

What is the theme of a story? A story’s theme usually revolves around a moral or a lesson. It can be anything from “The more you know about what you’re doing, the better your chances are at being successful” to “Don’t let anyone tell you can’t do something.”

A theme is an incredibly important part of storytelling because it determines how people will remember the work.

A story is a sequence of events that are linked by causality, time, and/or space. The theme in any given story is the idea or central message it tries to convey.

What Is An Example Of A Theme?

A theme is a word that often goes misunderstood. When people think of a theme, they often think of the colors and decorations used in a room or event.

Themes can be much more than this though, as they are an idea or topic that ties together different aspects of your life.

Many people like to write about themselves and what they’re passionate about. It’s a great way for them to develop their voice and connect with an audience but it can be difficult creating new ideas all the time.

The answer is simple; create your own theme! A blog post can have one or more themes present throughout its content, which provides readers with a sense of familiarity when they come back again and again.

A theme is a word or phrase that captures the essence of what you are writing about. It can be something literal like “love” or “dangerous animals” but it can also be an abstract idea, such as “the pursuit of happiness.”

Themes are important because they help readers understand your message and identify with your topic.

A theme is a unifying concept or idea that connects the story’s plot, characters, and setting.

They can be used to explore important aspects of life, such as love, death, honor, and betrayal.

Some common themes in literature are family relationships and coming-of-age stories.

How Are Major Themes Used?

There are many ways to use major themes in a blog post. One way to do this is by exploring the theme through different perspectives. This can include looking at how a character, place, object, or event responds and reacts to the theme.

Another technique for using major themes is by exploring what makes them so important in society or culture today.

Another way of examining a major theme in an informative tone would be highlighting some facts about it that might not be well known, such as why it’s important, how we’re currently experiencing it, etc.

A blogger may also look at what effects it has on society and/or individuals who experience it as well as explore its origins and history.

Three major themes serve as the foundation for all stories. These include a character’s journey, an idea, and conflict. All three of these components work together to create an engaging story.

For those who are not familiar with what a major theme is, it’s the central idea of a work that runs throughout the entirety of its narrative.

It’s typically seen as an exploration of this one idea and how it affects different people in their lives.

A well-known example would be Romeo and Juliet. The play explores love and the effects on society when young lovers die tragically.

Major themes are used to represent the underlying meaning of a text. Major themes can be found in anything from literature, film and television, music, art, or even advertising.

Themes such as love or death often come up in movies and books alike because they’re universal topics that everyone deals with at one point or another.

These types of major themes can also demonstrate what an author is trying to convey to their audience through symbolism and imagery.

How Are Minor Themes Used?

A minor theme is a recurring element in a story that doesn’t have as much significance to the plot.

Minor themes can be used anywhere and, oftentimes, they are used for highlighting or contrasting major themes, such as love and hate. In this post, I’ll discuss some ways minor themes can be used to create an interesting story.

Some would say that films are all about the big moments but what defines a film is not just its highs and lows. A film can also be defined by the smaller themes present throughout it.

These minor themes can often be overlooked in favor of more prominent events but they do add depth to a story and help to round out the characters.

It’s a common misconception that minor themes are an easy way to tackle the “bigger” issues in life.

However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Minor themes can often be some of the most difficult problems to solve because they’re so ingrained into our everyday lives and we don’t even realize it!

In the world of literature, it’s often difficult to find a story that doesn’t include some form of conflict.

However, while many authors use larger-scale conflicts such as man versus nature or man versus society in their stories, there are also smaller-scale conflicts called minor themes that can be used for effective storytelling just as much as any using other types of conflict.

What Is The Theme Of Schindler’s List?

Schindler’s List is a 1993 American historical drama film about Oskar Schindler, an ethnic German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories thus, keeping them from being killed in Nazi concentration camps during the war.

It’s an epic historical drama directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg, based on the novel Schindler’s Ark by Thomas Keneally.

It tells the story of Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson), a German businessman who saved the lives of more than 1,100 Jews during The Holocaust by employing them in his factories.

How is it possible for a man to save so many people during World War II?

This question has been asked by many and studied by historians.

The answer, in the words of Oskar Schindler, “is really very simple.” It was love; pure unadulterated love that enabled him to do what he did.

What Is Theme – Wrap Up: Tools For Screenwriters

The most important tool for any screenwriter is their ability to tell a story. But there are other tools available that can help you on your journey!

Whether it’s research, brainstorming, or just getting the words down on paper, we have some handy tips and tricks for you.

Screenplays are a form of specialized writing that is meant to be read by theater actors. As opposed to novels, screenplays are written in less detail and can contain dialogue and sound effects.

Writing scripts require a lot of research about the story being told, as well as knowledge about stage directions and formatting for each scene.

Think about your favorite movie. Now imagine the scenes you love most, but without sound.

The reality is that much of what we watch on screen relies heavily on audio for storytelling and emotional impact.

To create compelling stories in film or television, writers must be aware of the power of dialogue and music to move their audience emotionally.

Screenwriters have been working for decades to hone their craft. One of the most important steps in this process is writing a good screenplay.

But what defines a “good screenplay?” There are many tools and resources available to screenwriters but it can be difficult to know which ones will actually help you create the story you want to tell.

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